* API cleanups: - Support::getEmailInfo() does more than the name says * mail queue view (at least) is broken with PEAR Date 1.5.0 * Manage Statuses is silly, if you update one status it deletes all entries for that prs_sta_id and reinserts everything again except the one you perhaps removed: UPDATE eventum.eventum_status SET sta_title='discovery', sta_abbreviation='DSC', sta_rank=1, sta_color='#cc9966', sta_is_closed=0 WHERE sta_id=1 SELECT prj_id, prj_title FROM eventum.eventum_project, eventum.eventum_project_status WHERE prj_id=prs_prj_id AND prs_sta_id=1 DELETE FROM eventum.eventum_project_status WHERE prs_sta_id IN (1) INSERT INTO eventum.eventum_project_status ( prs_sta_id, prs_prj_id) VALUES ( 1, 5) INSERT INTO eventum.eventum_project_status ( prs_sta_id, prs_prj_id) VALUES ( 1, 4) INSERT INTO eventum.eventum_project_status ( prs_sta_id, prs_prj_id) VALUES ( 1, 9) INSERT INTO eventum.eventum_project_status ( prs_sta_id, prs_prj_id) VALUES ( 1, 6) INSERT INTO eventum.eventum_project_status ( prs_sta_id, prs_prj_id) VALUES ( 1, 7) UPDATE eventum.eventum_issue SET iss_sta_id=0 WHERE iss_sta_id=1 AND iss_prj_id IN (1) * Make it possible to have several SCM backends (CVS, maybe several SVN) * Make it possible via workflow to map SCM user to real Eventum user * Default issue priority is defined in bizarre locations - for auto created issues from email, it's a property of email account - for issues created from web interface, it is hardcoded to '3' -> default value should be property of project * class.user.php :: getRole : notes: // XXX manage/custom_fields.php uses role_id = 9 as "Never Display", which is hack return isset($roles[$role_id]) ? $roles[$role_id] : null; * HTML modernization convert all "checkRadio" calls to HTML labels. see revision@4227 * autocomplete="off" Add this to forms where you save OTHER USER passwords (admin screens)