Eventum Issue Tracking System ============================= 2011-02-10, Version 2.3.1 - Improve getCustomFieldWeeklyReport (merge request 31659) - Update Smarty 2.6.18 -> 2.6.26 (Elan Ruusamäe) - Put 'Release' in the 'The issue was updated by' e-mail (Robbert-Jan Roos) - Changed ereg to preg_match in template helper for compatability (Bryan) - Removed assignment by reference in db helper to prevent PHP warning (Bryan) - Fix problem with custom field validation (Bryan) [lp#628862] - Allow using GET parameters in reports/weekly.php (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added workflow method to supply custom Link_Filter rules. Supports also callbacks (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed 'recieved' to 'received' (Robbert-Jan Roos) - XSS Fix: escape issue_id in templates accessing it directly via {$smarty.get.id} (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fix bug with ajax dynamic custom fields not honoring "hideWhenNoOptions" (Bryan Alsdorf) [lp#641133] - Make attachment names linked in issue Initial Description (Elan Ruusamäe) - Set memory limit to ~2GiB to be able to download 10MiB emails (Elan Ruusamäe) - Use KiB, MiB keywords for filesizes (Elan Ruusamäe) - Rework Mail_Queue code to be memory efficent by fetching only one email a time to memory (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fix xmlrpc server missing global $XML_RPC_erruser (Elan Ruusamäe) - Add better xmlrpc client class and sample (Elan Ruusamäe) - Rewritten monitor script and class with modern code and flexible (Elan Ruusamäe) - Support for configuring Monitor preferences (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fix user group when creating new user (Elan Ruusamäe) [lp#691398] - Allow translating 'Re: ' in email subjects (Elan Ruusamäe) - Add 'Subscribe Me' button to issue details screen for quickly add user itself to default notification options (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fix charset when processing Mime_Helper::fixEncoding (replaced by decodeQuotedPrintable) - Recognize Italian reply prefix in mail subject (Harri Porten) - Show summary of users time tracking if there are more than one user timetracking record (Raul Raat) - Fixed bug with quoting email addresses when they are surrounded by < > (Bryan Alsdorf) - Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in advisory ZSL-2011-4989 (Bryan, Elan Ruusamäe) [lp#706385] 2010-08-19, Version 2.3 - Removed reference to dynCalendar.css (Bryan, #42301) - Get default actions individualy for each address being added to notification list (Bryan) - Fixed case sensitivity problem when excluding project aliases from being added to notification list (Bryan) - Always allow issue reporter to email the issue (Bryan) - Added manage aliases interface (Dave Anderson) - Rip out Benchmark (Elan Ruusamäe) - Call Workflow::handleNewIssue before Notifications are sent out (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added ability to bulk close issues (Bryan Alsdorf) - Consolidated code that auto added CC address to the notification list (Bryan) - Added issue URL to issue auto created email (Bryan) - Added admin page to manage email aliases (Dave Anderson) - Added offline / maintenance screen displayed based on constant in config file. While offline, management pages are still accessible (CmputrAce) - Display new issue notification when issue is moved (Bryan) - Add Download Raw Email support to email view (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with upgrade process if short_tags is disabled. Fixed #42718 (Bryan) - Allow using download_emails.php for routing and issue creation for same IMAP account (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed problem with manage groups page in IE7 (Bryan) - When loading user preferences always merge them with system defaults (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed problem with CLI open-issues. Fixed #44238 (Bryan) - Merged patch for anonymous user access from Bryan Petty [Tierra] with minor modifications (Bryan) - Call Workflow::getAllowedStatuses from bulk update (Bryan) - Added ability to set message when bulk closing an issue (Bryan) - Use APP_DEFAULT_PAGER_SIZE on advanced search page. Fixes #45045 (Robbert-Jan Roos) - Use System user ID when inserting an issue if no reporter is specified (Bryan) - make bookmarkable custom filters via searchbar.php?custom_id=N (Elan Ruusamäe) - Sort timezones alphabetically (Bryan) - Added ability to sort by scheduled release (Robbert-Jan Roos) - Remove call to set_magic_quotes_runtime() since it is deprecated in PHP 5.3 (Bryan) - Added links to list.php to search for issues from same reporter or customer (Bryan) - Added ability for Custom Field backends to use ajax to get options (Bryan) - Fixed bug with abstract customer backend (Bryan) - Added ability to update expected resolution date and custom fields on list issues page (Raul Raat) - Filter for links issue history popup (Elan Ruusamäe) - Misc files for Custom fields (Bryan Alsdorf) - Allow disabling saving routed drafts/notes/emails if APP_ROUTED_MAILS_SAVEDIR constant undefined (Elan Ruusamäe) - Add OpenSearch description to search issues by ID (Elan Ruusamäe) - SCM commit hook reports back status that SCM server reports back (Elan Ruusamäe) - Merge extra _GET and _POST params in searchbar.php?custom_id=N do be able to dynamically enchance saved custom search (Elan Ruusamäe) - Prevent users with a role less than manager from logging into archived projects (Bryan Alsdorf) - Make popup windows unique to issue, so creating two post note popups won't overwrite former ones (Elan Ruusamäe) - Updated php-gettext up to 1.0.9 (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added automatic lock file cleanup to download_emails.php (Erno Rigo) - Check /etc/mailname for hostname to use in mail system (Peter Lieverdink) - Fixed subject based routing to extract attachments from notes as well (Bryan Alsdorf) - Moved crons to /crons/ (Bryan Alsdorf) - Remove PEAR HTTP_Request from docs, no longer seems used (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed problem with auth redirects failing in subdirectories (Bryan Alsdorf) - Make Last Action Date translatable in issue list screen (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added Custom Fields Weekly Report (Raul Raat) - Allow setup to configure default timezone and start day of week (Elan Ruusamäe) - Make default timezone and default start day of week configurable in setup (Elan Ruusamäe) - Add new option to Custom Fields Weekly Report to show time spent by user (Raul Raat) - Fixed bug with displaying help (Bryan) - Fixed bug with dynamic custom fields (Bryan) - Fixed formatting bug in email accounts admin page (Bryan) 2009-01-14, Version 2.2 - Fixed few errors with template localization (Alessandro Ogier) - Added Precedence: Bulk header to emails to prevent out of office replies. Fixes #34466 (Bryan) - Replaced prototype JS library with jQuery JS library (Bryan) - Added datepicker UI to date fields (Bryan) - Added compatability for MySQL 6 (Bryan) - Added workflow method to determine what issue an email or note should be associated with (Bryan) - Adding attachments to outgoing messages support (Harri Porten) - Allow selecting initial project with /select_project.php?project=PROJECT_ID query parameter (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed problem with last action date title not being set correctly (Bryan) - Fixed problem where notes with attachments showed as "blocked" even though they were not (Bryan) - Ignore wrongly formatted To headers instead of throwing an error (Bryan) - Set SQLMODE to to blank (Bryan) - Display link to attached file download in File Attached email notify (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added new report to show a breakdown of issues by category and status (Bryan) - Added support for user's having multiple email aliases. This is just a backend code, no UI to manage aliases (Bryan) - Added new workflow method to modify messages being added to the mail queue (Bryan) - [MAJOR] Changed email system to convert all incoming emails and notes to default charset before storing (Bryan) - [MAJOR] Added system to manage database upgrades automatcially as SQL patch sets (Elan Ruusamäe) - added convert-utf8.php script to update database to utf8 if the former encoding was proper (Bryan) - added fix-charset.php script to update database to utf8 if the former encoding was improper (Elan Ruusamäe) - Merged change to display issue created date on list issues page (Bryan) - bounce emails back to user if download_emails.php method is used to handle routing and user has no permission to email to note or draft (needs "Leave Copy of Messages On Server" to be off) (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with user being able to update issues in projects he did not have access to (Bryan, #37320) - Display in issue updated notifications name who made the change (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added mechinism for workflow to set custom messages to be displayed in the UI (Bryan) - Added new workflow methods preStatusChange, prePage (Bryan) - Removed "View Mail Queue" link for Standard Users (Bryan, #37324) - Changed subject of issue manually created from email to be consistent with other emails (Bryan) - Allow managers to delete notes from any user (Bryan) - Handled integer custom fields on advanced search (bug #38253) - Added support for default values to the Custom Field API (Bryan) - Don't check which project an email account belongs to when listing emails for an issue (Bryan) - Fixed problem with associated issue validation on issue update page (Ingo van Lil, Bryan) - Use text field for choosing issue to associate emails with (Bryan) - Use text field for choosing duplicate issue (Bryan) - Fixed bug with project selection not being remembered (bug #38279) - Fixed bug with sorting by status from advanced search page (bug #37372) - Fixed bug with adding attachments when sending emails (Bryan) - Send specialized headers to reporters too (Bryan) - Make more informative in view.php pages (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fix compatibility with PEAR Date 1.5.0, displaying times in wrong time (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added pt_BR translation (Georger Araujo) - Added workflow method to control which notification options are set (Bryan) - Updated jquery ui.datepicker.js to 1.5.2 (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added scm_log_url to SCM and handle ADDED and REMOVED actions for checkins (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed logic to allow users without access to the project to be CC'd on emails (Bryan Alsdorf) - Updated datepicker to RC version to solve problem with the day of DST switch being displayed twice (Bryan Alsdorf) - Allow users to login using email aliases (Bryan Alsdorf) - Made week start day configurable from preferences for datepicker (Elan Ruusamäe) - Let custom field size for multiple selection be items count but not more than 10 (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with encoding addresses with special characters when sending emails (Bryan) - Fixed grp_id error on the manage users page after editing a user (Kirk Brown) - Added workflow method to control if new To/Cc addresses are auto added to notification list (Bryan) - Prevent PHP error with IRC bot when trying to fetch channels for a project with no channels defined (Bryan) - Added more informative to close issue page explaining the difference between Internal / All notification options (Bryan) - Fixed bug with custom field report display keys instead of values (Bryan, Elan Ruusamäe) 2008-01-09, Version 2.1.1 - Added missing PEAR classes for Text_Diff (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fix unwanted breakage of PHP 4.x compatability (Elan Ruusamäe) - Include JavaScript files client side, not from Smarty. Fixes #32619 (Elan Ruusamäe) - Avoid redefine error of APP_GETTEXT_MODE constant in language class (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added 'Category' to workload by date range report (Bryan) - Update php-gettext wrapper to support switching locales on same page (Elan Ruusamäe) - Update php-gettext to find LC_MESSAGES from various dirs like glibc function does (Elan Ruusamäe) - MIME decode attachment filenames from emails properly (Elan Ruusamäe) 2007-11-20, Version 2.1 - Fixed error with DB error when removing assignnees from issue assignment list (Bryan) - Rewritten error handling to create less smaller error reports (Elan Ruusamäe) - Make issue associated list as text field (Bryan, Elan Ruusamäe) - Implementing per project "mail aliases" (Alessandro Ogier, Elan Ruusamäe) - Rollback file upload if there was an error instead of creating lingering attachments (Elan Ruusamäe) - Made timetracking window input more convenient (Elan Ruusamäe) - Display email addresses to whom email was sent when issue was updated (Elan Ruusamäe) - Remove unnecessary array_map that breaks UTF-8 encoding in charts legend (Grzegorz 'Dzikus' Sterniczuk) - Propagate errors from invalid to header and ignore it in emails listing page (Elan Ruusamäe) - Add "Show Times spent on issue" to weekly report page (Elan Ruusamäe, Raul Raat) - Fixed bug with viewers updating preferences (Bryan) - Improved Weekly Reports output possibilities (Raul Raat) - Added more information to Workflow::shouldEmailAddress (Bryan) - Fixed bug with adding warning message to base64 encoded email (Bryan) - Added "Recipients" to view email and view note page (Bryan) - Added seperate columns for different custom field datatypes (Bryan) - Display database error in text mode when invoked from cron (Elan Ruusamäe, Raul Raat) - Hide issue stats from reporters when "Segregate Reporters" is enabled (Bryan) - Fixed bug with lookup layer on edit notification list (Bryan) - Fixed bug with reminders when no recipients are found (Bryan) - Fixed bug with emails downloaded from mail server only being sent to issue assignee (Bryan) - Added support level to list issues page (Bryan) - Fixed conditional statements involving roles and localization (Bryan) - Update add time tracking window so that change of start time changes the end time (Raul Raat) - Don't hide Total Time Spent: when hiding time tracking block in issue details page (Raul Raat) - Added ability to control if a custom fields is required and validation options from backend (Bryan) - Added option to include custom fields on close issue page (Bryan) - Added more parameters to Customer::notifyIssueClosed() (Bryan) - Call Workflow::getAdditionalEmailAddresses() when notifying an issue has been updated (Bryan) - Add extra parameter to Workflow::getAdditionalEmailAddresses() to allow issue diffs to be passed (Bryan) - Fixed bug with not encoding [ and ] in address strings (Bryan) - Changed roles needed to move issues between projects (Bryan) - Added option to hide closed issues on stats page (CmputrAce) - Make variable available for workflow to be able to detect whether the email created new issue (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added support for inactive options to Custom field backends (Bryan) - Fixed bug with saving routed email (Bryan) - Added workflow method to control if email addresses are automatically added to the notification list (Bryan) - Fixed bug with blocked emails adding sender to the notification list (Bryan) - Changed customer API to support multiple contracts (Bryan) - Fixed bug with closed issue notification going out even when it shouldn't have (Bryan) - Prevent users of being notified if they assign an issue to themselves (Bryan) - Updated Smarty and PEAR packages to latest versions (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed tab order of custom fields (Bryan) - Fixed bug with expandable tables (Bryan) 2007-04-17, Version 2.0.1 - Fixed packaging bug that prevented setup from running (Bryan) 2007-04-12, Version 2.0 - Fixed bug with user recieving an update email when they updated the issue (Bryan) - Fixed bug with inserting attachment from email with an apostrophe in the email name (Bryan) - Changed support_email table to not truncate long to and cc lists (Bryan) - Changed status graph colors to actually match the status colors (Bryan) - Fixed bug with downloading notes multiple times (Bryan) - Automatically add sender of email to authorized repliers list when auto creating an issue (Bryan) - Refresh parent window when closing notification popup (Bug #20020) (Bryan) - Changed Eventum to honor default notification options when adding an address from an email (Bryan) - Fixed bug with special "bullet" character when submitting an issue (Bryan) - Added new 'Estimated Development Time' report (Bryan) - Fixed bug that allowed reporter to change the status when sending an email (Bryan) - Fixed bug with closing an issue while switching projects in another window (Bryan) - Fixed PHP error on associate email page (Bryan, Rusty Nejdl) - Changed Advanced Search to allow reporters to access it (Bryan) - Added X-Eventum-Assignee header to emails (Bryan) - Fixed bug with date fields on advanced search page not showing correctly (Bryan) - Fixed bug with message body not being displayed when Content-Type is missing (Bryan) - Fixed PHP warning in customer backend (Bryan) - Fixed bug caused by whitespace at start of email address (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with wrong users being displayed on close issue page (Bryan) - Changed quick filter form to be fixed width to avoid rendering problems in Firefox (Bryan) - Fixed bug with error when sending emails creating infinite loops (Bryan) - Fixed bug with special "dash" character when submitting an issue (Bryan) - Fixed problem with rss feeds searching by custom fields (Bryan) - Worked on removing instances of call time pass by reference (Bryan) - Fixed bug with subject based routing with special characters (Bryan, Thanks to Frank Tilmans) - Fixed bug with saving mail queue log (Bryan, Thanks to Peter van den Heuvel) - Fixed bug with email bounces causing infinite mail loop when auto creating issues (Bryan) - Added workflow method to be called before email is downloaded (Bryan) - Added "Open Issues By Reporter" report (Bryan) - Fixed bug with UTF8 characters on graphs (Bryan) - Send emails with charset specified in config (Bug #17267) (Bryan) - Added link from reporter to show all issues reported by that user (Bryan) - Correctly show changes to issue private status in history (Bryan) - Set last response date if sending an email from a user with a role of Standard User or above (Bryan) - Added --separate-closed argument to Eventum CLI weekly-report command (Elan Ruusamäe) - Removed double emails decoding bug (Bryan) - Fix corruption of SCM commits messages of certain commit messages (Elan Ruusamäe) - Allow SCM commit messages contain multiple issue IDs (Elan Ruusamäe) - Add "Add signature" feature to issue close page (Elan Ruusamäe) - Customize list page sorting order per column type (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added $note_id to handleNewNote workflow method (Elan Ruusamäe) - Detect and log corrupted MIME emails (Elan Ruusamäe) - Show attached xml files inline (Elan Ruusamäe) - Improved time tracking output to show also hours and days (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed view issue page to be more compact (Eliot Blennerhassett, Elan Ruusamäe) - Rewritten SCM configuration which allows simple way of using https scheme (Elan Ruusamäe) - Speedup SCM commits that are not associated with Eventum issue (Elan Ruusamäe) - Optimized regex and memory usage (Elan Ruusamäe) - Change permissions to allow Administrators to delete attachments from any users (Bryan) - Remove "Remember Login" checkbox since it is confusing and mislabeled (Bryan) - Fixed bug with custom fields report showing data across projects (Bryan) - Fixed bug with Custom Fields with a type of date (Dave Greco) - Dislay all recipients for emails in issue details screen (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with attachments breaking with magic_quotes_sybase = On (Dave Greco) - Fixed stylesheet bugs (Dave Greco) - Automatically add addresses on to/cc list to notification list when auto creating a new issue (Bryan) - Change weekly report to be project specific (Bryan) - Added warning message when closing issue from update issue page (Bryan) - Added Ignore Issue Status Changes to weekly report window (Elan Ruusamäe) - Update Eventum core code to handle PHP configurations without old style of globals (Elan Ruusamäe) - Update JPGraph to handle PHP configurations without old style of globals (Bryan) - Fixed bug with not setting the issue ID in the subject of emails sent to users not on the notification list (Bryan) - Allow IRC bot to join server with username/password optionally. (Elan Ruusamäe) - Set system user to always have a role of administrator (Bryan) - Fixed bug with displaying note sequence (Bryan) - Fixed bug with extracting attachments (Bryan) - Added Finnish translation (Jyrki Heinonen) - Fixed bug attachment history entry not being added due variable overwrite (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed detection in process_{svn,cvs}_commits whether there was issue id specified in commit message (Elan Ruusamäe) - Order weekly report by Issue ID (Bryan) 31 Mar 2006, Version 1.7.1 - Fixed bug with Workflow::handleAssignmentChange() being called too often (Bryan) - Fixed bug that allowed unassigned issues even if "Allow unassigned issues" is set to no (Bryan) - Added information on what community users should do to contribute code to the Eventum project (João) - Fixed bug that tried to set status to "Assigned" when an issue was created with assignees (Bug #16165) (Bryan) - Fixed bug with sorting by last action date with MySQL 5 (Bryan) - Fixed bug with workflow API when updating custom fields (Bryan) - Changed issue ID field to automatically strip non numeric characters when looking up issue (Bryan) - Fixed bug that was causing too many redirects (Bryan) - Added X-Eventum-Category special header (Bryan) - Added workflow method to check if a user can email an issue (Bryan) - Fixed bug where statuses were not restricted on view issue page (Bryan) - Fixed bug with not encoding title on RSS feed (Bryan) - Added favicon (Contributed by Georger Araujo) - Added new constant APP_COOKIE_URL (Bryan) - Fixed bug with using authentication when sending mail (Bryan) - Fixed bug with empty reply-to headers causing mail to be associated with the wrong issue (Bryan) - When creating a new issue from an email, add the senders to the authorized repliers list (Bryan) - Added option to send closing comments to all users (Bryan) - Fixed bug with custom date fields on anonymous report form (Bug #17166) (Bryan) - Added new special header 'X-Eventum-Project' (Bryan) - Added workflow method for when a user is added to the Authorized repliers list (Bryan) - Added feature to allow sorting by custom fields (Bryan) - Added full path to reports link (Bug #17551) (Bryan) - Fixed bug with searching on custom date fields (Bryan) - Changed naming format of saved routed emails/notes/drafts to be easier to read (Bryan) - Fixed bug with issues not being created when using elipsis in issue description using Internet Explorer (Bryan) - Fixed bug with notification email showing wrong status when sending a note (Bryan) - Fixed bug with searching by keyword on email page (Bryan) - Fixed bug with showing old project name when auto switching projects (Bryan) - Added ability to use different hashing method for passwords (Bryan) - Allow issue auto creation to work with subject based routing (Bryan) - Fixed subject based routing to work across multiple projects (Bryan) - Fixed page refreshes to use the relative URL instead of the absolute URL (Bryan) - Fixed subject encoding in mail queue (Elan Ruusamäe) - Truncate issue list in issue lookup to 70 characters (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed recent activity report to open issue links in blank windows (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed file upload window to not automatically close if there was an error uploading the file (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed templates to display 'Add Email/Note/Draft/etc' button, even when section is collapsed (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug that prevented "Record Time Worked" section from being displayed (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed mail handling routines to be case insensitive (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed link filters to match more links and email addresses (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with associate emails page not remembering search parameters (Bryan) - Changed configuration structure to seperate directories / files (Bryan, Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed default to "Allow un-assigned issues" to "Yes" (Bryan) - Enabled email integration by default (Bryan) - Prevent users with a role of reporter from accessing time tracking information (Bryan) - Display multi-combo custom fields on custom fields report (Bryan) 29 Dec 2005, Version 1.7.0 - Added feature to support custom fields with dynamic option lists (Bryan) - Fixed bug with highlight quoted replies plugin with handling line seperators (Bryan, Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with displaying values from multiple option custom fields (Bug #12494) (Bryan) - Added feature to allow custom fields to store date values (Bryan) - Added URL parameter to specify the project to switch to when loading a page (Bryan) - Added constants to allow default user preferences to be configured (Bryan) - Fixed bug with error checking on anonymous report form (Bryan) - Changed Authorization code to redirect using 'Location' header for all servers except IIS (Bug #13051) (Bryan) - Changed FAQ screen to use created date when last updated date is empty (Bryan) - Changed associate note feature to not change subject when associating with an issue (Bryan) - Fixed bug with updating priorities (Bryan) - Fixed bug with parsing multiple or invalid email addresses (Bryan) - Fixed the SCM checkin code to properly update the last action date field for an issue (João) - Fixed a problem with the IRC bot that would prevent it from working under PHP5 (João) - Fixed a bug in which inactive users would still show up when sending emails and choosing Cc: recipients (João) - Added a workaround to a Windows-only Time zone related bug that would trigger a crash in Apache in certain circumstances (João) - Fixed bug with expandable tables on recent activity report (Bryan) - Fixed bug on custom fields report that prevent custom fields with backends from being displayed (Bryan) - Updated Eventum to be compatible with MySQL 5.0 (Bryan) - Added feature to add attachments from notes as internal only files (João) - Added Subject based routing (Bryan; special thanks to Tibor Gellert) - Added feature to allow recipient flags on all notes/emails sent from Eventum even if routing is disabled (Eliot Blennerhassett, Bryan) - Added feature to handle email messages that don't have a Message-ID header set (Bryan) - Added new 'Stalled Issues' report (Bryan) - Updated the fulltext search routine to properly use UNIONs and allow MySQL to use the proper indexes when searching (João) - Fixed bug on the RSS feed script to avoid an error condition when no issues could be found for a particular saved search (João) - Fixed bug that reset Administrator's permission level (Bryan) - Changed list.php to use relative instead of absolute URL (Bryan) - Fixed bug with custom fields not showing up on new issue email from anonymous report form (Bryan) - Added new workflow method to notify additional email addresses when a new issue is created (Bryan) - Fixed bug with updating custom fields for projects with single quotes in their name (Bryan) - Added code to prevent caching of csv export page (Bryan) - Added priority and category to bulk update (Bryan) 19 Aug 2005, Version 1.6.1 - Fixed the installation procedure to add the INDEX privilege to the MySQL user (João) - Fixed bug with handling HTML characters in Internal FAQ entries (Bryan) - Fixed bug displaying priority in current filters (Bryan) - Added feature to set X-Eventum-Type header in new assignment email (Bryan) - Fixed bug that allowed users to access attachments, custom fields, phone calls and time tracking from issues they did not have access too (Bryan) - Added new workflow method to check if an address should be emailed (Bryan) - Fixed the issue searching routine to properly handle disabled fulltext search and customer integration features (João) - Improved the IRC Bot script to be easier to configure (João) - Added feature to update issue assignment, status and release for multiple issues at the same (Bryan) - Fixed labels on workload by date range graphs (Bryan) - Added feature to highlight quoted replies in notes and emails using smarty plugin from Joscha Feth (Bryan) - Updated the bundled XML-RPC library to the latest PEAR 1.4.0 release (João) 29 Jul 2005, Version 1.6.0 - Added feature to control order of custom fields (Bryan) - Added feature to specify custom field backend (Bryan) - Added feature to control which users can access specific custom fields (Bryan) - Improved fulltext search feature to include custom fields (Bryan) - Fixed bug with returning list of statuses in abstract workflow backend (Bryan) - Added reporter to advanced search page (Bryan) - Fixed the editing of news items on the administration interface (João) - Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerability on the Authentication class (Bug #12254) (João) - Fixed the installation procedure code to properly detect MySQL versions and enable the fulltext search feature (João) - Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerabilities on the Release and Report classes (Bug #12254) (João) - Fixed bug that caused custom field data to be deleted from all projects when removing a field from one project (Bryan) - Added the CREATE, DROP and ALTER privileges when creating a new MySQL user for the Eventum database (João) - Added feature to display which filters are active on the issue listing screen (Bryan) - Replaced JSRS library with a new httpClient library (Bryan) - Fixed a bug that would prevent the authorized repliers list from working correctly (João) - Changed the project switch feature so that it respects the user preference to auto close the popup window or not (João) - Added the ability to rank FAQ entries (João) - Added the feature to search for past releases on the advanced search screen (João) - Fixed bug that caused URLs in news item to be corrupted (Bryan) - Added option to choose time category when adding a time tracking entry from a note (Bryan) - Added feature to automatically set the subject of new notes (Bryan) - Fixed the view note window to properly display a special message when a note has been deleted (Bryan) - Added feature to display a sequenential note number in title window of view note page (Bryan) - Added feature to customize the boilerplate text of reminder alert messages (João) - Fixed the RSS feature of custom filters to behave properly under Microsoft IIS (João) 26 Jul 2005, Version 1.5.5 - Fixed the issue details page to properly escape the summary of associated issues (Bug #10464) (João) - Fixed the link activation code to properly parse and ignore certain words (Bug #10263) (João) - Added a feature to automatically enable/disable the full-text search feature on the installation procedure (João) - Improved the installation routines to properly display the full path to potential missing files (João) - Updated Example Customer API to handle expired customers (Bryan) - Fixed bug that caused links in FAQ entries to be mangled (Bryan) - Fixed a bug on the workflow API so that it will only list backend files with filenames ending in .php (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added a check on the link filter feature to avoid double parsing for urls (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with full-text searching under MySQL 4.1 (Bryan) - Fixed email routing where domain portion was not properly verified (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added Expected Resolution Date field to list issues page (Bryan) - Changed the recent activity report to properly escape values in query (Bryan) - Fixed issue summaries escaping on weekly report to prevent XSS (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug that that didn't mark issue as updated when adding a time entry (Bryan) - Fixed bug with CLI command 'open-issues' (Bryan) - Fixed the database schema file to properly set the table types to MyISAM (João) - Merged the fix for the security hole on the PEAR XML_RPC package (João) - Fixed the custom field handling code to properly escape HTML values (João) - Fixed the advanced search screen to properly save the 'authorized to email' / 'notification list' options (João) - Added a validation check to the installation screen for the sender address (João) - Changed the preferences screen to not allow customers to edit their personal details (João) - Removed references to the missing 'cst_use_fulltext' database field (João) - Fixed the auto-link feature to properly recognize URLs with pipes in them (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added a new Workflow API method to be triggered when SCM commits are made (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed the IRC bot to automatically re-join the channels when it reconnects (João, Elan Ruusamäe) - Improved the Workflow::handleIssueClosed API to receive all arguments related to an issue being closed (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with spell checker (Bryan) 6 Jun 2005, Version 1.5.4 - Fixed bug with 'reply' button having a hard coded email account ID (Bryan) - Added workflow method be to be called when adding a user to the notification list (Bryan) - Fixed bug that prevented releases scheduled for today from showing up (Bryan) - Added conditional statement to prevent PHP error if a user did not have any preferences set when creating new issue (Bryan) - Changed the code to automatically disable magic_quote_runtime to prevent problems from creeping up (João) - Changed the error handling routines to avoid sending out an email notification when the error is about MySQL's max_allowed_packet setting (João) - Added workaround to prevent email from iNotes from being displayed as one line (Bryan) - Fixed bug with < and > not showing up issue summaries on associate issues page (Bryan) - Added feature to allow reporters to be added to the authorized repliers list (Bryan) - Fixed bug with saving searches with the Rows Per Page as 'ALL' (Bryan) - Changed send forms to display notification list accurately and consistently (Bryan) - Added feature to mark last action as 'User Response' if a user with a level of 'Reporter' emails an issue (Bryan) - Added feature to allow reporters to change 'Automatically close confirmation popup windows' preference (Bryan) - Added check if 'register_argc_argv' is enabled in download_emails.php (Bryan) - Fixed bug so that 'Remember Project' checkbox is honored on the select project page (Bryan) - Added feature to automatically activate links within custom fields (Bryan) - Added ability to change status when sending notes (Bryan) - Added feature to display who closed the issue when sending notification email (Bryan) - Added feature to automatically change pages to main page when switching projects from view or update page (Bryan) - Fixed bug to only display FAQ entries for the currently selected project (Bryan) - Fixed a bug that would trigger a loop of errors when a database connection cannot be completed (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed the email removal routine to properly remove the associated email bodies (João) - Fixed the permanent email removal routine so it doesn't remove the messages from the server if the 'leave messages on server' option is enabled (João) - Added full text searching to the issue listing screen (Bryan) - Fixed the issue details page to properly hide the custom fields table if there are none to be displayed (João) - Fixed bug to prevent customers from accessing the email listing page (Bryan) - Fixed SQL error when auto creating issue from email with no customer specified (Bryan) - Changed the graphs on the initial screen to hide entities that don't have any values (João) - Added a feature to display the number of open/closed items on the stats screen (João) - Changed the user management screen not to allow administrators from changing the role of a customer user (João) - Fixed the notification code to use a more descriptive subject about an issue being created from an email (Bryan) - Fixed small time formatting bug that would only be triggered for values bigger than a day (João) 21 Apr 2005, Version 1.5.3 - Fixed bug with segregate reporters that allowed reporters to access issues they didn't report (Bryan) - Fixed problem with resetting user permissions when updating a project (João) - Fixed bug with returning number of rows on list issues page (Bryan) - Fixed bug with encoding certain characters in email addresses (Bryan) - Fixed bug with timezone DST information for 'Europe/Tallinn' and 'Europe/Vilnius' timezones (Elan Ruusamäe) - Increased the default memory limit on the IRC bot code to prevent crashes (Elan Ruusamäe) - Increased the default memory limit on the IRC bot code to prevent crashes (Elan Ruusamäe) - Improved module name readability by making module/directory name not wrap on the list of CVS checkins (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed recent activity report to properly fix the encoding of sender/recipient headers (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added feature to automatically activate links from within attachment descriptions (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug that prevented URLs like http://example.com/~user/ from being auto-linked (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed mail queue log screen to properly use the user's preferred timezone when displaying the queued date (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed date handling code to properly use PEAR::Date to convert timezones (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed textarea height size to fit within the send email popup window (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed the issue listing screen code so that sorting by status will use the status rank field (João) - Fixed code that allowed one to associate an issue to itself (João) - Added some extra checks to the login screen to properly report problems on the Eventum installation (João) - Added some code to properly identify closed issues when displaying duplicate or associated issues (João) - Fixed problem that prevented search options from being saved on the advanced search screen (Bug #10026) (Bryan) - Fixed magic quote problem by auto-unescaping quotes on $_REQUEST array (Bug #9915) (Bryan) - Allow reporters to access issues they are on the authorized repliers list when segregate reporters is enabled (Bryan) 15 Apr 2005, Version 1.5.2 - Fixed the note viewing screen to prevent users with permission levels lower than "Standard User" from displaying notes (Bug #9134) (João) - Fixed the time tracking remove routine to check if the person removing the entry is really its owner (Bug #9137) (João) - Fixed the issue assignment feature of the listing screen to work again (João) - Fixed bug that was causing php error when removing all assigned users from an issue (Bryan) - Fixed bug with searching by date range on recent activity report (Bryan) - Removed update issue confirmation dialog for users with a role of developer or above (Bryan) - Fixed JS error on close issue page (Bryan) - Fixed bug in example customer API (Bryan) - Fixed bug with 'My Assignments' not remembering sort order (Bryan) - Fixed bug #9181: Edit Notification List doesn't select address to edit (Bryan) - Added feature to allow issue/note/draft routing to use normal email accounts instead of specialized setup (Bryan) - Changed statuses to always be sorted by rank (Bryan) - Fixed bug with array_merge() on manage users page (Bryan) - Fixed bug with not being able to un-assign inactive users from issues (Bryan) - Added more thorough input checking to prevent possible SQL Injection attacks (Bryan) - Fixed Misc::activateLinks() method to handle links with tildes (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed potential SQL injection vulnerabilities (Bryan) - Fixed email handling code to properly strip CC and BCC headers from outgoing emails to avoid sending duplicate messages (Bryan) - Added feature to list issues on Custom Fields report (Bryan) - Added To and From columns to phone support listing (Bryan) - Fixed estimated dev time showing up as minutes instead of hours on notification email (Bryan) - Fixed a bug that was preventing an email from being converted to an issue even when it isn't from a known customer (João) - Added extra order by clauses to make sure results are returned the same way every time (Bryan) - Added feature to display project name in IRC notice if multiple projects are broadcasting in the same channel (Bryan) - Fixed bug that caused notification to be sent to user who updated issue (Bryan) - Fixed bug that prevented multiple select custom fields to have values cleared (Bug #9853) (Bryan) - Changed issue listing screen show/hide links to be displayed in Opera/Safari (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed dynCalendar so it works in Opera (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added issue description to RSS feed as well as other minor fixes (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug with transferring non-ASCII data over xmlrpc (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed bug on the issue listing screen that would not add the assignee to the notification list (João) - Added feature to clear closed date and resolution when re-opening issues (Bryan) - Added feature to honor default notification options (Bryan) - Added feature to display different auto created email for users that don't have accounts (Bryan) - Added extra check to the installation procedure to properly check for session support (João) - Fixed bug that caused the wrong timezone short name on daylight savings time to be displayed (João) - Fixed bug that prevented SMTP authentication from working in a few special cases (João) - Fixed problem that was triggering Internet Explorer's warning message about switching from secure to insecure mode on the reporting system (João) - Added feature to automatically set the project lead user as a manager for that project (João) - Fixed bug that caused release changes not to show up in update email (Bryan) - Added feature so route emails script can now figure out what email account to use automatically (Bryan) 11 Mar 2005, Version 1.5.1 - Fixed bug in which associating an email to a new issue with a quotation mark on the subject would break the summary input tag (João) - Avoid displaying PHP warnings when running Eventum under safe_mode (João) - Fixed the mail queue processing code that was referencing a missing method name (João) - Added feature to replace special characters Microsoft Word uses for double and single quotes with normal characters when creating an issue (Bryan) - Added feature to allow emails to be moved between accounts (Bryan) - Added some form validation to the custom field report (João) - Changed the attachment handling code to handle certain attachment types better (Bryan) - Changed the issue/email listing screens to save their search related information in the database, instead of in cookies (João) - Added indexes to a few columns (Bug #7676) (Bryan) - Added some code to prevent people from creating an internal FAQ entry without selecting the project first (João) - Added feature to allow download_emails script to be called via the web (Bryan) - Fixed the issue update code to properly subscribe new assignees to the notification list (João) - Changed the behavior of the view issue screen to automatically hide tables without any data (João) - Fixed some caching problems that might be triggered when customizing the columns to be displayed at a project level (João) - Fixed the report form so that it dynamically focus the correct field depending on what form fields are hidden (João) - Changed the view email screen to set the page character set to whatever is set on the underlying email content (Elan Ruusamäe) - Added Estimated Dev time field to list issues page, view issue page and update page (Dustin Sias) - Added Percent complete field (Dustin Sias) - Changed javascript confirmation when updating an issue to not be displayed if no emails accounts exist yet (Bryan) - Fixed bug that allowed any authenticated user to assign any issue to any user (Bug #9097) (Bryan) - Changed history of changes screen to properly decode quoted-printable subject (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed the expandable cell feature to also automatically activate links (Elan Ruusamäe) - Changed the error handling routines to save an error log with more detailed information (João) - Fixed bug that would prevent users from downloading files because of encoded content-type headers (João) 01 Mar 2005, Version 1.5 - Fixed bug with looking up addresses not working when replying to email (Bryan) - Fixed bug with APP_TITLE not being displayed in issue auto created messages (Bryan) - Fixed Clock-In / Clock-Out link on non-base directories (João) - Fixed the mail queue handling code to prevent displaying a PHP warning (João) - Fixed a problem on the example customer backend that was triggering a DB error (João) - Added missing function to Abstract_Workflow_Backend class (Bryan) - Display the current textarea value when trying to update the custom fields (João) - Issue assignment emails now go out from project email address (Bryan) - Back button on mail queue log page uses app_base_url now (Bryan) - Users can now have seperate roles per project (Bryan) - Added option to hide priority and file field on create issue page (Bryan) - Drafts are now never deleted (Bryan) - Issues Descriptions are now collapsible (Bryan) - Added #s to drafts, notes, phone calls, emails and time tracking entries (Bryan) - Weekly report excludes notification and authorized replier actions (Bryan) - Upgraded recent activity report to handle emails, notes, drafts and time tracking entries (Bryan) - If text file is > 5K force download instead of displaying (Bryan) - Add confirmation if you do not redeem incidents when closing an issue (Bryan) - Fixed tab order on new issue form (Bryan) - Add attachments to new issue notification (Bryan) - Remove certain CC addresses from incoming emails (Bryan) - Added IRC bot restart script (Bryan) - Fixed SQL error with advanced search (Bryan) - Fixed bug with link filters (Bryan) - Added option to add time tracking entry from close issue page (Bryan) - Fixed typo in JS confirmation when sending an email (Bryan) - Added option to let reporters only view issues they reported (Bryan) - Forced timezone library to realize all dates in Eventum are stored as GMT (Bryan) - Added option to mark issues as private (Bryan) - Fixed bug with remembering the row count on the 'My Assignment' link (Bryan) - Fixed bug that caused multiple blank file upload fields to appear (Bryan) - Fixed bug that prevented the edit custom fields window from automatically closing (Bryan) - Remove 'Return-Path' header from messages added to the mail queue (Bryan) - Added option to display reporter to list issues page (Bryan) - Added the feature to always allow the issue reporter to send emails (Bryan) - Changed attachment handling to work with inline attachments (Bryan) - Apply encoding fixes in more places (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed the CVS integration code to silence console errors when adding a new directory (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed the email download code to release the lock if there is an error connecting to the mail server (Bryan) - Added workload by date range report (Bryan) - Added missing "scm_checkin_associated" history type (João) - Fixed bug on CVS integration script that was not encoding the URL arguments (João) - Added the ability to rank custom priorities (João) - Fixed bug when sorting by category (Bryan) - Added specialized headers to outgoing emails (Bryan) - Added new CLI command 'takeIssue' (Bryan) - Added reminders and ability to sort to recent activity report (Bryan) - Added feature to prevent time tracking categories 'Email Discussion' and 'Telephone Discussion' from being removed (Bryan) - When changing status with 'Change Status' select box, send out notification message (Bryan) - Fixed the CVS commit handling regular expression to properly match "issue" or "bug" followed by a number (Elan Ruusamäe) - Fixed the monitor code to properly escape the dash when searching for the IRC bot pid (Elan Ruusamäe) 04 Jan 2005, Version 1.4 - Fixed the notification code to properly handle the condition in which the recipient type flag is empty (João) - Fixed the MIME handling code to support inline attachments (João) - Fixed some of the navigation links so they show up for the Reporter permission level users (João) - Fixed bug where developer role could not see which issues were quarantined from the list issues page (Bryan) - Changed the mail queue code to properly add a Date: header to outgoing emails (João) - Renamed the Profile page to Stats (João) - Fixed the issue quarantine code so that when its status is changed it will now save a history entry about it (João) - Changed the lookup field javascript code to search for keywords in the middle of the words instead of just at the beginning of them (João) - Improved the error handling routine to also include the browser information (João) - Fixed the email routing interface to allow 'issue+1@example.com' as a valid address (João) - Changed the session code as to prevent it from messing up the browser cache (João) - Removed the Lock/Unlock issue feature since it wasn't really restricting anything (João) - Added 'Link Filters' so text matching a regular expression could be linked to other systems (Bryan) - If select box only has one valid option it will be selected automatically (Bryan) - Popups to choose associated issues now has option to choose issue by ID (Bryan) - Added a prompt message to confirm the closing of the email window (Bryan) - Changed reminder system to allow date fields to be compared with other date fields (Bryan) - Changed IRC notification system to not always be tied to a specific issue (Bryan) - Workflow: When a new email is recieved, the handleNewEmail method is always called. Previously the method was only called if the email was associated with an issue. (Bryan) - Fixed bug that generated error when changing priority (Bryan) - Added option to list custom fields on list issues page (Bryan) - Fixed 'Issues by Release' link to actually only list issues from the correct release (Bryan) - Added option to force reminders to not count weekends when performing date calculations (Bryan) - Made certain popups resizable (Bryan) - Fixed bug with outdated information being emailed to a user when a new project is assigned to them (Bryan) - If customer integration is not enabled, don't mention customers in warning message (Bryan) - Workflow: Added workflow method to restrict what statuses can be set for a specific issue (Bryan) - Updated PEAR Net_UserAgent_Detect class to be compatible with PHP5 (Bryan) - Added ability to dynamically control which columns are displayed on issue listing screen (Bryan) - Added the 'Release' field to the advanced search page (Bryan) - Added email configuration form to installation screen (Bryan) - Fixed the custom field code to properly display the current value of a textarea-field when trying to update their information (João) - Updated the custom field handling code in the anonymous report form (João) - Automatically redirect to the second step of the anonymous report form if there is just one project to select (João) - Added code to respect the allow-unassigned-issues feature in the anonymous report form (João) - Rewrote the CVS integration script in PHP (João) - Moved the file upload form to a popup window (João) - Changed the template code to allow popup windows to be resized (João) - Fixed the installation screen to properly display a warning if the IMAP extension is not enabled (João) - Added some documentation about some of the management screens (João) - Moved the log files into a separate directory (João) - Rewrote the locking mechanism for most of the interactive scripts (João) - Fixed the phone entry window to automatically close after submitting the form (João) - Added the ability to create custom filters for "un-assigned" issues and issues assigned to "myself or un-assigned" (João) - Fixed bug that was causing a SQL error when deleting projects if no email accounts were associated with it (Bryan) - Added 'Recent Activity Report' to show phone calls added recently (Bryan) - Fixed bug with phone call entry not defaulting to current local time (Bryan) - Fixed bug with reminder system where expired contracts were not being excluded (Bryan) - Added option to search by events in past X hours on advanced search page (Bryan) - Added support for multiple incident types (Bryan) - Following a direct link to an issue will no longer prompt for a project when you login (Bryan) - Automatically switch projects if viewing an issue in a project other then the currently selected one (Bryan) - Added default charset of 'ISO-8859-1' (Bryan) - Inline file attachments (such as images) now have filename set (Bryan) 15 Sep 2004, Version 1.3.1 - Added the missing maq_iss_id and maq_subject columns to the mail_queue table schema (João) - Fixed a database schema upgrade bug that tried to do "default '0'" in a auto_increment field (João) - Added a missing named anchor in the example backend customer information template (João) - Fixed the create issue form priority drop-down box to default to 'Please choose a priority' (João) - Added the support for a non-standard MySQL port (João) - Changed the issue reply window to have a unique name so one can reply to multiple issues at once (João) - Fixed the FAQ and News modules to automatically activate links when displaying the content (João) - Added the ability to sort by the Last Action Date column in saved searches (João) - Added an initial set of commands to the IRC bot: !help; !auth; !clock; !list-clocked-in and !list-quarantined (João) 10 Sep 2004, Version 1.3 - Customer integration API (João, Bryan) - Custom Workflow API (Bryan) - Made canned email responses be customizable in a per-project basis (João) - Made priorities be customizable in a per-project basis (João) - Fixed the SQL schema to avoid the mystic "Invalid default value for 'sta_id'" error message when installing the application (João) - Automatically add a slash in the end of the installation path to avoid configuration problems (João) - Fixed bug in custom field report when not graphing all options. (Bryan) - Forced order of graph bars on custom field report to match order options are listed in the select box. (Bryan) - Added customer stats report. (Bryan) - Added ability to specify which fields should be displayed on the issue creation form. (Bryan) - Fixed the "Forgot My Password" code to check for null results (Clay Loveless) - Improved the form validation of the email account form (Clay Loveless) - Fixed a bug that was preventing history entries to be created about an assignment from an issue automatically created from an email (Clay Loveless, João) - Added support for "date field is NULL" type search (João) - Added the ability to create global custom filters (João) - Displaying the history of reminder actions triggered for a specific issue (João) - Added time tracking shortcuts to the note and draft popups (João) - Added a feature to display the assignment information for an issue when doing IRC notifications (João) - Added a new option to silently associate an email with an existing issue (João) - Clear out any email listing screen search parameters when switching the currently selected project (João) - Added shortcuts for the list-files and get-file CLI commands (João) - Added a feature to include the backtrace of an error if we have access to the debug_backtrace() function (João) - Added note to remind people to protect their setup directories after installation (João) - Removed the "default notification options" feature. Too complex for something that should be simple (João) - Added user preference to automatically pre-fill the email signature in the internal notes module (João) - Fixed a bug that would continualy add "[#3333] Note: " to messages that already have that in the subject line (João) - Added a feature to save the issue/email listing screen search parameters in a per-project basis, so switching projects no longer is a problem (João) - Added a feature to allow a issue reminder to trigger a specific action and also a IRC notification (João) - Fixed the issue-xxxx@ code to properly ignore vacation auto-responder messages (João) - Improved the Mail_Queue class code to remove any Reply-To: values prior to sending the messages out (João) - Added some performance tweaks to a few screens (João) - Added a feature to hide issue resolution from interface if no resolutions are set (Bryan) - Changed CLI 'open-issues' command to use a case insensitive search (Bryan) - Added email notification for when issue assignment is changed (Bryan) - Added Group support (Bryan) - Display who performed the action when sending notification messages (Bryan) - Changed titled of draft window to 'Create Draft' (Bryan) - Added option to hide fields from users of a specific role on the create issue form (Bryan) - Added ability for issues to be 'Quarantined' when they are created (Bryan) - Added sorting on 'Last Action Date' column (Bryan, João) - Changed the history of changes window to dynamically hide internal-only actions from customer users (Bryan) - Fixed bug in the notification email code to properly display the project name in the outgoing emails (Clay Loveless) 30 Jun 2004, Version 1.2.2 - Forced cookies to always be set using APP_RELATIVE_URL to prevent multiple cookies from being created. (Bryan) - Properly handling email attachments with uppercase MIME related values (João) - Fixed the email and note routing scripts to parse MIME emails and fetch the appropriate message body (João) - When handling a routed note, add all email addresses from staff users from both To: and Cc: list to notification list (João) - Properly handle quoted-printable message bodies (João) - Weekly report can now be generated for any time period. (Bryan) - Added new Custom Field Report. (Bryan) - Download emails script no longer requires a mailbox name if using a pop3 account. (Bryan) - Fixed bug where values for new custom fields could not be set on existing issues. (Bryan) - When replying to an email from the web interface, set the In-Reply-To: header accordingly (João) - Added an automatic check to handle concurrency issues with the mail queue process script (João) - Phone call module now uses expandable cell to save space. (João; Bryan) - When Phone call is added, time tracking entry is also added. (João; Bryan) - Moved description to seperate table to prevent wide descriptions from pushing the rest of the table over. (Bryan) - Added security to reports to prevent users with a role lower then "Standard User" from accessing them. (Bryan) - Auto reconnect to the IRC server if the connection is lost (João) - Fixed cookie related problem that prevented users from logging into IIS based installations (João) - Fixed a bug that was preventing the selected list of statuses from being stored when creating a new project (João) 15 Jun 2004, Version 1.2.1 - Fixed the email download routine to properly handle emails without any issue association (João) - Changed the reminder email alert so it displays the current assignment list (João) - Fixed the database upgrade script to properly respect the table prefix chosen by the user (João) 14 Jun 2004, Version 1.2 - SMS email address can now be set back to empty. (Bryan) - Fixed a problem with a duplicate key name in the history_type table (João) - Fixed a few database migration problems when upgrading from an old snapshot release (João) - Added a missing directory required in order for the IRC bot to work (João) - Added a feature to auto-create issues from downloaded emails (João) - Reworked the code that handles the automatic association of email into issues (João) - Added a missing directory required in order for the diff-style issue updated notification emails to work (João) - Added a usr_id field to the email table to make reporting on that table easier (Bryan) - Separated the body and full email fields from the email table into a separate one to improve query performance (João) - Added a missing reference to the 'noted_emails|notes' directories in the INSTALL file (João) - Removed 'to' field when sending emails from an issue since emails are sent to notification list. (Bryan) - Fixed a bug in which the selected date for a phone call would be ignored (João) 05 Jun 2004, Version 1.1 - Initial release (João; Bryan) /* vim: set encoding=utf-8: */