&1 // redirect added to the command in drush_shell_exec(). We will actually take out // all but fatal errors. See http://drupal.org/node/985716 for more information. $phpcode = 'error_reporting(E_ERROR);' . _drush_site_install6_cookies($profile). ' include("'. $drupal_root .'/install.php");'; drush_shell_exec('php -r %s', $phpcode); $cli_output = drush_shell_exec_output(); $cli_cookie = end($cli_output); $phpcode = _drush_site_install6_cookies($profile, $cli_cookie). ' $_GET["op"]="start"; include("'. $drupal_root .'/install.php");'; drush_shell_exec('php -r %s', $phpcode); $phpcode = _drush_site_install6_cookies($profile, $cli_cookie). ' $_GET["op"]="do_nojs"; include("'. $drupal_root .'/install.php");'; drush_shell_exec('php -r %s', $phpcode); $phpcode = _drush_site_install6_cookies($profile, $cli_cookie). ' $_GET["op"]="finished"; include("'. $drupal_root .'/install.php");'; drush_shell_exec('php -r %s', $phpcode); $account_pass = drush_get_option('account-pass', 'admin'); $phpcode = _drush_site_install6_cookies($profile, $cli_cookie); $phpcode .= ' $_POST = array ( "site_name" => "'. drush_get_option('site-name', 'Site-Install') .'", "site_mail" => "'. drush_get_option('site-mail', 'admin@example.com') .'", "account" => array ( "name" => "'. drush_get_option('account-name', 'admin') .'", "mail" => "'. drush_get_option('account-mail', 'admin@example.com') .'", "pass" => array ( "pass1" => "'. $account_pass .'", "pass2" => "'. $account_pass .'" ) ), "date_default_timezone"=>"0", "clean_url"=>'. drush_get_option('clean-url', TRUE) .', "form_id"=>"install_configure_form", "update_status_module" => array("1"=>"1") ); include("'. $drupal_root .'/install.php");'; drush_shell_exec('php -r %s', $phpcode); } /** * Utility function to grab/set current "cli cookie". * */ function _drush_site_install6_cookies($profile, $cookie = NULL) { $drupal_base_url = parse_url(drush_get_option('uri', 'http://default')); $output = '$_GET=array("profile"=>"' . $profile . '", "locale"=>"' . drush_get_option('locale', 'en') . '", "id"=>"1"); $_REQUEST=&$_GET;'; $output .= 'define("DRUSH_SITE_INSTALL6", TRUE);$_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] = NULL;'; $output .= '$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "/install.php";'; $output .= '$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] = "'.$drupal_base_url['host'].'";'; $output .= '$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] = "";'; if ($cookie) { $output .= sprintf('$_COOKIE=unserialize("%s");', str_replace('"', '\"', $cookie)); } else { $output .= 'function _cli_cookie_print(){print(serialize(array(session_name()=>session_id())));} register_shutdown_function("_cli_cookie_print");'; } return $output; }