FALSE, 'query' => 'What went wrong'); * The schema version will not be updated in this case, and all the * aborted updates will continue to appear on update.php as updates that * have not yet been run. * * @param $module * The module whose update will be run. * @param $number * The update number to run. * @param $context * The batch context array */ function drush_update_do_one($module, $number, $dependency_map, &$context) { $function = $module . '_update_' . $number; // If this update was aborted in a previous step, or has a dependency that // was aborted in a previous step, go no further. if (!empty($context['results']['#abort']) && array_intersect($context['results']['#abort'], array_merge($dependency_map, array($function)))) { return; } $context['log'] = FALSE; $ret = array(); if (function_exists($function)) { try { if ($context['log']) { Database::startLog($function); } drush_log("Executing " . $function); $ret['results']['query'] = $function($context['sandbox']); $ret['results']['success'] = TRUE; } // @TODO We may want to do different error handling for different exception // types, but for now we'll just print the message. catch (Exception $e) { $ret['#abort'] = array('success' => FALSE, 'query' => $e->getMessage()); drush_set_error('DRUPAL_EXCEPTION', $e->getMessage()); } if ($context['log']) { $ret['queries'] = Database::getLog($function); } } if (isset($context['sandbox']['#finished'])) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['#finished']; unset($context['sandbox']['#finished']); } if (!isset($context['results'][$module])) { $context['results'][$module] = array(); } if (!isset($context['results'][$module][$number])) { $context['results'][$module][$number] = array(); } $context['results'][$module][$number] = array_merge($context['results'][$module][$number], $ret); if (!empty($ret['#abort'])) { // Record this function in the list of updates that were aborted. $context['results']['#abort'][] = $function; } // Record the schema update if it was completed successfully. if ($context['finished'] == 1 && empty($ret['#abort'])) { drupal_set_installed_schema_version($module, $number); } $context['message'] = 'Updating ' . check_plain($module) . ' module'; } /** * Check update requirements and report any errors. */ function update_check_requirements() { $warnings = FALSE; // Check the system module and update.php requirements only. $requirements = system_requirements('update'); $requirements += update_extra_requirements(); // If there are issues, report them. foreach ($requirements as $requirement) { if (isset($requirement['severity']) && $requirement['severity'] != REQUIREMENT_OK) { $message = isset($requirement['description']) ? $requirement['description'] : ''; if (isset($requirement['value']) && $requirement['value']) { $message .= ' (Currently using ' . $requirement['title'] . ' ' . $requirement['value'] . ')'; } $warnings = TRUE; drupal_set_message($message, 'warning'); } } return $warnings; } function update_main_prepare() { // Some unavoidable errors happen because the database is not yet up-to-date. // Our custom error handler is not yet installed, so we just suppress them. drush_errors_off(); // We prepare a minimal bootstrap for the update requirements check to avoid // reaching the PHP memory limit. require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/bootstrap.inc'; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/update.inc'; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/common.inc'; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/file.inc'; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/entity.inc'; include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/unicode.inc'; update_prepare_d7_bootstrap(); drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION); require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/install.inc'; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/modules/system/system.install'; // Load module basics. include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/module.inc'; $module_list['system']['filename'] = 'modules/system/system.module'; module_list(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, $module_list); drupal_load('module', 'system'); // Reset the module_implements() cache so that any new hook implementations // in updated code are picked up. module_implements('', FALSE, TRUE); // Set up $language, since the installer components require it. drupal_language_initialize(); // Set up theme system for the maintenance page. drupal_maintenance_theme(); // Check the update requirements for Drupal. update_check_requirements(); // update_fix_d7_requirements() needs to run before bootstrapping beyond path. // So bootstrap to DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_LANGUAGE then include unicode.inc. drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_LANGUAGE); update_fix_d7_requirements(); // Now proceed with a full bootstrap. drush_bootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL); drupal_maintenance_theme(); drush_errors_on(); include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/batch.inc'; drupal_load_updates(); update_fix_compatibility(); // Change query-strings on css/js files to enforce reload for all users. _drupal_flush_css_js(); // Flush the cache of all data for the update status module. if (db_table_exists('cache_update')) { cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_update', TRUE); } module_list(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); } function update_main() { update_main_prepare(); $pending = update_get_update_list(); $start = array(); // Ensure system module's updates run first $start['system'] = array(); // Print a list of pending updates for this module and get confirmation. if (sizeof($pending)) { drush_print(dt('The following updates are pending:')); drush_print(); foreach ($pending as $module => $updates) { if (isset($updates['start'])) { drush_print($module . ' module : '); if (isset($updates['start'])) { $start[$module] = $updates['start']; foreach ($updates['pending'] as $update) { drush_print($update, 2); } } drush_print(); } } if (!drush_confirm(dt('Do you wish to run all pending updates?'))) { return drush_user_abort(); } drush_update_batch($start); } else { drush_log(dt("No database updates required"), 'success'); } } function _update_batch_command($id) { update_main_prepare(); drush_batch_command($id); } /** * Start the database update batch process. * * @param $start * An array of all the modules and which update to start at. * @param $redirect * Path to redirect to when the batch has finished processing. * @param $url * URL of the batch processing page (should only be used for separate * scripts like update.php). * @param $batch * Optional parameters to pass into the batch API. * @param $redirect_callback * (optional) Specify a function to be called to redirect to the progressive * processing page. */ function drush_update_batch($start) { // Resolve any update dependencies to determine the actual updates that will // be run and the order they will be run in. $updates = update_resolve_dependencies($start); // Store the dependencies for each update function in an array which the // batch API can pass in to the batch operation each time it is called. (We // do not store the entire update dependency array here because it is // potentially very large.) $dependency_map = array(); foreach ($updates as $function => $update) { $dependency_map[$function] = !empty($update['reverse_paths']) ? array_keys($update['reverse_paths']) : array(); } $operations = array(); foreach ($updates as $update) { if ($update['allowed']) { // Set the installed version of each module so updates will start at the // correct place. (The updates are already sorted, so we can simply base // this on the first one we come across in the above foreach loop.) if (isset($start[$update['module']])) { drupal_set_installed_schema_version($update['module'], $update['number'] - 1); unset($start[$update['module']]); } // Add this update function to the batch. $function = $update['module'] . '_update_' . $update['number']; $operations[] = array('drush_update_do_one', array($update['module'], $update['number'], $dependency_map[$function])); } } $batch['operations'] = $operations; $batch += array( 'title' => 'Updating', 'init_message' => 'Starting updates', 'error_message' => 'An unrecoverable error has occurred. You can find the error message below. It is advised to copy it to the clipboard for reference.', 'finished' => 'drush_update_finished', 'file' => 'includes/update.inc', ); batch_set($batch); drush_backend_batch_process('updatedb-batch-process'); } function drush_update_finished($success, $results, $operations) { // Nothing to do here. All caches already cleared. Kept as documentation of 'finished' callback. }