= 7) { $options['target'] = 'The name of a target within the specified database.'; } $items['sql-drop'] = array( 'description' => 'Drop all tables in a given database.', 'arguments' => array( ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, 'options' => array( 'yes' => 'Skip confirmation and proceed.', 'result-file' => 'Save to a file. The file should be relative to Drupal root. Recommended.', ) + $options, 'topics' => array('docs-policy'), ); $items['sql-conf'] = array( 'description' => 'Print database connection details using print_r().', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'arguments' => array( 'all' => 'Show all database connections, instead of just one.', 'show-passwords' => 'Show database password.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, 'options' => $options, ); $items['sql-connect'] = array( 'description' => 'A string for connecting to the DB.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, 'options' => $options, 'examples' => array( '`drush sql-connect` < example.sql' => 'Import sql statements from a file into the current database.', ), ); $items['sql-dump'] = array( 'callback' => 'drush_sql_dump_execute', 'description' => 'Exports the Drupal DB as SQL using mysqldump or equivalent.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, 'examples' => array( 'drush sql-dump --result-file=../18.sql' => 'Save SQL dump to the directory above Drupal root.', 'drush sql-dump --skip-tables-key=common' => 'Skip standard tables. @see example.drushrc.com', ), 'options' => array( 'result-file' => 'Save to a file. The file should be relative to Drupal root. If --result-file is provided with no value, then date based filename will be created under ~/drush-backups directory.', 'skip-tables-key' => 'A key in the $skip_tables array. @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.', 'structure-tables-key' => 'A key in the $structure_tables array. @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.', 'tables-key' => 'A key in the $tables array. Optional.', 'tables-list' => 'A comma-separated list of tables to transfer. Optional.', 'ordered-dump' => 'Use this option to output ordered INSERT statements in the sql-dump.Useful when backups are managed in a Version Control System. Optional.', 'create-db' => 'Wipe existing tables.', 'data-only' => 'Omit CREATE TABLE statements. Postgres only.', 'ordered-dump' => 'Order by primary key and add line breaks for efficient diff in revision control. Also, faster rsync. Slows down the dump. Mysql only.', 'gzip' => 'Compress the dump using the gzip program which must be in your $PATH.', ) + $options, ); $items['sql-query'] = array( 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_DATABASE, 'description' => 'Execute a query against the site database.', 'examples' => array( 'drush sql-query "SELECT * FROM {users} WHERE uid=1"' => 'Browse user record. Table prefixes are honored.', '`drush sql-connect` < example.sql' => 'Import sql statements from a file into the current database.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'query' => 'An SQL query.', ), 'options' => array( 'extra' => 'Add custom options to the mysql command.', ) + $options, 'aliases' => array('sqlq'), ); $items['sql-sync'] = array( 'description' => 'Copy and import source database to target database. Transfers via rsync.', 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH, 'drush dependencies' => array('core'), // core-rsync. 'examples' => array( 'drush sql-sync @dev @prod' => 'Copy the DB defined in sites/dev to the DB in sites/prod.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'from' => 'Name of subdirectory within /sites or a site-alias.', 'to' => 'Name of subdirectory within /sites or a site-alias.', ), 'options' => array( 'skip-tables-key' => 'A key in the $skip_tables array. @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.', 'structure-tables-key' => 'A key in the $structure_tables array. @see example.drushrc.php. Optional.', 'tables-key' => 'A key in the $tables array. Optional.', 'tables-list' => 'A comma-separated list of tables to transfer. Optional.', 'cache' => 'Skip dump if result file exists and is less than "cache" hours old. Optional; default is 24 hours.', 'no-cache' => 'Do not cache the sql-dump file.', 'no-dump' => 'Do not dump the sql database; always use an existing dump file.', 'source-db-url' => 'Database specification for source system to dump from.', 'source-remote-port' => 'Override sql database port number in source-db-url. Optional.', 'source-remote-host' => 'Remote machine to run sql-dump file on. Optional; default is local machine.', 'source-dump' => 'Path to dump file. Optional; default is to create a temporary file.', 'target-database' => 'A key in the $db_url (D6) or $databases (D7+) array which provides the data.', 'source-target' => 'Oy. A key within the --target_database identifying a particular server in the database group.', 'target-db-url' => '', 'target-remote-port' => '', 'target-remote-host' => '', 'target-dump' => '', 'target-database' => 'A key in the $db_url (D6) or $databases (D7+) array which shall receive the data.', 'target-target' => 'Oy. A key within the --target_database identifying a particular server in the database group.', 'temp' => 'Use a temporary file to hold dump files. Implies --no-cache.', 'dump-dir' => 'Directory to store sql dump files in when --source-dump or --target-dump are not used. Takes precedence over --temp.', 'create-db' => 'Create a new database before importing the database dump on the target machine.', 'db-su' => 'Account to use when creating a new database. Optional.', 'db-su-pw' => 'Password for the "db-su" account. Optional.', 'no-ordered-dump' => 'Do not pass --ordered-dump to sql-dump. sql-sync orders the dumpfile by default in order to increase the efficiency of rsync.', 'sanitize' => 'Obscure email addresses and reset passwords in the user table post-sync. Optional.', ), 'sub-options' => array( 'sanitize' => array( 'sanitize-password' => 'The password to assign to all accounts in the sanitization operation, or "no" to keep passwords unchanged. Default is "password".', 'sanitize-email' => 'The username for test email addresses in the sanitization operation, or "no" to keep email addresses unchanged. May contain replacement patterns %uid, %mail or %login. Default is "user+%uid@localhost".', 'confirm-sanitizations' => 'Prompt yes/no after importing the database, but before running the sanitizations', ), ), 'topics' => array('docs-aliases', 'docs-policy'), ); if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) { $items['sql-sync']['options'] += array( 'source-target' => 'The name of a target within the SOURCE database.', 'destination-target' => 'The name of a target within the specified DESTINATION database.', ); } $items['sql-cli'] = array( 'description' => "Open a SQL command-line interface using Drupal's credentials.", 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, 'options' => $options, 'aliases' => array('sqlc'), ); return $items; } /** * Command callback. Displays the Drupal site's database connection string. */ function drush_sql_conf() { if (drush_get_option('db-url', FALSE)) { $db_spec['db-url'] = $GLOBALS['db_url']; } elseif (drush_get_option('all', FALSE)) { $db_spec = _drush_sql_get_all_db_specs(); } if (!isset($db_spec)) { $db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec(); } drush_backend_set_result($db_spec); if (!drush_get_option('show-passwords', FALSE)) { drush_unset_recursive($db_spec, 'password'); } drush_print_r($db_spec); } /** * Command callback. Emits a connect string for mysql or pgsql. */ function _drush_sql_connect($db_spec = NULL) { switch (_drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec)) { case 'mysql': $command = 'mysql'; break; case 'pgsql': $command = 'psql'; break; case 'sqlite': $command = 'sqlite3'; break; } $command .= _drush_sql_get_credentials($db_spec); return $command; } function drush_sql_connect() { drush_print(_drush_sql_connect()); } /** * Command callback. Outputs the entire Drupal database in SQL format using mysqldump. */ function drush_sql_dump_execute() { list($exec, $file) = drush_sql_dump(); // Avoid the php memory of the $output array in drush_shell_exec(). if (!$return = drush_op_system($exec)) { if ($file) { drush_log(dt('Database dump saved to !path', array('!path' => $file)), 'success'); } } return $return; } function drush_sql_get_table_selection() { // Skip large core tables if instructed. Also used by 'sql-sync' command. $skip_tables = _drush_sql_get_table_list('skip-tables'); // Skip any structure-tables as well. $structure_tables = _drush_sql_get_table_list('structure-tables'); // Dump only the specified tables. Takes precedence over skip-tables and structure-tables. $tables = _drush_sql_get_table_list('tables'); return array('skip' => $skip_tables, 'structure' => $structure_tables, 'tables' => $tables); } /** * Build a mysqldump/pg_dump/sqlite statement. * * @param db_spec * For D5/D6, a $db_url. For D7, a target in the default DB connection. * @return array * An array with items. * 1. A mysqldump/pg_dump/sqlite statement that is ready for executing. * 2. The filepath where the dump will be saved. */ function drush_sql_dump($db_spec = NULL) { return drush_sql_build_dump_command(drush_sql_get_table_selection(), $db_spec); } /** * Build a mysqldump/pg_dump/sqlite statement. * * @param array $table_selection * Supported keys: 'skip', 'structure', 'tables'. * @param db_spec * For D5/D6, a $db_url. For D7, a target in the default DB connection. * @return array * An array with items. * 1. A mysqldump/pg_dump/sqlite statement that is ready for executing. * 2. The filepath where the dump will be saved. */ function drush_sql_build_dump_command($table_selection, $db_spec = NULL) { $skip_tables = $table_selection['skip']; $structure_tables = $table_selection['structure']; $tables = $table_selection['tables']; $ignores = array(); $skip_tables = array_merge($structure_tables, $skip_tables); $data_only = drush_get_option('data-only'); // The ordered-dump option is only supported by MySQL for now. // @todo add documention once a hook for drush_get_option_help() is available. // @see drush_get_option_help() in drush.inc $ordered_dump = drush_get_option('ordered-dump'); if (is_null($db_spec)) { $db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec(); } $database = $db_spec['database']; // Get the setting of --result-file. If the user // has set $options['result-file'] = TRUE, then we // will generate an SQL dump file in the same backup // directory that pm-updatecode uses. $file = NULL; if ($file = drush_get_option('result-file', FALSE)) { if ($file === TRUE) { // User did not pass a specific value for --result-file. Make one. drush_include_engine('version_control', 'backup'); $backup = new drush_pm_version_control_backup(); $backup_dir = $backup->prepare_backup_dir($db_spec['database']); if (empty($backup_dir)) { $backup_dir = "/tmp"; } $file = $backup_dir . '/@DATABASE_@DATE.sql'; } $file = str_replace(array('@DATABASE', '@DATE'), array($database, gmdate('Ymd_his')), $file); } switch (_drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec)) { case 'mysql': $exec = 'mysqldump'; if ($file) { $exec .= ' --result-file '. $file; } // mysqldump wants 'databasename' instead of 'database=databasename' for no good reason. $extra = ' --single-transaction --opt -Q' . str_replace('--database=', ' ', _drush_sql_get_credentials($db_spec)); if (isset($data_only)) { $extra .= ' --no-create-info'; } if (isset($ordered_dump)) { $extra .= ' --skip-extended-insert --order-by-primary'; } $exec .= $extra; if (!empty($tables)) { $exec .= ' ' . implode(' ', $tables); } else { // Append the ignore-table options. foreach ($skip_tables as $table) { $ignores[] = "--ignore-table=$database.$table"; } $exec .= ' '. implode(' ', $ignores); // Run mysqldump again and append output if we need some structure only tables. if (!empty($structure_tables)) { $exec .= "; mysqldump --no-data $extra " . implode(' ', $structure_tables); if ($file) { $exec .= " >> $file"; } } } break; case 'pgsql': $create_db = drush_get_option('create-db'); $exec = 'pg_dump '; if ($file) { $exec .= ' --file '. $file; } // Unlike psql, pg_dump does not take a '--dbname=' before the database name. $extra = str_replace('--dbname=', ' ', _drush_sql_get_credentials($db_spec)); if (isset($data_only)) { $extra .= ' --data-only'; } $exec .= $extra; $exec .= (!isset($create_db) && !isset($data_only) ? ' --clean' : ''); if (!empty($tables)) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $exec .= " --table=$table"; } } else { foreach ($skip_tables as $table) { $ignores[] = "--exclude-table=$table"; } $exec .= ' '. implode(' ', $ignores); // Run pg_dump again and append output if we need some structure only tables. if (!empty($structure_tables)) { $schemaonlies = array(); foreach ($structure_tables as $table) { $schemaonlies[] = "--table=$table"; } $exec .= "; pg_dump --schema-only " . implode(' ', $schemaonlies) . $extra; if ($file) { $exec .= " >> $file"; } } } break; case 'sqlite': // Dumping is usually not necessary in SQLite, since all database data // is stored in a single file on the filesystem which can be copied just // like any other file. But it still has a use in migration purposes and // building human-readable diffs and such, so let's do it anyway. $exec = _drush_sql_connect(); // SQLite's dump command doesn't support many of the features of its // Postgres or MySQL equivalents. We may be able to fake some in the // future, but for now, let's just support simple dumps. $exec .= ' ".dump"'; if ($file = drush_get_option('result-file')) { $exec .= ' > '. $file; } break; } if (drush_get_option('gzip')) { if ($file) { // Gzip the result-file $exec .= "; gzip $file"; $file .= '.gz'; } else { // gzip via pipe since user has not specified a file. $exec .= "| gzip"; } } return array($exec, $file); } /** * Consult the specified options and return the list of tables * specified. * * @param option_name * The option name to check: skip-tables, structure-tables * or tables. This funciton will check both *-key and *-list, * and, in the case of sql-sync, will also check target-* * and source-*, to see if an alias set one of these options. * @returns array * Returns an array of tables based on the first option * found, or an empty array if there were no matches. */ function _drush_sql_get_table_list($option_name) { foreach(array('' => 'cli', 'target-,,source-' => NULL) as $prefix_list => $context) { foreach(explode(',',$prefix_list) as $prefix) { $key_list = drush_get_option($prefix . $option_name . '-key', NULL, $context); foreach(explode(',', $key_list) as $key) { $all_tables = drush_get_option($option_name, array()); if (array_key_exists($key, $all_tables)) { return $all_tables[$key]; } if ($option_name != 'tables') { $all_tables = drush_get_option('tables', array()); if (array_key_exists($key, $all_tables)) { return $all_tables[$key]; } } } $table_list = drush_get_option($prefix . $option_name . '-list', NULL, $context); if (isset($table_list)) { return empty($table_list) ? array() : explode(',', $table_list); } } } return array(); } /** * Command callback. Executes the given SQL query on the Drupal database. */ function drush_sql_query($query) { return _drush_sql_query($query); } function _drush_sql_query($query, $db_spec = NULL) { $scheme = _drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec); // Inject table prefixes as needed. if (drush_has_boostrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_DATABASE)) { if (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 7) { $query = Database::getConnection()->prefixTables($query); } else { $query = db_prefix_tables($query); } } // Convert mysql 'show tables;' query into something pgsql understands if (($scheme == 'pgsql') && ($query == 'show tables;')) { $query = drush_sql_show_tables_pgsql(); } // Save $query to a tmp file. We will redirect it in. if ($filename = drush_save_data_to_temp_file($query)) { $exec = drush_sql_build_exec($db_spec, $filename); // In --simulate mode, drush_op will show the call to mysql or psql, // but the sql query itself is stored in a temp file and not displayed. // We will therefore show the query explicitly in the interest of full disclosure. if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { drush_print('sql-query: ' . $query); } $return = drush_op_system($exec) == 0; return $return; } } function drush_sql_drop() { if (!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to drop all tables?'))) { return drush_user_abort(); } _drush_sql_drop(); } // n.b. site-install uses _drush_sql_drop as a fallback technique if // drop database; create database fails. If _drush_sql_drop // is rewritten to also use that technique, it should maintain // the drop tables code here as a fallback. function _drush_sql_drop($db_spec = NULL) { // TODO: integrate with _drush_sql_get_table_list? $scheme = _drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec); switch ($scheme) { case 'pgsql': $query = drush_sql_show_tables_pgsql(); break; case 'sqlite': $query = '.tables'; break; default: $query = 'SHOW TABLES;'; } $filename = drush_save_data_to_temp_file($query); $exec = drush_sql_build_exec($db_spec, $filename); // Actually run this prep query no matter if in SIMULATE. $old = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE'); drush_set_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE', FALSE); drush_shell_exec($exec); drush_set_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE', $old); if ($tables = drush_shell_exec_output()) { if ($scheme === 'sqlite') { // SQLite's '.tables' command always outputs the table names in a column // format, like this: // table_alpha table_charlie table_echo // table_bravo table_delta table_foxtrot // …and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix that. So we need to do some // clean-up. // Since we're already doing iteration here, might as well build the SQL // too, since SQLite only wants one table per DROP TABLE command (so we have // to do "DROP TABLE foo; DROP TABLE bar;" instead of // "DROP TABLE foo, bar;"). $sql = ''; foreach ($tables as $line) { preg_match_all('/[^\s]+/', $line, $matches); if (!empty($matches[0])) { foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $sql .= "DROP TABLE {$match};"; } } } // We can't use drush_op('db_query', $sql) because it will only perform one // SQL command and we're technically performing several. $exec = _drush_sql_connect($db_spec); $exec .= " '{$sql}'"; return drush_op_system($exec) == 0; } else { // Shift off the header of the column of data returned. array_shift($tables); $sql = 'DROP TABLE '. implode(', ', $tables); return _drush_sql_query($sql, $db_spec); } } else { drush_log(dt('No tables to drop.'), 'ok'); } return TRUE; } function drush_sql_cli() { proc_close(proc_open(_drush_sql_connect(), array(0 => STDIN, 1 => STDOUT, 2 => STDERR), $pipes)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SQL SERVICE HELPERS /** * Get a database specification for the active DB connection. Honors the * 'database' and 'target command' line options. * * @return * An info array describing a database target. */ function _drush_sql_get_db_spec() { $database = drush_get_option('database', 'default'); $target = drush_get_option('target', 'default'); switch (drush_drupal_major_version()) { case 5: case 6: $url = $GLOBALS['db_url']; // TODO: array version not working? $url = is_array($url) ? $url[$database] : $url; return drush_convert_db_from_db_url($url); default: // We don't use DB API here `sql-sync` would have to messily addConnection. if (!isset($GLOBALS['databases']) || !array_key_exists($database, $GLOBALS['databases']) || !array_key_exists($target, $GLOBALS['databases'][$database])) { return NULL; } return $GLOBALS['databases'][$database][$target]; } } function _drush_sql_get_all_db_specs() { switch (drush_drupal_major_version()) { case 5: case 6: return drush_sitealias_convert_db_from_db_url($GLOBALS['db_url']); default: if (!isset($GLOBALS['databases'])) { return NULL; } return $GLOBALS['databases']; } } function _drush_sql_get_spec_from_options($prefix, $default_to_self = TRUE) { $db_spec = NULL; $databases = drush_get_option($prefix . 'databases'); if (isset($databases) && !empty($databases)) { $database = drush_get_option($prefix . 'database', 'default'); $target = drush_get_option($prefix . 'target', 'default'); if (array_key_exists($database, $databases) && array_key_exists($target, $databases[$database])) { $db_spec = $databases[$database][$target]; } } else { $db_url = drush_get_option($prefix . 'db-url'); if (isset($db_url)) { $db_spec = drush_convert_db_from_db_url($db_url); } elseif ($default_to_self) { $db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec(); } } if (isset($db_spec)) { $remote_host = drush_get_option($prefix . 'remote-host'); if (!drush_is_local_host($remote_host)) { $db_spec['remote-host'] = $remote_host; $db_spec['port'] = drush_get_option($prefix . 'remote-port', $db_spec['port']); } } return $db_spec; } /** * Determine where to store an sql dump file. This * function is called by sql-sync if the caller did * not explicitly specify a dump file to use. * * @param db_spec * Information about the database being dumped; used * to generate the filename. * @return string * The path to the dump file */ function drush_sql_dump_file(&$db_spec, $prefix) { // Use an entry in the db spec to indicate whether the dump // file we use is temporary or not. $db_spec['dump-is-temp'] = FALSE; // Make a base filename pattern to use to name the dump file $filename_pattern = $db_spec['database']; if (isset($db_spec['remote-host'])) { $filename_pattern = $db_spec['remote-host'] . '_' . $filename_pattern; } // If the user has set the --{prefix}-dir option, then // use the exact name provided. $dump_file = drush_get_option($prefix . 'dump'); if (!isset($dump_file)) { // If the user has set the --dump-dir option, then // store persistant sql dump files there. $dump_dir = drush_get_option(array($prefix . 'dump-dir', 'dump-dir')); if (isset($dump_dir)) { $dump_file = $dump_dir . '/' . $filename_pattern . '.sql'; } // If the --dump-dir option is not set, then store // the sql dump in a temporary file. else { $dump_file = drush_tempnam($filename_pattern . '.sql.'); $db_spec['dump-is-temp'] = TRUE; } } return $dump_file; } function _drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec = NULL) { if (is_null($db_spec)) { $db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec(); } return $db_spec['driver']; } /** * Build a fragment containing credentials and mysql-connection parameters. * * @param $db_spec * @return string */ function _drush_sql_get_credentials($db_spec = NULL) { if (is_null($db_spec)) { $db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec(); } // Build an array of key-value pairs for the parameters. $parameters = array(); switch (_drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec)) { case 'mysql': // Some drush commands (e.g. site-install) want to connect to the // server, but not the database. Connect to the built-in database. $parameters['database'] = empty($db_spec['database']) ? 'information_schema' : $db_spec['database']; // Host is required. $parameters['host'] = $db_spec['host']; // An empty port is invalid. if (!empty($db_spec['port'])) { $parameters['port'] = $db_spec['port']; } // User is required. Drupal calls it 'username'. MySQL calls it 'user'. $parameters['user'] = $db_spec['username']; // EMPTY password is not the same as NO password, and is valid. if (isset($db_spec['password'])) { $parameters['password'] = $db_spec['password']; } break; case 'pgsql': // Some drush commands (e.g. site-install) want to connect to the // server, but not the database. Connect to the built-in database. $parameters['dbname'] = empty($db_spec['database']) ? 'template1' : $db_spec['database']; // Host and port are optional but have defaults. $parameters['host'] = empty($db_spec['host']) ? 'localhost' : $db_spec['host']; $parameters['port'] = empty($db_spec['port']) ? '5432' : $db_spec['port']; // Username is required. $parameters['username'] = $db_spec['username']; // Don't set the password. // @see http://drupal.org/node/438828 break; case 'sqlite': // SQLite doesn't do user management, instead relying on the filesystem // for that. So the only info we really need is the path to the database // file, and not as a "--key=value" parameter. return ' ' . $db_spec['database']; break; } // Turn each parameter into a valid parameter string. $parameter_strings = array(); foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { // Only escape the values, not the keys or the rest of the string. $value = escapeshellcmd($value); $parameter_strings[] = "--$key=$value"; } // Join the parameters and return. return ' ' . implode(' ', $parameter_strings); } function _drush_sql_get_invalid_url_msg($db_spec = NULL) { if (is_null($db_spec)) { $db_spec = _drush_sql_get_db_spec(); } switch (drush_drupal_major_version()) { case 5: case 6: return dt('Unable to parse DB connection string'); default: return dt('Unable to parse DB connection array'); } } /** * Call from a pre-sql-sync hook to register an sql * query to be executed in the post-sql-sync hook. * @see drush_sql_pre_sql_sync() and @see drush_sql_post_sql_sync(). * * @param $id * String containing an identifier representing this * operation. This id is not actually used at the * moment, it is just used to fufill the contract * of drush contexts. * @param $message * String with the confirmation message that describes * to the user what the post-sync operation is going * to do. This confirmation message is printed out * just before the user is asked whether or not the * sql-sync operation should be continued. * @param $query * String containing the sql query to execute. If no * query is provided, then the confirmation message will * be displayed to the user, but no action will be taken * in the post-sync hook. This is useful for drush modules * that wish to provide their own post-sync hooks to fix * up the target database in other ways (e.g. through * Drupal APIs). */ function drush_sql_register_post_sync_op($id, $message, $query = NULL) { $options = drush_get_context('post-sync-ops'); $options[$id] = array('message' => $message, 'query' => $query); drush_set_context('post-sync-ops', $options); } /** * Builds a confirmation message for all post-sync operations. * * @return string * All post-sync operation messages concatenated together. */ function _drush_sql_get_post_sync_messages() { $messages = FALSE; $options = drush_get_context('post-sync-ops'); if (!empty($options)) { $messages = dt('The following post-sync operations will be done on the destination:') . "\n"; foreach($options as $id => $data) { $messages .= " * " . $data['message'] . "\n"; } } return $messages; } // Convert mysql 'show tables;' query into something pgsql understands. function drush_sql_show_tables_pgsql() { return "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='public';"; } /* * Build a SQL string for dropping and creating a database. * * @param array $db_spec * A database specification array. * * @param boolean $quoted * Quote the database name. Mysql uses backticks to quote which can cause problems * in a Windows shell. Set TRUE of the CREATE is not running on the bash command line. */ function drush_sql_build_createdb_sql($db_spec, $quoted = FALSE) { switch (_drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec)) { case 'mysql': $dbname = $quoted ? '`' . $db_spec['database'] . '`' : $db_spec['database']; $sql[] = sprintf('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s; ', $dbname); $sql[] = sprintf('CREATE DATABASE %s /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;', $dbname); $sql[] = sprintf('GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %s.* TO \'%s\'@\'%s\'', $dbname, $db_spec['username'], $db_spec['host']); $sql[] = sprintf("IDENTIFIED BY '%s';", $db_spec['password']); $sql[] = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'; break; case 'pgsql': $dbname = $quoted ? '"' . $db_spec['database'] . '"' : $db_spec['database']; $sql[] = sprintf('drop database if exists %s;', $dbname); $sql[] = sprintf("create database %s ENCODING 'UTF8';", $dbname); break; } return implode(' ', $sql); } function drush_sql_build_exec($db_spec, $filepath) { $scheme = _drush_sql_get_scheme($db_spec); switch ($scheme) { case 'mysql': $exec = 'mysql'; $exec .= _drush_sql_get_credentials($db_spec); $exec .= ' ' . drush_get_option('extra'); $exec .= " < $filepath"; break; case 'pgsql': $exec = 'psql -q '; $exec .= _drush_sql_get_credentials($db_spec); $exec .= ' ' . (drush_get_option('extra') ? drush_get_option('extra') : "--no-align --field-separator='\t' --pset footer=off"); $exec .= " --file $filepath"; break; case 'sqlite': $exec = 'sqlite3'; $exec .= ' ' . drush_get_option('extra'); $exec .= _drush_sql_get_credentials($db_spec); $exec .= " < $filepath"; break; } return $exec; }