array( 'version_control' => 'Integration with VCS in order to easily commit your changes to projects.', 'package_handler' => 'Determine how to download/checkout new projects and acquire updates to projects.', ), ); $update_options = array( 'security-only' => 'Only update modules that have security updates available. However, if there were other releases of a module between the installed version the security update, other changes to features or functionality may occur.', 'lock' => 'Add a persistent lock to remove the specified projects from consideration during updates. Locks may be removed with the --unlock parameter, or overridden by specifically naming the project as a parameter to pm-update or pm-updatecode. The lock does not affect pm-download. See also the update-advanced project for similar and improved functionality.', ); $update_suboptions = array( 'lock' => array( 'lock-message' => 'A brief message explaining why a project is being locked; displayed during pm-updatecode. Optional.', 'unlock' => 'Remove the persistent lock from the specified projects so that they may be updated again.', ), ); $items['pm-enable'] = array( 'description' => 'Enable one or more extensions (modules or themes).', 'arguments' => array( 'extensions' => 'A list of modules or themes. You can use the * wildcard at the end of extension names to enable all matches.', ), 'aliases' => array('en'), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('enable'), ); $items['pm-disable'] = array( 'description' => 'Disable one or more extensions (modules or themes).', 'arguments' => array( 'extensions' => 'A list of modules or themes. You can use the * wildcard at the end of extension names to disable multiple matches.', ), 'aliases' => array('dis'), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('disable'), ); $items['pm-info'] = array( 'description' => 'Show detailed info for one or more extensions (modules or themes).', 'arguments' => array( 'extensions' => 'A list of modules or themes. You can use the * wildcard at the end of extension names to show info for multiple matches. If no argument is provided it will show info for all available extensions.', ), 'aliases' => array('pmi'), ); // Install command is reserved for the download and enable of projects including dependencies. // @see for more information. // $items['install'] = array( // 'description' => 'Download and enable one or more modules', // ); $items['pm-uninstall'] = array( 'description' => 'Uninstall one or more modules.', 'arguments' => array( 'modules' => 'A list of modules.', ), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('uninstall'), ); $items['pm-list'] = array( 'description' => 'Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes).', 'callback arguments' => array(array(), FALSE), 'options' => array( 'type' => 'Filter by extension type. Choices: module, theme.', 'status' => 'Filter by extension status. Choices: enabled, disable and/or \'not installed\'. You can use multiple comma separated values. (i.e. --status="disabled,not installed").', 'package' => 'Filter by project packages. You can use multiple comma separated values. (i.e. --package="Core - required,Other").', 'core' => 'Filter out extensions that are not in drupal core.', 'no-core' => 'Filter out extensions that are provided by drupal core.', 'pipe' => 'Returns a space delimited list of the names of the resulting extensions.', ), 'aliases' => array('pml'), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('sm'), ); $items['pm-refresh'] = array( 'description' => 'Refresh update status information.', 'drupal dependencies' => array($update), 'aliases' => array('rf'), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('refresh'), ); $items['pm-updatecode'] = array( 'description' => 'Update Drupal core and contrib projects to latest recommended releases.', 'drupal dependencies' => array($update), 'arguments' => array( 'projects' => 'Optional. A list of installed projects to update.', ), 'options' => array( 'pipe' => 'Returns a space delimited list of projects with any of its extensions enabled and their respective version and update information, one project per line. Order: project name, current version, recommended version, update status.', 'notes' => 'Show release notes for each project to be updated.', ) + $update_options, 'sub-options' => $update_suboptions, 'aliases' => array('upc'), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('updatecode'), 'topics' => array('docs-policy'), ) + $engines; // Merge all items from above. $items['pm-update'] = array_merge($items['pm-updatecode'], array( 'description' => 'Update Drupal core and contrib projects and apply any pending database updates (Same as pm-updatecode + updatedb).', 'aliases' => array('up'), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('update'), )); $items['pm-updatecode-postupdate'] = array( 'description' => 'Notify of pending db updates.', 'hidden' => TRUE ); $items['pm-releasenotes'] = array( 'description' => 'Print release notes for given projects.', 'arguments' => array( 'projects' => 'A list of project names, with optional version. Defaults to \'drupal\'', ), 'options' => array( 'html' => dt('Display releasenotes in HTML rather than plain text.'), ), 'examples' => array( 'drush rln cck' => 'Prints the release notes for the recommended version of CCK project.', 'drush rln token-1.13' => 'View release notes of a specfic version of the Token project for my version of Drupal.', 'drush rln pathauto zen' => 'View release notes for the recommended version of Pathauto and Zen projects.', ), 'aliases' => array('rln'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, ); $items['pm-releases'] = array( 'description' => 'Print release information for given projects.', 'arguments' => array( 'projects' => 'A list of project names. Defaults to \'drupal\'', ), 'options' => array( 'dev' => "Show only development releases.", 'all' => "Shows all available releases instead of the default short list of recent releases.", ), 'examples' => array( 'drush pm-releases cck zen' => 'View releases for cck and Zen projects for your Drupal version.', ), 'aliases' => array('rl'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, ); $items['pm-download'] = array( 'description' => 'Download projects from or other sources.', 'examples' => array( 'drush dl' => 'Download latest recommended release of Drupal core.', 'drush dl drupal' => 'Same as `drush dl`.', 'drush dl drupal-7.x' => 'Download latest 7.x development version of Drupal core.', 'drush dl drupal-6' => 'Download latest recommended release of Drupal 6.x.', 'drush dl cck zen' => 'Download latest versions of CCK and Zen projects.', 'drush dl og-1.3' => 'Download a specfic version of Organic groups module for my version of Drupal.', 'drush dl diff-6.x-2.x' => 'Download a specific development branch of diff module for a specific Drupal version.', 'drush dl views --select' => 'Show a list of recent releases of the views project, prompt for which one to download.', 'drush dl webform --dev' => 'Download the latest dev release of webform.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'projects' => 'A list of project names, with optional version. Defaults to \'drupal\'', ), 'options' => array( 'destination' => 'Path to which the project will be copied. If you\'re providing a relative path, note it is relative to the drupal root (if bootstrapped).', 'use-site-dir' => 'Force to use the site specific directory. It will create the directory if it doesn\'t exist. If --destination is also present this option will be ignored.', 'source' => 'The base URL which provides project release history in XML. Defaults to', 'notes' => 'Show release notes after each project is downloaded.', 'variant' => "Only useful for install profiles. Possible values: 'full', 'projects', 'profile-only'.", 'dev' => "Download a development release.", 'select' => "Select the version to download interactively from a list of available releases.", 'all' => "Useful only with --select; shows all available releases instead of a short list of recent releases.", 'drupal-project-rename' => 'Alternate name for "drupal-x.y" directory when downloading Drupal project. Defaults to "drupal".', 'default-major' => 'Specify the default major version of modules to download when there is no bootstrapped Drupal site. Defaults to "7".', 'pipe' => 'Returns a list of the names of the extensions (modules and themes) contained in the downloaded projects.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, 'aliases' => array('dl'), 'deprecated-aliases' => array('download'), ) + $engines; return $items; } /** * @defgroup extensions Extensions management. * @{ * Functions to manage extensions. */ /** * Sort callback function for sorting extensions. * * It will sort first by type, second by package and third by name. */ function _drush_pm_sort_extensions($a, $b) { if ($a->type == 'module' && $b->type == 'theme') { return -1; } if ($a->type == 'theme' && $b->type == 'module') { return 1; } $cmp = strcasecmp($a->info['package'], $b->info['package']); if ($cmp == 0) { $cmp = strcasecmp($a->info['name'], $b->info['name']); } return $cmp; } /** * Calculate a extension status based on current status and schema version. * * @param $extension * Object of a single extension info. * * @return * String describing extension status. Values: enabled|disabled|not installed */ function drush_get_extension_status($extension) { if (($extension->type == 'module')&&($extension->schema_version == -1)) { $status = "not installed"; } else { $status = ($extension->status == 1)?'enabled':'disabled'; } return $status; } /** * Wrapper of drupal_get_extensions() with additional information used by * pm- commands. * * @return * An array containing info for all available extensions w/additional info. */ function drush_pm_get_extensions() { $extensions = drush_get_extensions(); foreach ($extensions as $key => $extension) { if (empty($extension->info['package'])) { $extensions[$key]->info['package'] = dt('Other'); } } return $extensions; } /** * Classify extensions as modules, themes or unknown. * * @param $extensions * Array of extension names, by reference. * @param $modules * Empty array to be filled with modules in the provided extension list. * @param $themes * Empty array to be filled with themes in the provided extension list. */ function drush_pm_classify_extensions(&$extensions, &$modules, &$themes, $extension_info) { _drush_pm_expand_extensions($extensions, $extension_info); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { if (!isset($extension_info[$extension])) { continue; } if ($extension_info[$extension]->type == 'module') { $modules[$extension] = $extension; } else if ($extension_info[$extension]->type == 'theme') { $themes[$extension] = $extension; } } } /** * Obtain an array of installed projects off the extensions available. * * A project is considered to be 'enabled' when any of its extensions is * enabled. * If any extension lacks project information and it is found that the * extension was obtained from's cvs or git repositories, a new * 'vcs' attribute will be set on the extension. Example: * $extensions[name]->vcs = 'cvs'; * * @param array $extensions. * Array of extensions as returned by drush_get_extensions(). * @return * Array of installed projects with info of version, status and provided * extensions. */ function drush_get_projects(&$extensions = NULL) { if (is_null($extensions)) { $extensions = drush_get_extensions(); } $projects = array('drupal' => array('version' => VERSION)); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { // The project name is not available in this cases: // 1. the extension is part of drupal core. // 2. the project was checked out from CVS/git and cvs_deploy/git_deploy // is not installed. // 3. it is not a project hosted in if (empty($extension->info['project'])) { if (isset($extension->info['version']) && ($extension->info['version'] == VERSION)) { $project = 'drupal'; } else { if (is_dir(dirname($extension->filename) . '/CVS') && (!module_exists('cvs_deploy'))) { $extension->vcs = 'cvs'; drush_log(dt('Extension !extension is fetched from cvs. Ignoring.', array('!extension' => $extension->name)), 'debug'); } elseif (is_dir(dirname($extension->filename) . '/.git') && (!module_exists('git_deploy'))) { $extension->vcs = 'git'; drush_log(dt('Extension !extension is fetched from git. Ignoring.', array('!extension' => $extension->name)), 'debug'); } continue; } } else { $project = $extension->info['project']; } // Create/update the project in $projects with the project data. if (!isset($projects[$project])) { $projects[$project] = array( 'type' => $extension->type, 'version' => $extension->info['version'], 'status' => $extension->status, 'extensions' => array(), ); if (isset($extension->info['project status url'])) { $projects[$project]['status url'] = $extension->info['project status url']; } } elseif ($extension->status != 0) { $projects[$project]['status'] = $extension->status; } $projects[$project]['extensions'][] = $extension->name; } return $projects; } /** * @} End of "defgroup extensions". */ /** * Command callback. Show a list of extensions with type and status. */ function drush_pm_list() { //--package $package_filter = array(); $package = strtolower(drush_get_option('package')); if (!empty($package)) { $package_filter = explode(',', $package); } if (empty($package_filter) || count($package_filter) > 1) { $header[] = dt('Package'); } $header[] = dt('Name'); //--type $all_types = array('module', 'theme'); $type_filter = strtolower(drush_get_option('type')); if (!empty($type_filter)) { $type_filter = explode(',', $type_filter); } else { $type_filter = $all_types; } if (count($type_filter) > 1) { $header[] = dt('Type'); } foreach ($type_filter as $type) { if (!in_array($type, $all_types)) { //TODO: this kind of chck can be implemented drush-wide return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_INVALID_PROJECT_TYPE', dt('!type is not a valid project type.', array('!type' => $type))); } } //--status $all_status = array('enabled', 'disabled', 'not installed'); $status_filter = strtolower(drush_get_option('status')); if (!empty($status_filter)) { $status_filter = explode(',', $status_filter); } else { $status_filter = $all_status; } if (count($status_filter) > 1) { $header[] = dt('Status'); } foreach ($status_filter as $status) { if (!in_array($status, $status_filter)) { //TODO: this kind of chck can be implemented drush-wide return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_INVALID_PROJECT_TYPE', dt('!status is not a valid project status.', array('!status' => $status))); } } $header[] = dt('Version'); $rows[] = $header; $extension_info = drush_pm_get_extensions(); uasort($extension_info, '_drush_pm_sort_extensions'); $major_version = drush_drupal_major_version(); foreach ($extension_info as $key => $extension) { if (!in_array($extension->type, $type_filter)) { unset($extension_info[$key]); continue; } $status = drush_get_extension_status($extension); if (!in_array($status, $status_filter)) { unset($extension_info[$key]); continue; } if (($major_version >= 6) and (isset($extension->info['hidden']))) { unset($extension_info[$key]); continue; } // filter out core if --no-core specified if (drush_get_option('no-core', FALSE)) { if ($extension->info['version'] == VERSION) { unset($extension_info[$key]); continue; } } // filter out non-core if --core specified if (drush_get_option('core', FALSE)) { if ($extension->info['version'] != VERSION) { unset($extension_info[$key]); continue; } } // filter by package if (!empty($package_filter)) { if (!in_array(strtolower($extension->info['package']), $package_filter)) { unset($extension_info[$key]); continue; } } if (empty($package_filter) || count($package_filter) > 1) { $row[] = $extension->info['package']; } if (($major_version >= 6)||($extension->type == 'module')) { $row[] = $extension->info['name'].' ('.$extension->name.')'; } else { $row[] = $extension->name; } if (count($type_filter) > 1) { $row[] = ucfirst($extension->type); } if (count($status_filter) > 1) { $row[] = ucfirst($status); } if (($major_version >= 6)||($extension->type == 'module')) { // Suppress notice when version is not present. $row[] = @$extension->info['version']; } $rows[] = $row; $pipe[] = $extension->name; unset($row); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); if (isset($pipe)) { // Newline-delimited list for use by other scripts. Set the --pipe option. drush_print_pipe($pipe); } // Set the result for backend invoke drush_backend_set_result($extension_info); } function drush_pm_find_project_from_extension($extension) { $result = drush_pm_lookup_extension_in_cache($extension); if (!isset($result)) { // If we can find info on a project that has the same name // as the requested extension, then we'll call that a match. $info = _drush_pm_get_releases(array($extension)); if (!empty($info)) { $result = $extension; } } return $result; } /** * Command callback. Enable one or more extensions from downloaded projects. */ function drush_pm_enable() { $args = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args()); $recheck = TRUE; while ($recheck) { $recheck = FALSE; $extension_info = drush_get_extensions(); // Classify $args in themes, modules or unknown. $modules = array(); $themes = array(); drush_pm_classify_extensions($args, $modules, $themes, $extension_info); $extensions = array_merge($modules, $themes); $unknown = array_diff($args, $extensions); // Discard and set an error for each unknown extension. foreach ($unknown as $name) { drush_log(dt('!extension was not found and will not be enabled.', array('!extension' => $name)), 'warning'); } // Discard already enabled extensions. foreach ($extensions as $name) { if ($extension_info[$name]->status) { if ($extension_info[$name]->type == 'module') { unset($modules[$name]); } else { unset($themes[$name]); } drush_log(dt('!extension is already enabled.', array('!extension' => $name)), 'ok'); } } if (!empty($modules)) { // Check module dependencies. $dependencies = drush_check_module_dependencies($modules, $extension_info); $unmet_dependencies = array(); foreach ($dependencies as $module => $info) { if (!empty($info['unmet-dependencies'])) { foreach ($info['unmet-dependencies'] as $unmet_module) { $unmet_project = drush_pm_find_project_from_extension($unmet_module); if (!empty($unmet_project)) { $unmet_dependencies[$module][$unmet_project] = $unmet_project; } } } } if (!empty($unmet_dependencies)) { $msgs = array(); $unmet_project_list = array(); foreach ($unmet_dependencies as $module => $unmet_projects) { $unmet_project_list = array_merge($unmet_project_list, $unmet_projects); $msgs[] = dt("!module requires !unmet-projects", array('!unmet-projects' => implode(', ', $unmet_projects), '!module' => $module)); } if (drush_get_option('resolve-dependencies') || drush_confirm(dt("The following projects have unmet dependencies:\n!list\nWould you like to download them?", array('!list' => implode("\n", $msgs))))) { // If we did not already print a log message via drush_confirm, then print one now. if (drush_get_option('resolve-dependencies')) { drush_log(dt("The following projects have unmet dependencies:\n@list\nThey are being downloaded.", array('@list' => implode("\n", $msgs)))); } $result = drush_invoke_process_args('pm-download', $unmet_project_list, array('y' => TRUE)); // Refresh module cache after downloading the new modules. $extension_info = drush_get_extensions(); $recheck = TRUE; } } } } if (!empty($modules)) { $all_dependencies = array(); $dependencies_ok = TRUE; foreach ($dependencies as $key => $info) { if (isset($info['error'])) { unset($modules[$key]); $dependencies_ok = drush_set_error($info['error']['code'], $info['error']['message']); } elseif (!empty($info['dependencies'])) { // Make sure we have an assoc array. $assoc = drupal_map_assoc($info['dependencies']); $all_dependencies = array_merge($all_dependencies, $assoc); } } if (!$dependencies_ok) { return FALSE; } $enabled = array_keys(array_filter(drush_get_modules(), 'pm_is_enabled')); $needed = array_diff($all_dependencies, $enabled); $modules = $needed + $modules; // Discard modules which doesn't meet requirements. require_once drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT') . '/includes/'; foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { // Check to see if the module can be installed/enabled (hook_requirements). // See @system_modules_submit if (!drupal_check_module($module)) { unset($modules[$key]); drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_ENABLE_MODULE_UNMEET_REQUIREMENTS', dt('Module !module doesn\'t meet the requirements to be enabled.', array('!module' => $module))); _drush_log_drupal_messages(); return FALSE; } } } // Inform the user which extensions will finally be enabled. $extensions = array_merge($modules, $themes); if (empty($extensions)) { return drush_log(dt('There were no extensions that could be enabled.'), 'ok'); } else { drush_print(dt('The following extensions will be enabled: !extensions', array('!extensions' => implode(', ', $extensions)))); if(!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to continue?'))) { return drush_user_abort(); } } // Enable themes. if (!empty($themes)) { drush_theme_enable($themes); } // Enable modules and pass dependency validation in form submit. if (!empty($modules)) { drush_module_enable($modules); $current = drupal_map_assoc($enabled, 'pm_true'); $processed = drupal_map_assoc($modules, 'pm_true'); $active_modules = array_merge($current, $processed); drush_system_modules_form_submit($active_modules); } // Inform the user of final status. $rsc = drush_db_select('system', array('name', 'status'), 'name IN (:extensions)', array(':extensions' => $extensions)); $problem_extensions = array(); $searchpath = array(); while ($extension = drush_db_fetch_object($rsc)) { if ($extension->status) { drush_log(dt('!extension was enabled successfully.', array('!extension' => $extension->name)), 'ok'); $searchpath[] = dirname($extension_info[$extension->name]->filename); } else { $problem_extensions[] = $extension->name; } } // Add all modules that were enabled to the drush // list of commandfiles (if they have any). This // will allow these newly-enabled modules to participate // in the post_pm_enable hook. if (!empty($searchpath)) { _drush_add_commandfiles($searchpath); } if (!empty($problem_extensions)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_ENABLE_EXTENSION_ISSUE', dt('There was a problem enabling !extension.', array('!extension' => implode(',', $problem_extensions)))); } } /** * Command callback. Disable one or more extensions. */ function drush_pm_disable() { $args = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args()); $extension_info = drush_get_extensions(); // classify $args in themes, modules or unknown. $modules = array(); $themes = array(); drush_pm_classify_extensions($args, $modules, $themes, $extension_info); $extensions = array_merge($modules, $themes); $unknown = array_diff($args, $extensions); // Discard and set an error for each unknown extension. foreach ($unknown as $name) { drush_log('DRUSH_PM_ENABLE_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND', dt('!extension was not found and will not be disabled.', array('!extension' => $name)), 'warning'); } // Discard already disabled extensions. foreach ($extensions as $name) { if (!$extension_info[$name]->status) { if ($extension_info[$name]->type == 'module') { unset($modules[$name]); } else { unset($themes[$name]); } drush_log(dt('!extension is already disabled.', array('!extension' => $name)), 'ok'); } } // Discard default theme. if (!empty($themes)) { $default_theme = drush_theme_get_default(); if (in_array($default_theme, $themes)) { unset($themes[$default_theme]); drush_log(dt('!theme is the default theme and can\'t be disabled.', array('!theme' => $default_theme)), 'ok'); } } if (!empty($modules)) { // Add enabled dependents to the list of modules to disable. $enabled = array_keys(array_filter(drush_get_modules(), 'pm_is_enabled')); $dependents = drush_module_dependents($modules, $extension_info); $dependents = array_unique($dependents); $dependents = array_intersect($dependents, $enabled); $modules = array_merge($modules, $dependents); // Discard required modules. $required = drupal_required_modules(); foreach ($required as $module) { if (isset($modules[$module])) { unset($modules[$module]); // No message for hidden modules. if (!isset($extension_info[$module]->info['hidden'])) { drush_log(dt('!module is a required module and can\'t be disabled.', array('!module' => $module)), 'ok'); } } } } // Inform the user which extensions will finally be disabled. $extensions = array_merge($modules, $themes); if (empty($extensions)) { return drush_log(dt('There were no extensions that could be disabled.'), 'ok'); } else { drush_print(dt('The following extensions will be disabled: !extensions', array('!extensions' => implode(', ', $extensions)))); if(!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to continue?'))) { return drush_user_abort(); } } // Disable themes. if (!empty($themes)) { drush_theme_disable($themes); } // Disable modules and pass dependency validation in form submit. if (!empty($modules)) { drush_module_disable($modules); $active_modules = array_diff($enabled, $modules); $active_modules = drupal_map_assoc($active_modules, 'pm_true'); drush_system_modules_form_submit($active_modules); } // Inform the user of final status. $rsc = drush_db_select('system', array('name', 'status'), 'name IN (:extensions)', array(':extensions' => $extensions)); $problem_extensions = array(); while ($extension = drush_db_fetch_object($rsc)) { if (!$extension->status) { drush_log(dt('!extension was disabled successfully.', array('!extension' => $extension->name)), 'ok'); } else { $problem_extensions[] = $extension->name; } } if (!empty($problem_extensions)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_DISABLE_EXTENSION_ISSUE', dt('There was a problem disabling !extension.', array('!extension' => implode(',', $problem_extensions)))); } } /** * Command callback. Show detailed info for one or more extension. */ function drush_pm_info() { $args = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args()); $extension_info = drush_pm_get_extensions(); _drush_pm_expand_extensions($args, $extension_info); // If no extensions are provided, select all but the hidden ones. if (count($args) == 0) { foreach ($extension_info as $key => $extension) { if (isset($extension->info['hidden'])) { unset($extension_info[$key]); } } $args = array_keys($extension_info); } foreach ($args as $project) { if (isset($extension_info[$project])) { $info = $extension_info[$project]; } else { drush_log(dt('!project was not found.', array('!project' => $project)), 'warning'); continue; } if ($info->type == 'module') { $data = _drush_pm_info_module($info); } else { $data = _drush_pm_info_theme($info); } drush_print_table(drush_key_value_to_array_table($data)); print "\n"; } } /** * Return a string with general info of a extension. */ function _drush_pm_info_extension($info) { $major_version = drush_drupal_major_version(); $data['Project'] = $info->name; $data['Type'] = $info->type; if (($info->type == 'module')||($major_version >= 6)) { $data['Title'] = $info->info['name']; $data['Description'] = $info->info['description']; $data['Version'] = $info->info['version']; } $data['Package'] = $info->info['package']; if ($major_version >= 6) { $data['Core'] = $info->info['core']; } if ($major_version == 6) { $data['PHP'] = $info->info['php']; } $data['Status'] = drush_get_extension_status($info); $path = (($info->type == 'module')&&($major_version == 7))?$info->uri:$info->filename; $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')); $data['Path'] = $path; return $data; } /** * Return a string with info of a module. */ function _drush_pm_info_module($info) { $major_version = drush_drupal_major_version(); $data = _drush_pm_info_extension($info); if ($info->schema_version > 0) { $schema_version = $info->schema_version; } elseif ($info->schema_version == -1) { $schema_version = "no schema installed"; } else { $schema_version = "module has no schema"; } $data['Schema version'] = $schema_version; if ($major_version == 7) { $data['Files'] = implode(', ', $info->info['files']); } if (count($info->info['dependencies']) > 0) { $requires = implode(', ', $info->info['dependencies']); } else { $requires = "none"; } $data['Requires'] = $requires; if ($major_version == 6) { if (count($info->info['dependents']) > 0) { $requiredby = implode(', ', $info->info['dependents']); } else { $requiredby = "none"; } $data['Required by'] = $requiredby; } return $data; } /** * Return a string with info of a theme. */ function _drush_pm_info_theme($info) { $major_version = drush_drupal_major_version(); $data = _drush_pm_info_extension($info); if ($major_version == 5) { $data['Engine'] = $info->description; } else { $data['Core'] = $info->info['core']; $data['PHP'] = $info->info['php']; $data['Engine'] = $info->info['engine']; $data['Base theme'] = isset($info->base_themes) ? implode($info->base_themes, ', ') : ''; $regions = implode(', ', $info->info['regions']); $data['Regions'] = $regions; $features = implode(', ', $info->info['features']); $data['Features'] = $features; if (count($info->info['stylesheets']) > 0) { $data['Stylesheets'] = ''; foreach ($info->info['stylesheets'] as $media => $files) { $files = implode(', ', array_keys($files)); $data['Media '.$media] = $files; } } if (count($info->info['scripts']) > 0) { $scripts = implode(', ', array_keys($info->info['scripts'])); $data['Scripts'] = $scripts; } } return $data; } /** * Add extensions that match extension_name*. * * A helper function for commands that take a space separated list of extension * names. It will identify extensions that have been passed in with a * trailing * and add all matching extensions to the array that is returned. * * @param $extensions * An array of extensions, by reference. * @param $extension_info * Optional. An array of extension info as returned by drush_get_extensions(). */ function _drush_pm_expand_extensions(&$extensions, $extension_info = array()) { if (empty($extension_info)) { $extension_info = drush_get_extensions(); } foreach ($extensions as $key => $extension) { if (($wildcard = rtrim($extension, '*')) !== $extension) { foreach (array_keys($extension_info) as $extension_name) { if (substr($extension_name, 0, strlen($wildcard)) == $wildcard) { $extensions[] = $extension_name; } } unset($extensions[$key]); continue; } } } /** * Command callback. Uninstall one or more modules. * // TODO: Use drupal_execute on system_modules_uninstall_confirm_form so that input is validated. */ function drush_pm_uninstall() { $modules = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args()); drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); $module_info = drush_get_modules(); // Discards modules which are enabled, not found or already uninstalled. foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { if (!isset($module_info[$module])) { // The module does not exist in the system. unset($modules[$key]); drush_log(dt('Module !module was not found and will not be uninstalled.', array('!module' => $module)), 'warning'); } else if ($module_info[$module]->status) { // The module is enabled. unset($modules[$key]); drush_log(dt('!module is not disabled. Use `pm-disable` command before `pm-uninstall`.', array('!module' => $module)), 'warning'); } else if ($module_info[$module]->schema_version == -1) { // SCHEMA_UNINSTALLED // The module is uninstalled. unset($modules[$key]); drush_log(dt('!module is already uninstalled.', array('!module' => $module)), 'ok'); } } // Inform the user which modules will finally be uninstalled. if (empty($modules)) { return drush_log(dt('There were no modules that could be uninstalled.'), 'ok'); } else { drush_print(dt('The following modules will be uninstalled: !modules', array('!modules' => implode(', ', $modules)))); if(!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to continue?'))) { return drush_user_abort(); } } // Disable the modules. drush_module_uninstall($modules); // Inform the user of final status. foreach ($modules as $module) { drush_log(dt('!module was successfully uninstalled.', array('!module' => $module)), 'ok'); } } /** * Array filter callback to return enabled modules. * * @param $module * A module object as returned by drush_get_modules(). */ function pm_is_enabled($module) { return $module->status; } /** * Callback helper. */ function pm_true() { return TRUE; } /** * Completes projects' update data with the path to install location on disk. * * Given an array of release info for available projects, find the path to the install location. */ function _pm_get_project_path($data, $lookup) { foreach ($data as $name => $release) { if ($name == 'drupal') { continue; } // Array of extensions (modules/themes) within the project. $extensions = array_keys($release[$lookup]); $path = _pm_find_common_path($release['project_type'], $extensions); $reserved = array('modules', 'sites', 'themes'); if ((in_array(basename($path), $reserved)) && (!in_array($name, $reserved))) { drush_log(dt('Error while trying to find the common path for enabled extensions of project !project. Extensions are: !extensions.', array('!project' => $name, '!extensions' => implode(', ', $extensions))), 'error'); unset($data[$name]); } else { $data[$name]['path'] = $path; } } return $data; } /** * Helper function to find the common path for a list of extensions in the aim to obtain the project name. * * @param $project_type * Type of project we're trying to find. Valid values: module, theme. * @param $extensions * Array of extension names. */ function _pm_find_common_path($project_type, $extensions) { // Select the first path as the candidate to be the common prefix. $path = drupal_get_path($project_type, array_pop($extensions)); // If there's only one extension we are done. Otherwise, we need to find // the common prefix for all of them. if (count($extensions) > 0) { // Iterate over the other projects. while($project = array_pop($extensions)) { $path2 = drupal_get_path($project_type, $project); // Option 1: same path. if ($path == $path2) { continue; } // Option 2: $path is a prefix of $path2. if (strpos($path2, $path) === 0) { continue; } // Option 3: $path2 is a prefix of $path. if (strpos($path, $path2) === 0) { $path = $path2; continue; } // Option 4: no one is a prefix of the other. Find the common // prefix by iteratively strip the rigthtmost piece of $path. // We will iterate until a prefix is found or path = '.', that on the // other hand is a condition theorically impossible to reach. do { $path = dirname($path); if (strpos($path2, $path) === 0) { break; } } while ($path != '.'); } } return $path; } /** * Command callback. Show available releases for given project(s). */ function drush_pm_releases() { if (!$requests = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args())) { $requests = array('drupal'); } $info = _drush_pm_get_releases($requests); if (!$info) { return drush_log(dt('No valid projects given.'), 'ok'); } foreach ($info as $name => $project) { $header = dt('------- RELEASES FOR \'!name\' PROJECT -------', array('!name' => strtoupper($name))); $rows = array(); $rows[] = array(dt('Release'), dt('Date'), dt('Status')); $releases = _drush_pm_filter_releases($project['releases'], drush_get_option('all', FALSE), drush_get_option('dev', FALSE)); foreach ($releases as $release) { $rows[] = array( $release['version'], gmdate('Y-M-d', $release['date']), implode(', ', $release['release_status']) ); } drush_print($header); drush_print_table($rows, TRUE, array(0 => 14)); } return $info; } /** * Obtain releases for a project's xml as returned by the update service. */ function _drush_pm_get_releases_from_xml($xml, $project) { // If bootstraped, we can obtain which is the installed release of a project. static $installed_projects = FALSE; if (!$installed_projects) { if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE') >= DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL) { $installed_projects = drush_get_projects(); } else { $installed_projects = array(); } } foreach (array('title', 'short_name', 'dc:creator', 'api_version', 'recommended_major', 'supported_majors', 'default_major', 'project_status', 'link') as $item) { if (array_key_exists($item, $xml)) { $value = $xml->xpath($item); $project_info[$item] = (string)$value[0]; } } $recommended_major = @$xml->xpath("/project/recommended_major"); $recommended_major = empty($recommended_major)?"":(string)$recommended_major[0]; $supported_majors = @$xml->xpath("/project/supported_majors"); $supported_majors = empty($supported_majors)?array():array_flip(explode(',', (string)$supported_majors[0])); $releases_xml = @$xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published']"); $recommended_version = NULL; $latest_version = NULL; foreach ($releases_xml as $release) { $release_info = array(); foreach (array('name', 'version', 'tag', 'version_major', 'version_extra', 'status', 'release_link', 'download_link', 'date', 'mdhash', 'filesize') as $item) { if (array_key_exists($item, $release)) { $value = $release->xpath($item); $release_info[$item] = (string)$value[0]; } } $statuses = array(); if (array_key_exists($release_info['version_major'], $supported_majors)) { $statuses[] = "Supported"; unset($supported_majors[$release_info['version_major']]); } if ($release_info['version_major'] == $recommended_major) { if (!isset($latest_version)) { $latest_version = $release_info['version']; } // The first stable version (no 'version extra') in the recommended major // is the recommended release if (empty($release_info['version_extra']) && (!isset($recommended_version))) { $statuses[] = "Recommended"; $recommended_version = $release_info['version']; } } if (!empty($release_info['version_extra']) && ($release_info['version_extra'] == "dev")) { $statuses[] = "Development"; } foreach ($release->xpath('terms/term/value') as $release_type) { // There are three kinds of release types that we recognize: // "Bug fixes", "New features" and "Security update". // We will add "Security" for security updates, and nothing // for the other kinds. if (strpos($release_type, "Security") !== FALSE) { $statuses[] = "Security"; } } // Add to status whether the project is installed. if (isset($installed_projects[$project])) { if ($installed_projects[$project]['version'] == $release_info['version']) { $statuses[] = dt('Installed'); $project_info['installed'] = $release_info['version']; } } $release_info['release_status'] = $statuses; $releases[$release_info['version']] = $release_info; } // If there is no -stable- release in the recommended major, // then take the latest verion in the recommended major to be // the recommended release. if (!isset($recommended_version) && isset($latest_version)) { $recommended_version = $latest_version; $releases[$recommended_version]['release_status'][] = "Recommended"; } $project_info['releases'] = $releases; $project_info['recommended'] = $recommended_version; return $project_info; } /** * Helper function for _drush_pm_filter_releases(). */ function _drush_pm_compare_date($a, $b) { if ($a['date'] == $b['date']) { return 0; } if ($a['version_major'] == $b['version_major']) { return ($a['date'] > $b['date']) ? -1 : 1; } return ($a['version_major'] > $b['version_major']) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Filter a list of releases. * * @param $releases * Array of release information * @param $all * Show all releases. If FALSE, shows only the first release that is * Recommended or Supported or Security or Installed. * @param $dev * Show only development release. * @param $show_all_until_installed * If TRUE, then all releases will be shown until the INSTALLED release is found, * at which point the algorithm will stop. */ function _drush_pm_filter_releases($releases, $all = FALSE, $dev = FALSE, $show_all_until_installed = TRUE) { // Start off by sorting releases by release date. uasort($releases, '_drush_pm_compare_date'); // Find version_major for the installed release $installed_version_major = FALSE; foreach ($releases as $version => $release_info) { if (in_array("Installed", $release_info['release_status'])) { $installed_version_major = $release_info['version_major']; } } // Now iterate through and filter out the releases we're // interested in. $options = array(); $limits_list = array(); foreach ($releases as $version => $release_info) { if (!$dev || ((array_key_exists('version_extra', $release_info)) && ($release_info['version_extra'] == 'dev'))) { $saw_unique_status = FALSE; foreach ($release_info['release_status'] as $one_status) { // We will show the first release of a given kind; // after we show the first security release, we show // no other. We do this on a per-major-version basis, // though, so if a project has three major versions, then // we will show the first security release from each. // This rule is overridden by $all and $show_all_until_installed. $test_key = $release_info['version_major'] . $one_status; if (!array_key_exists($test_key, $limits_list)) { $limits_list[$test_key] = TRUE; $saw_unique_status = TRUE; // Once we see the "Installed" release we will stop // showing all releases if ($one_status == "Installed") { $show_all_until_installed = FALSE; $installed_release_date = $release_info['date']; } } } if ($all || ($show_all_until_installed && ($installed_version_major == $release_info['version_major'])) || $saw_unique_status) { $options[$release_info['version']] = $release_info; } } } // If "show all until installed" is still true, that means that // we never encountered the installed release anywhere in releases, // and therefore we did not filter out any releases at all. If this // is the case, then call ourselves again, this time with // $show_all_until_installed set to FALSE from the beginning. // The other situation we might encounter is when we do not encounter // the installed release, and $options is still empty. This means // that there were no supported or recommented or security or development // releases found. If this is the case, then we will force ALL to TRUE // and show everything on the second iteration. if (($all === FALSE) && ($show_all_until_installed === TRUE)) { $options = _drush_pm_filter_releases($releases, empty($options), $dev, FALSE); } return $options; } /** * Return an array of available releases for given project(s). * * Helper function for pm-download. */ function _drush_pm_download_releases_choice($xml, $project, $all = FALSE, $dev = FALSE) { $project_info = _drush_pm_get_releases_from_xml($xml, $project); $releases = _drush_pm_filter_releases($project_info['releases'], $all, $dev); $options = array(); foreach($releases as $version => $release) { $options[$version] = array($version, '-', gmdate('Y-M-d', $release['date']), '-', implode(', ', $release['release_status'])); } return $options; } /** * Obtain releases info for given projects and fill in status information. * * It does connect directly to the update service and does not depend on * a bootstraped site. * * @param $requests * An array of project names optionally with a version. * * @see drush_pm_releases() * @see _drush_pm_releasenotes() */ function _drush_pm_get_releases($requests) { $info = array(); // Parse out project name and version. $requests = pm_parse_project_version($requests); // Get release history for each request. foreach ($requests as $name => $request) { $xml = _drush_pm_get_release_history_xml($request); if (!$xml) { continue; } $project_info = _drush_pm_get_releases_from_xml($xml, $name); $info[$name] = $project_info; } return $info; } /** * Command callback. Show release notes for given project(s). */ function drush_pm_releasenotes() { if (!$requests = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args())) { $requests = array('drupal'); } return _drush_pm_releasenotes($requests); } /** * Internal function: prints release notes for given drupal projects. * * @param $requests * An array of project names optionally with a version. * @param $print_status * Boolean. Used by pm-download to not print a informative note. * @param $tmpfile * If provided, a file that contains contents to show before the * release notes. * * @see drush_pm_releasenotes() */ function _drush_pm_releasenotes($requests, $print_status = TRUE, $tmpfile = NULL) { if ($tmpfile == NULL) { $tmpfile = drush_tempnam('rln-' . implode('-', $requests) . '.'); } // Parse requests to strip versions. $requests = pm_parse_project_version($requests); // Get the releases. $info = _drush_pm_get_releases(array_keys($requests)); if (!$info) { return drush_log(dt('No valid projects given.'), 'ok'); } foreach ($info as $key => $project) { $selected_versions = array(); // If the request included version, only show its release notes. if (isset($requests[$key]['version'])) { $selected_versions[] = $requests[$key]['version']; } else { // Special handling if the project is installed. if (isset($project['recommended'], $project['installed'])) { $releases = array_reverse($project['releases']); foreach($releases as $version => $release) { if ($release['date'] >= $project['releases'][$project['installed']]['date']) { $release += array('version_extra' => ''); $project['releases'][$project['installed']] += array('version_extra' => ''); if ($release['version_extra'] == 'dev' && $project['releases'][$project['installed']]['version_extra'] != 'dev') { continue; } $selected_versions[] = $version; } } } else { // Project is not installed so we will show the release notes // for the recommended version, as the user did not specify one. $selected_versions[] = $project['recommended']; } } foreach ($selected_versions as $version) { // Stage of parsing. if (!isset($project['releases'][$version]['release_link'])) { // We avoid the cases where the URL of the release notes does not exist. drush_log(dt("Project !project does not have release notes for version !version.", array('!project' => $key, '!version' => $version)), 'warning'); continue; } else { $release_page_url = $project['releases'][$version]['release_link']; } $release_page_url_parsed = parse_url($release_page_url); $release_url_path = $release_page_url_parsed['path']; if (!empty($release_url_path)) { if ($release_page_url_parsed['host'] == '') { $release_page_id = substr($release_url_path, strlen('/node/')); drush_log(dt("Release link for !project (!version) project was found.", array('!project' => $key, '!version' => $version)), 'notice'); } else { drush_log(dt("Release notes' page for !project project is not hosted on See !url.", array('!project' => $key, '!url' => $release_page_url)), 'warning'); continue; } } // We'll use drupal_http_request if available; it provides better error reporting. if (function_exists('drupal_http_request')) { $data = drupal_http_request($release_page_url); if (isset($data->error)) { drush_log(dt("Error (!error) while requesting the release notes page for !project project.", array('!error' => $data->error, '!project' => $key)), 'error'); continue; } @$dom = DOMDocument::loadHTML($data->data); } else { $filename = _drush_download_file($release_page_url); @$dom = DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile($filename); @unlink($filename); if ($dom === FALSE) { drush_log(dt("Error while requesting the release notes page for !project project.", array('!project' => $key)), 'error'); continue; } } if ($dom) { drush_log(dt("Successfully parsed and loaded the HTML contained in the release notes' page for !project (!version) project.", array('!project' => $key, '!version' => $version)), 'notice'); } $xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom); $xpath_expression = '//*[@id="node-' . $release_page_id . '"]/div[@class="node-content"]'; $node_content = $xml->xpath($xpath_expression); // We create the print format. $notes_last_update = $node_content[0]->div[1]->div[0]->asXML(); unset($node_content[0]->div); $project_notes = $node_content[0]->asXML(); // Build the status message from the info from _drush_pm_get_releases $status_msg = '> ' . implode(', ', $project['releases'][$version]['release_status']); $break = '
'; $notes_header = dt("
> RELEASE NOTES FOR '!name' PROJECT, VERSION !version:!break > !time.!break !status
", array('!status' => $print_status ? $status_msg : '', '!name' => strtoupper($key), '!break' => $break, '!version' => $version, '!time' => $notes_last_update)); // Finally we print the release notes for the requested project. if (drush_get_option('html', FALSE)) { $print = $notes_header . $project_notes; } else { $print = drush_html_to_text($notes_header . $project_notes . "\n", array('br', 'p', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'hr')); if (drush_drupal_major_version() < 7) { $print .= "\n"; } } file_put_contents($tmpfile, $print, FILE_APPEND); } } drush_print_file($tmpfile); } /** * Command callback. Refresh update status information. */ function drush_pm_refresh() { // We don't provide for other options here, so we supply an explicit path. drush_include_engine('update_info', 'drupal', NULL, DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/commands/pm/update_info'); _pm_refresh(); } /** * Command callback. Execute pm-update. */ function drush_pm_update() { // Call pm-updatecode. updatedb will be called in the post-update process. $args = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args()); array_unshift($args, 'pm-updatecode'); return call_user_func_array('drush_invoke', $args); } /** * Post-command callback. * Execute updatedb command after an updatecode - user requested `update`. */ function drush_pm_post_pm_update() { // Use drush_backend_invoke to start a subprocess. Cleaner that way. if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_PM_UPDATED', FALSE) !== FALSE) { drush_backend_invoke('updatedb'); } } /** * Validate callback for updatecode command. Abort if 'backup' directory exists. */ function drush_pm_updatecode_validate() { $path = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT') . '/backup'; if (is_dir($path) && (realpath(drush_get_option('backup-dir', FALSE)) != $path)) { return drush_set_error('', dt('Backup directory !path found. It\'s a security risk to store backups inside the Drupal tree. Drush now uses by default ~/drush-backups. You need to move !path out of the Drupal tree to proceed. Note: if you know what you\'re doing you can explicitly set --backup-dir to !path and continue.', array('!path' => $path))); } // Validate package-handler. $package_handler = drush_get_option('package-handler', 'wget'); drush_include_engine('package_handler', $package_handler); return package_handler_validate(); } /** * Post-command callback for updatecode. * * Execute pm-updatecode-postupdate in a backend process to not conflict with * old code already in memory. */ function drush_pm_post_pm_updatecode() { // Skip if updatecode was invoked by pm-update. // This way we avoid being noisy, as updatedb is to be executed. $command = drush_get_command(); if ($command['command'] != 'pm-update') { if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_PM_UPDATED', FALSE) !== FALSE) { drush_backend_invoke('pm-updatecode-postupdate'); } } } /** * Command callback. Execute updatecode-postupdate. */ function drush_pm_updatecode_postupdate() { // Clear the cache, since some projects could have moved around. drush_drupal_cache_clear_all(); // Notify of pending database updates. // Make sure the installation API is available require_once drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT') . '/includes/'; // Load all .install files. drupal_load_updates(); // @see system_requirements(). foreach (module_list() as $module) { $updates = drupal_get_schema_versions($module); if ($updates !== FALSE) { $default = drupal_get_installed_schema_version($module); if (max($updates) > $default) { drush_log(dt("You have pending database updates. Run `drush updatedb` or visit update.php in your browser."), 'warning'); break; } } } } /** * Determine a candidate destination directory for a particular site path and * return it if it exists, optionally attempting to create the directory. */ function pm_dl_destination_lookup($type, $drupal_root, $sitepath, $create = FALSE) { switch ($type) { case 'module': // Prefer sites/all/modules/contrib if it exists. $destination = $sitepath . '/modules'; $contrib = $destination . '/contrib'; if (is_dir($contrib)) { $destination = $contrib; } break; case 'theme': $destination = $sitepath . '/themes'; break; case 'theme engine': $destination = $sitepath . '/themes/engines'; break; case 'profile': $destination = $drupal_root . '/profiles'; break; } if ($create) { drush_log(dt('Attempting to create destination directory at !dir', array('!dir' => $destination))); drush_mkdir($destination); } if (is_dir($destination)) { drush_log(dt('Using destination directory !dir', array('!dir' => $destination))); return $destination; } drush_log(dt('Could not find destination directory at !dir', array('!dir' => $destination))); return FALSE; } /** * Returns the best destination for a particular download type we can find. * * It is based on the project type and drupal and site contexts. */ function pm_dl_destination($type) { $drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT'); $site_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_SITE_ROOT', FALSE); $full_site_root = $drupal_root .'/'. $site_root; $sites_all = $drupal_root . '/sites/all'; $in_site_directory = FALSE; // Check if we are running within the site directory. if ($full_site_root == substr(drush_cwd(), 0, strlen($full_site_root)) || (drush_get_option('use-site-dir', FALSE))) { $in_site_directory = TRUE; } $destination = ''; if ($type != 'core') { // Attempt 1: If we are in a specific site directory, and the destination // directory already exists, then we use that. if (empty($destination) && $site_root && $in_site_directory) { $create_dir = drush_get_option('use-site-dir', FALSE); $destination = pm_dl_destination_lookup($type, $drupal_root, $full_site_root, $create_dir); } // Attempt 2: If the destination directory already exists for sites/all, // then we use that. if (empty($destination) && $drupal_root) { $destination = pm_dl_destination_lookup($type, $drupal_root, $sites_all); } // Attempt 3: If a specific (non default) site directory exists and // sites/all does not exist, then we create destination in the site // specific directory. if (empty($destination) && $site_root && $site_root !== 'sites/default' && is_dir($full_site_root) && !is_dir($sites_all)) { $destination = pm_dl_destination_lookup($type, $drupal_root, $full_site_root, TRUE); } // Attempt 4: If sites/all exists, then we create destination in the // sites/all directory. if (empty($destination) && is_dir($sites_all)) { $destination = pm_dl_destination_lookup($type, $drupal_root, $sites_all, TRUE); } // Attempt 5: If site directory exists (even default), then we create // destination in the this directory. if (empty($destination) && $site_root && is_dir($full_site_root)) { $destination = pm_dl_destination_lookup($type, $drupal_root, $full_site_root, TRUE); } } // Attempt 6: If we didn't find a valid directory yet (or we somehow found // one that doesn't exist) we always fall back to the current directory. if (empty($destination) || !is_dir($destination)) { $destination = drush_cwd(); } return $destination; } /* * Pick most appropriate release from XML list. * * @param array $request * An array of version specifications as returned by pm_parse_project_version(). * @param resource $xml * A handle to the XML document. */ function pm_parse_release($request, $xml) { if (!empty($request['version'])) { $releases = $xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published'][version='" . $request['version'] . "']"); if (empty($releases)) { drush_log(dt("Could not locate specified project version, downloading latest stable version"), 'warning'); } } // If that did not work, we will get the first published release for the // recommended major version. if (empty($releases)) { if ($recommended_major = $xml->xpath("/project/recommended_major")) { $xpath_releases = "/project/releases/release[status='published'][version_major=" . (string)$recommended_major[0] . "]"; $releases = @$xml->xpath($xpath_releases); } } // If there are recommended releases (no 'version_extra' elements), then use // only recommended releases. Otherwise, use all; in this case, the // recommended release defaults to the latest published release with the // right recommended major version number. $recommended_releases = array(); if (!empty($releases)) { foreach ($releases as $one_release) { if (!array_key_exists('version_extra', $one_release)) { $recommended_releases[] = $one_release; } } } if (!empty($recommended_releases)) { $releases = $recommended_releases; } $release_type = 'recommended'; if (drush_get_option('dev', FALSE)) { $releases = @$xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published'][version_extra='dev']"); $release_type = 'development'; } if (drush_get_option('select', FALSE) || empty($releases)) { if (empty($releases)) { drush_print(dt('There is no !type release for project !project.', array('!type' => $release_type, '!project' => $request['name']))); } $options = _drush_pm_download_releases_choice($xml, $request['name'], drush_get_option('all', FALSE), drush_get_option('dev', FALSE)); $choice = drush_choice($options, dt('Choose one of the available releases:')); if ($choice) { $releases = $xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published'][version='" . $choice . "']"); } else { return FALSE; } } // First published release for the recommended major version is just the // first value in $releases. return (array)$releases[0]; } /** * Parse out the project name and version and return as a structured array * * @param $requests an array of project names */ function pm_parse_project_version($requests) { $requestdata = array(); $drupal_version_default = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION', drush_get_option('default-major',7)) . '.x'; $drupal_bootstrap = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE') > 0; foreach($requests as $request) { $drupal_version = $drupal_version_default; $project_version = NULL; $version = NULL; $project = $request; // project-HEAD or project-5.x-1.0-beta // '5.x-' is optional, as is '-beta' preg_match('/-+(HEAD|(?:(\d+\.x)-+)?(\d+\.[\dx]+.*))$/', $request, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { // The project is whatever we have prior to the version part of the request. $project = trim(substr($request, 0, strlen($request) - strlen($matches[0])), ' -'); if ($matches[1] == 'HEAD' || $matches[2] == 'HEAD') { drush_log('DRUSH_PM_HEAD', 'Can\'t download HEAD releases because project information only provides for numbered release nodes.', 'warning'); continue; } if (!empty($matches[2])) { // We have a specified Drupal core version. $drupal_version = trim($matches[2], '-.'); } if (!empty($matches[3])) { if (!$drupal_bootstrap && empty($matches[2]) && $project != 'drupal') { // We are not working on a bootstrapped site, and the project is not Drupal itself, // so we assume this value is the Drupal core version and we want the stable project. $drupal_version = trim($matches[3], '-.'); } else { // We are working on a bootstrapped site, or the user specified a Drupal version, // so this value must be a specified project version. $project_version = trim($matches[3], '-.'); if (substr($project_version, -1, 1) == 'x') { // If a dev branch was requested, we add a -dev suffix. $project_version .= '-dev'; } } } } // special checking for 'drupal-VERSION', == drupal latest stable release elseif ((substr($request,0,7) == 'drupal-') && (is_numeric(substr($request,7)))) { $project = 'drupal'; $drupal_version = substr($request,7) . '.x'; $project_version = $version; } if ($project_version) { if ($project == 'drupal') { // For project Drupal, ensure the major version branch is correct, so // we can locate the requested or stable release for that branch. $project_version_array = explode('.', $project_version); $drupal_version = $project_version_array[0] . '.x'; // We use the project version only, since it is core. $version = $project_version; } else { // For regular projects the version string includes the Drupal core version. $version = $drupal_version . '-' . $project_version; } } $requestdata[$project] = array( 'name' => $project, 'version' => $version, 'drupal_version' => $drupal_version, 'project_version' => $project_version, ); } return $requestdata; } function pm_project_types() { // Lookup the 'Project type' vocabulary to some standard strings. $types = array( 'core' => 'Drupal core', 'profile' => 'Installation profiles', 'module' => 'Modules', 'theme' => 'Themes', 'theme engine' => 'Theme engines', 'translation' => 'Translations' ); return $types; } /** * Used by dl and updatecode commands to determine how to download/checkout new projects and acquire updates to projects. */ function pm_drush_engine_package_handler() { return array( 'wget' => array(), 'cvs' => array( 'options' => array( 'package-handler=cvs' => 'Use CVS to checkout and update projects.', ), 'sub-options' => array( 'package-handler=cvs' => array( 'cvsparams' => 'Add options to the `cvs` program', 'cvsmethod' => 'Force cvs updates or checkouts (checkout is default unless the directory is managed by a supported version control system).', 'cvscredentials' => 'A username and password that is sent for cvs checkout command. Defaults to anonymous:anonymous', ), ), 'examples' => array( 'drush [command] cck --cvscredentials=\"name:password\"' => 'Checkout should use these credentials.', 'drush [command] cck --cvsparams=\"-C\"' => 'Overwrite all local changes (Quotes are required).', 'drush [command] cck --cvsmethod=update' => 'Will update the project, and try to merge changes, rather than overwriting them. Any conflicts will need to be resolved manually.', ), ), 'git_drupalorg' => array( 'options' => array( 'package-handler=git_drupalorg' => 'Use to checkout and update projects.', ), 'sub-options' => array( 'package-handler=git_drupalorg' => array( 'gitsubmodule' => 'Use git submodules for checking out new projects. Existing git checkouts are unaffected, and will continue to (not) use submodules regardless of this setting.', 'gitcheckoutparams' => 'Add options to the `git checkout` command.', 'gitcloneparams' => 'Add options to the `git clone` command.', 'gitfetchparams' => 'Add options to the `git fetch` command.', 'gitpullparams' => 'Add options to the `git pull` command.', 'gitsubmoduleaddparams' => 'Add options to the `git submodule add` command.', 'cache' => 'Use a local git cache and clone projects using --reference.', ), ), ), ); } /** * Integration with VCS in order to easily commit your changes to projects. */ function pm_drush_engine_version_control() { return array( 'backup' => array( 'options' => array( 'version-control=backup' => 'Default engine. Backup all project files before updates.', ), 'sub-options' => array( 'version-control=backup' => array( 'no-backup' => 'Do not perform backups.', 'backup-dir' => 'Specify a directory to backup projects into. Defaults to drush-backups within the home directory of the user running the command. It is forbidden to specify a directory inside your drupal root.', ), ), ), 'bzr' => array( 'signature' => 'bzr root %s', 'options' => array( 'version-control=bzr' => 'Quickly add/remove/commit your project changes to Bazaar.', ), 'sub-options' => array( 'version-control=bzr' => array( 'bzrsync' => 'Automatically add new files to the Bazaar repository and remove deleted files. Caution.', 'bzrcommit' => 'Automatically commit changes to Bazaar repository. You must also usw the --bzrsync option.', ), 'bzrcommit' => array( 'bzrmessage' => 'Override default commit message which is: Drush automatic commit. Project Command: ', ) ), 'examples' => array( 'drush dl cck --version-control=bzr --bzrsync --bzrcommit' => 'Download the cck project and then add it and commit it to Bazaar.' ), ), 'svn' => array( 'signature' => 'svn info %s', 'options' => array( 'version-control=svn' => 'Quickly add/remove/commit your project changes to Subversion.', ), 'sub-options' => array( 'version-control=svn' => array( 'svnsync' => 'Automatically add new files to the SVN repository and remove deleted files. Caution.', 'svncommit' => 'Automatically commit changes to SVN repository. You must also using the --svnsync option.', 'svnstatusparams' => "Add options to the 'svn status' command", 'svnaddparams' => 'Add options to the `svn add` command', 'svnremoveparams' => 'Add options to the `svn remove` command', 'svnrevertparams' => 'Add options to the `svn revert` command', 'svncommitparams' => 'Add options to the `svn commit` command', ), 'svncommit' => array( 'svnmessage' => 'Override default commit message which is: Drush automatic commit: ', ) ), 'examples' => array( 'drush [command] cck --svncommitparams=\"--username joe\"' => 'Commit changes as the user \'joe\' (Quotes are required).' ), ), ); } /** * Interface for version control systems. * We use a simple object layer because we conceivably need more than one * loaded at a time. */ interface drush_pm_version_control { function pre_update(&$project); function rollback($project); function post_update($project); function post_download($project); static function reserved_files(); } /** * A simple factory function that tests for version control systems, in a user * specified order, and return the one that appears to be appropriate for a * specific directory. */ function drush_pm_include_version_control($directory = '.') { $version_control_engines = drush_get_engines('version_control'); $version_controls = drush_get_option('version-control', FALSE); // If no version control was given, use a list of defaults. if (!$version_controls) { // Backup engine is the last option. $version_controls = array_reverse(array_keys($version_control_engines)); } else { $version_controls = array($version_controls); } // Find the first valid engine in the list, checking signatures if needed. $engine = FALSE; while (!$engine && count($version_controls)) { $version_control = array_shift($version_controls); if (isset($version_control_engines[$version_control])) { if (!empty($version_control_engines[$version_control]['signature'])) { drush_log(dt('Verifying signature for !vcs version control engine.', array('!vcs' => $version_control)), 'debug'); if (drush_shell_exec($version_control_engines[$version_control]['signature'], $directory)) { $engine = $version_control; } } else { $engine = $version_control; } } } if (!$engine) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_NO_VERSION_CONTROL', dt('No valid version control or backup engine found (the --version-control option was set to "!version-control").', array('!version-control' => $version_control))); } drush_include_engine('version_control', $version_control); $class = 'drush_pm_version_control_' . $engine; $instance = new $class(); $instance->engine = $engine; return $instance; } /** * Implementation of drush_COMMAND_validate(). */ function drush_pm_download_validate() { // Validate the user specified destination directory. $destination = drush_get_option('destination'); if (!empty($destination)) { $destination = rtrim($destination, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (!is_dir($destination)) { drush_print(dt("The directory !destination does not exist.", array('!destination' => $destination))); if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { if (drush_confirm(dt('Would you like to create it?'))) { drush_mkdir($destination); } if (!is_dir($destination)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_NO_DESTINATION', dt('Unable to create destination directory !destination.', array('!destination' => $destination))); } } } if (!is_writable($destination)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_NO_DESTINATION', dt('Destination directory !destination is not writable.', array('!destination' => $destination))); } // Ignore --use-site-dir, if given. if (drush_get_option('use-site-dir', FALSE)) { drush_set_option('use-site-dir', FALSE); } } // Validate --variant or enforce a sane default. $variant = drush_get_option('variant', FALSE); if ($variant) { if (!in_array($variant, array('core', 'no-core', 'make'))) { drush_log(dt('Unknown variant !variant. Valid values: !variations', array('!variant' => $variant, '!variations' => implode(', ', $variations))), 'error'); } } // core and no-core variants are only valid for wget package handler. $package_handler = drush_get_option('package-handler', 'wget'); if (($package_handler != 'wget') && ($variant != 'make')) { $new_variant = 'make'; if ($variant) { drush_log(dt('Variant !variant is incompatible with !ph package-handler.', array('!variant' => $variant, '!ph' => $package_handler)), 'warning'); } } // If we are working on a drupal root, core variant is not an option. else if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE') >= DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT) { if ((!$variant) || (($variant == 'core') && (!isset($new_variant)))) { $new_variant = 'no-core'; } if ($variant == 'core') { drush_log(dt('Variant core is not a valid option within a Drupal root.'), 'warning'); } } if (isset($new_variant)) { drush_set_option('variant', $new_variant); if ($variant) { drush_log(dt('Switching to --variant=!variant.', array('!variant' => $new_variant)), 'ok'); } } // Validate package-handler. $package_handler = drush_get_option('package-handler', 'wget'); drush_include_engine('package_handler', $package_handler); // Return value not currently used. return package_handler_validate(); } /** * Download the release history xml for the specified request. */ function _drush_pm_get_release_history_xml($request) { // Don't rely on UPDATE_DEFAULT_URL since perhaps we are not fully // bootstrapped. $url = drush_get_option('source', '') . '/' . $request['name'] . '/' . $request['drupal_version']; drush_log('Downloading release history from ' . $url); // Some hosts have allow_url_fopen disabled. if (!$xml = @simplexml_load_file($url)) { $filename = _drush_download_file($url); $xml = simplexml_load_file($filename); drush_op('unlink', $filename); } if (!$xml) { // We are not getting here since always serves an XML response. return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_DOWNLOAD_FAILED', dt('Could not download project status information from !url', array('!url' => $url))); } if ($error = $xml->xpath('/error')) { // Don't set an error here since it stops processing during site-upgrade. drush_log($error[0], 'warning'); // 'DRUSH_PM_COULD_NOT_LOAD_UPDATE_FILE', return FALSE; } // Unpublished project? $project_status = $xml->xpath('/project/project_status'); if ($project_status[0][0] == 'unpublished') { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_PROJECT_UNPUBLISHED', dt("Project !project is unpublished and has no releases available.", array('!project' => $request['name'])), 'warning'); } return $xml; } /** * Command callback. Download Drupal core or any project. */ function drush_pm_download() { $package_handler = drush_get_option('package-handler', 'wget'); drush_include_engine('package_handler', $package_handler); if (!$requests = _convert_csv_to_array(func_get_args())) { $requests = array('drupal'); } // Parse out project name and version. $requests = pm_parse_project_version($requests); // Get release history for each request and download the project. $project_types = pm_project_types(); $project_types_xpath = '(value="' . implode('" or value="', $project_types) . '")'; foreach ($requests as $name => $request) { $xml = _drush_pm_get_release_history_xml($request); if (!$xml) { continue; } // Identify the most appropriate release. $release = pm_parse_release($request, $xml); if (!$release) { continue; } // Determine what type of project we are to download. $request['project_type'] = 'module'; if ($types = $xml->xpath('/project/terms/term[name="Projects" and ' . $project_types_xpath . ']')) { $request['project_type'] = array_search($types[0]->value, $project_types); } if ($request['project_type'] == 'translation') { drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_DOWNLOAD_TRANSLATIONS_FORBIDDEN', dt('Drush has dropped support for downloading translation projects. See l10n_update and l10n_install projects.')); continue; } // Determine the name of the directory that will contain the project. // We face here all the asymetries to make it smooth for package handlers. // For Drupal core: --drupal-project-rename or drupal-x.y if ($request['project_type'] == 'core') { if ($rename = drush_get_option('drupal-project-rename', FALSE)) { if ($rename === TRUE) { $request['project_dir'] = 'drupal'; } else { $request['project_dir'] = $rename; } } else { // Set to drupal-x.y, the expected name for .tar.gz contents. // Explicitly needed for cvs package handler. $request['project_dir'] = strtolower(strtr($release['name'], ' ', '-')); } } // For the other project types we want the project name. Including core // variant for profiles. Note those come with drupal-x.y in the .tar.gz. else { $request['project_dir'] = $request['name']; } // Download the project to a temporary location. $request['base_project_path'] = drush_tempdir(); $request['full_project_path'] = $request['base_project_path'] .'/'. $request['project_dir']; drush_log(dt('Downloading project !name to !dir ...', array('!name' => $request['name'], '!dir' => $request['base_project_path']))); if (!package_handler_download_project($request, $release)) { drush_log('Error downloading '.$request['name']); continue; } // Determine the install location for the project. User provided // --destination has preference. $destination = drush_get_option('destination'); if (!empty($destination)) { $request['project_install_location'] = $destination; } else { $request['project_install_location'] = pm_dl_destination($request['project_type']); } // If user did not provide --destination, then call the // download-destination-alter hook to give the chance to any commandfiles // to adjust the install location or abort it. if (empty($destination)) { $result = drush_command_invoke_all_ref('drush_pm_download_destination_alter', $request, $release); if (array_search(FALSE, $result, TRUE) !== FALSE) { return FALSE; } } // Load version control engine and detect if (the parent directory of) the // project install location is under a vcs. if (!$version_control = drush_pm_include_version_control($request['project_install_location'])) { continue; } // Check for drush self update if ($request['project_install_location'] == DRUSH_BASE_PATH && $request['name'] == 'drush') { if (($backup_dir = drush_prepare_backup_dir()) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } // Move the running drush out of the way $drush_backup = $backup_dir . "/drush"; if (drush_move_dir(DRUSH_BASE_PATH, $drush_backup, TRUE) == FALSE) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_BACKUP_FAILED', dt('Failed to move drush directory !drush to !backup_target', array('!drush' => DRUSH_BASE_PATH, '!backup_target' => $drush_backup))); } else { drush_log(dt("drush backed up to !targetdir", array('!targetdir' => $drush_backup)), "ok"); } } else { // For all other projects, the final project install location will go in the project_dir. $request['project_install_location'] .= '/' . $request['project_dir']; } // Check if install location already exists. if (is_dir($request['project_install_location'])) { if (!drush_confirm(dt('Install location !location already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?', array('!location' => $request['project_install_location'])))) { drush_log(dt("Skip installation of !project to !dest.", array('!project' => $request['name'], '!dest' => $request['project_install_location'])), 'warning'); continue; } } // Move the project to the install location. if (drush_move_dir($request['full_project_path'], $request['project_install_location'], TRUE)) { drush_log(dt("Project !project (!version) downloaded to !dest.", array('!project' => $request['name'], '!version' => $release['version'], '!dest' => $request['project_install_location'])), 'success'); $request['base_project_path'] = basename($request['project_install_location']); $request['full_project_path'] = $request['project_install_location']; if ($request['project_install_location'] == DRUSH_BASE_PATH) { drush_log(dt("Drush successfully updated to version !version.", array('!version' => $release['version'])), 'success'); } } else { drush_log(dt("Project !project (!version) could not be downloaded to !dest.", array('!project' => $request['name'], '!version' => $release['version'], '!dest' => $request['project_install_location'])), 'error'); continue; } // Post download actions. package_handler_post_download($request); drush_command_invoke_all('drush_pm_post_download', $request, $release); $version_control->post_download($request); // Print release notes if --notes option is set. if (drush_get_option('notes') && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_PIPE')) { _drush_pm_releasenotes(array($name . '-' . $release['version']), FALSE); } // Inform the user about available modules a/o themes in the downloaded project. drush_pm_extensions_in_project($request); } } /** * Implementation of hook_drush_pm_download_destination_alter(). * * Built-in download-destination-alter hook. This particular version of * the hook will move modules that contain only drush commands to * /usr/share/drush/commands if it exists, or $HOME/.drush if the * site-wide location does not exist. */ function pm_drush_pm_download_destination_alter(&$project, $release) { // A module is a pure drush command if it has no .module and contain // files. if ($project['project_type'] == 'module') { $module_files = drush_scan_directory($project['full_project_path'], '/.*\.module/'); if (empty($module_files)) { if ($project['name'] == 'drush') { // $project['version'] is empty here, so compose the version from the $release structure. $drush_release_version = $release['version_major'] . "." . $release['version_patch'] . (empty($release['version_extra']) ? '' : ('-' . $release['version_extra'])); if(($project['project_install_location'] != DRUSH_BASE_PATH) && ($release['version_major'] >= '4')) { $backup_dir = drush_preflight_backup_dir(); if (drush_confirm(dt('Would you like to back up your current drush version !currentversion to !backup and replace it with drush !version?', array('!version' => $drush_release_version, '!backup' => $backup_dir, '!currentversion' => DRUSH_VERSION)))) { $project['project_install_location'] = DRUSH_BASE_PATH; } else { // If we are called via 'drush self-update', then "no" means "do nothing". // If we are called via 'drush dl drush', then "no" means "download to cwd". if (drush_get_option('self-update', FALSE)) { return drush_user_cancel(); } } } } else { $drush_command_files = drush_scan_directory($project['full_project_path'], '/.*\'); if (!empty($drush_command_files)) { $install_dir = drush_get_context('SHARE_PREFIX', '/usr') . '/share/drush/commands'; if (!is_dir($install_dir)) { $install_dir = drush_server_home() . '/.drush'; } // Make the .drush dir if it does not already exist. if (!is_dir($install_dir)) { drush_mkdir($install_dir); } // Change the location if the mkdir worked. if (is_dir($install_dir)) { $project['project_install_location'] = $install_dir; } } } } } } /** * Update the locked status of all of the candidate projects * to be updated. * * @param array &$projects * The projects array from pm_updatecode. $project['locked'] will * be set for every file where a persistent lockfile can be found. * The 'lock' and 'unlock' operations are processed first. * @param array $projects_to_lock * A list of projects to create peristent lock files for * @param array $projects_to_unlock * A list of projects to clear the persistent lock on * @param string $lock_message * The reason the project is being locked; stored in the lockfile. * * @return array * A list of projects that are locked. */ function drush_pm_update_lock(&$projects, $projects_to_lock, $projects_to_unlock, $lock_message = NULL) { $locked_result = array(); // Warn about ambiguous lock / unlock values if ($projects_to_lock == array('1')) { $projects_to_lock = array(); drush_log(dt('Ignoring --lock with no value.'), 'warning'); } if ($projects_to_unlock == array('1')) { $projects_to_unlock = array(); drush_log(dt('Ignoring --unlock with no value.'), 'warning'); } // Log if we are going to lock or unlock anything if (!empty($projects_to_unlock)) { drush_log(dt('Unlocking !projects', array('!projects' => implode(',', $projects_to_unlock))), 'ok'); } if (!empty($projects_to_lock)) { drush_log(dt('Locking !projects', array('!projects' => implode(',', $projects_to_lock))), 'ok'); } $drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT'); foreach ($projects as $name => $project) { if ($name == 'drupal') { continue; } $message = NULL; $lockfile = $drupal_root . '/' . $project['path'] . '/.drush-lock-update'; // Remove the lock file if the --unlock option was specified if (((in_array($name, $projects_to_unlock)) || (in_array('all', $projects_to_unlock))) && (file_exists($lockfile))) { drush_op('unlink', $lockfile); } // Create the lock file if the --lock option was specified if ((in_array($name, $projects_to_lock)) || (in_array('all', $projects_to_lock))) { drush_op('file_put_contents', $lockfile, $lock_message != NULL ? $lock_message : "Locked via drush."); // Note that the project is locked. This will work even if we are simulated, // or if we get permission denied from the file_put_contents. // If the lock is -not- simulated or transient, then the lock message will be // read from the lock file below. $message = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE') ? 'Simulated lock.' : 'Transient lock.'; } // If the persistent lock file exists, then mark the project as locked. if (file_exists($lockfile)) { $message = trim(file_get_contents($lockfile)); } // If there is a message set, then mark the project as locked. if (isset($message)) { $projects[$name]['locked'] = !empty($message) ? $message : "Locked."; $locked_result[$name] = $project; } } return $locked_result; } function _drush_pm_get_extension_cache() { $extension_cache = array(); $cache_file = "/tmp/"; if (file_exists($cache_file)) { include "/tmp/"; } return $extension_cache; } function drush_pm_lookup_extension_in_cache($extension) { $result = NULL; $extension_cache = _drush_pm_get_extension_cache(); if (!empty($extension_cache) && array_key_exists($extension, $extension_cache)) { $result = $extension_cache[$extension]; } return $result; } function drush_pm_put_extension_cache($extension_cache) { $output = var_export($extension_cache, TRUE); file_put_contents("/tmp/", ' array(), 'theme' => array(), 'module' => array()); // Find all of the .info files foreach (drush_scan_directory($project['project_install_location'], "/.*\.info$/", $nomask) as $filename => $info) { // Find the project type corresponding the .info file. // (Only drupal >=7.x has .info for .profile) $base = dirname($filename) . '/' . $info->name; if (is_file($base . '.module')) { $found['module'][] = $info->name; } else if (is_file($base . '.profile')) { $found['profile'][] = $info->name; } else { $found['theme'][] = $info->name; } } // Special case: find profiles for drupal < 7.x (no .info) if ($project['drupal_version'][0] < 7) { foreach (drush_scan_directory($project['project_install_location'], "/.*\.profile$/", $nomask) as $filename => $info) { $found['profile'][] = $info->name; } } // Log results. $msg = "Project !project contains:\n"; $args = array('!project' => $project['name']); foreach (array_keys($found) as $type) { if ($count = count($found[$type])) { $msg .= " - !count_$type !type_$type: !found_$type\n"; $args += array("!count_$type" => $count, "!type_$type" => $type, "!found_$type" => implode(', ', $found[$type])); if ($count > 1) { $args["!type_$type"] = $type.'s'; } } } drush_log(dt($msg, $args), 'success'); drush_print_pipe(call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_values($found))); } // Modules and themes can only contain other extensions of the same type. elseif (in_array($project['project_type'], array('module', 'theme'))) { // Find all of the .info files $found = array(); foreach (drush_scan_directory($project['project_install_location'], "/.*\.info$/", $nomask) as $filename => $info) { $found[] = $info->name; } // Log results. // If there is only one module / theme in the project, only print out // the message if is different than the project name. if (count($found) == 1) { if ($found[0] != $project['name']) { $msg = "Project !project contains a !type named !found."; } } // If there are multiple modules or themes in the project, list them all. else { $msg = "Project !project contains !count !types: !found."; } if (isset($msg)) { drush_print(dt($msg, array('!project' => $project['name'], '!count' => count($found), '!type' => $project['project_type'], '!found' => implode(', ', $found)))); } drush_print_pipe($found); // Cache results. drush_pm_cache_project_extensions($project, $found); } } /** * Return an array of empty directories. * * Walk a directory and return an array of subdirectories that are empty. Will * return the given directory if it's empty. * If a list of items to exclude is provided, subdirectories will be condidered * empty even if they include any of the items in the list. * * @param string $dir * Path to the directory to work in. * @param array $exclude * Array of files or directory to exclude in the check. */ function drush_find_empty_directories($dir, $exclude = array()) { $to_exclude = array_merge(array('.', '..'), $exclude); $empty = array(); $dir_is_empty = TRUE; if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) { if (in_array($file, $to_exclude)) { continue; } if (is_dir($dir .'/'. $file)) { $subdir = $dir .'/'. $file; $subdir_is_empty = TRUE; if ($dh2 = opendir($subdir)) { while (($file2 = readdir($dh2)) !== FALSE) { if (in_array($file2, $to_exclude)) { continue; } $subdir_is_empty = FALSE; if (is_dir($subdir . '/'. $file2)) { $empty2 = drush_find_empty_directories($subdir . '/'. $file2, $exclude); $empty = array_merge($empty, $empty2); } } if ($subdir_is_empty) { $empty[] = $subdir . '/'. $file2; } } closedir($dh2); } $dir_is_empty = FALSE; } } closedir($dh); if ($dir_is_empty) { return array($dir); } return $empty; }