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Gc"{$6O5 }IOy\T(lCAd/`,"v_&5!n+YO,~)3QI v,OLWXa-f'$e0P2S{Q/H0z) To view more details of this issue, or to update it, please visit the following URL#%1$s - %2$s% Complete%1 Field%1$s Group%1$s or greater%1$s or less%1: %2 ago'Note Discussion', 'Email Discussion' and 'Telephone Discussion' categories are required by Eventum and cannot be deleted.(All Issues)(Alternate domains that point to 'Address Hostname')(GMT)(Open Issues)(This MUST contain a real email address, e.g. "%1" or "%2")(This will be included in the From address of all emails sent by Eventum)(This will be included in the From address of all notes sent by Eventum)(Tip: port defaults are 110 for POP3 servers and 143 for IMAP ones)(archived)(default folder is INBOX)(e.g. %1)(hold 'ALT' key and press '3' one time) - to access the 'Search' box(hold 'ALT' key and press '4' one time) - to access the 'Go' box(in hours please)(literally)(requires %1 installed in your server)(separate multiple addresses with commas)(this color will be used in the issue listing page)(three letter abbreviation)-- Select One --NOTE: Email will NOT be sent to the notification list, if this option if chosen. This is useful as way to backload a set of emails into an existing issue.NOTE: Email will be broadcasted to the full notification list, including any customers, if this option is chosen.NOTE: Email will be saved as a note and broadcasted only to staff users.A new issue was just created and assigned to you.A new issue was just created in the system.A new user was just created for you in the system.ADDEDADVISORY: Your reply will be sent to the notification list.ALERT:ALLALT-3ALT-4AND / ORAbbreviationAbbreviation:Account CreationAccount ManagerAccount Manager:Account PreferencesAccount SignupActionAction TypeAction Type:ActionsActions are any event that shows up in the history of an issue, such as a user or a developer updating an issue, uploading a file, sending an email, etc.ActiveActivity TypeActivity in PastAddAdd / Edit CategoriesAdd / Edit Phone Support CategoriesAdd / Edit PrioritiesAdd / Edit ReleasesAdd ActionAdd Authorized ReplierAdd ConditionAdd Email SignatureAdd Extra Recipients To Notification List?Add FilesAdd Myself to list of assignees.Add New FilesAdd New RequirementAdd Phone CallAdd Phone EntryAdd SubscriptionAdd Time EntryAdd Unknown Recipients to Issue Notification ListAdd sender to authorized repliers list?Address Hostname:AdministrationAdministratorAdvanced OptionsAdvanced SearchAdvanced Search / Creating Custom QueriesAfter Sender NameAggregateAlert Group Leader:Alert IRC:Alert QueryAlert ReasonAllAll IssuesAll Text (emails, notes, etc)All time tracking information for the given support level or customer. Issues without any time tracking data do not affect the average or median.Allow Un-Assigned Issues?Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; Allowed to create new issues and to send emails on existing issues.Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; Allowed to create new issues, update existing issues, and to send emails and notes to existing issues.Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; Allowed to create new issues, update existing issues, and to send emails and notes to existing issues. Also, this type of user is also allowed on the special administration section of Eventum to tweak most project-level features and options.Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; cannot create new issues or edit existing issues.Also Filter By Issue PrioritiesAlso, all issues that are marked as duplicates from this one were updated as well.An Error Was FoundAn error occurred while trying to add the FAQ entry.An error occurred while trying to add the new account manager.An error occurred while trying to add the new account.An error occurred while trying to add the new action.An error occurred while trying to add the new category.An error occurred while trying to add the new condition.An error occurred while trying to add the new custom field.An error occurred while trying to add the new customization.An error occurred while trying to add the new email response.An error occurred while trying to add the new group.An error occurred while trying to add the new issue resolution.An error occurred while trying to add the new link filter.An error occurred while trying to add the new note.An error occurred while trying to add the new priority.An error occurred while trying to add the new project.An error occurred while trying to add the new release.An error occurred while trying to add the new reminder.An error occurred while trying to add the new status.An error occurred while trying to add the new time tracking category.An error occurred while trying to add the new user.An error occurred while trying to add the news entry.An error occurred while trying to add the round robin entry.An error occurred while trying to associate the selected email messageAn error occurred while trying to convert the selected note.An error occurred while trying to delete the link filter.An error occurred while trying to delete the note.An error occurred while trying to insert the authorized replier.An error occurred while trying to process the uploaded file.An error occurred while trying to run your queryAn error occurred while trying to run your query.An error occurred while trying to save columns to display.An error occurred while trying to update field display settings.An error occurred while trying to update the FAQ entry information.An error occurred while trying to update the account information.An error occurred while trying to update the account manager information.An error occurred while trying to update the action information.An error occurred while trying to update the category information.An error occurred while trying to update the condition information.An error occurred while trying to update the custom field information.An error occurred while trying to update the customization information.An error occurred while trying to update the email response information.An error occurred while trying to update the group information.An error occurred while trying to update the information.An error occurred while trying to update the issue resolution information.An error occurred while trying to update the link filter.An error occurred while trying to update the news entry information.An error occurred while trying to update the note.An error occurred while trying to update the notification entry.An error occurred while trying to update the priority information.An error occurred while trying to update the project information.An error occurred while trying to update the release information.An error occurred while trying to update the reminder information.An error occurred while trying to update the round robin entry information.An error occurred while trying to update the status information.An error occurred while trying to update the time tracking category information.An error occurred while trying to update the user information.An error was found while trying to change your account clocked-in status.An integration script will need to be installed in your CVS root repository in order to send a message to Eventum whenever changes are committed to the repository. This message will then be processed by Eventum and the changes to the appropriate files will be associated with existing issue mentioned in your commit message.An issue was assigned to you by %1Anonymous FormAnonymous ReportingAnonymous Reporting OptionsAnonymous Reporting of New IssuesAnonymous Reporting:AnyArchivedAre you sure you want to add this address to the notification list?AreasArrival Date:Article EntriesAs an example, using theAscendingAssign Issue To MyselfAssignable UsersAssignable Users:AssignedAssigned IssuesAssigned ProjectsAssigned Projects and RolesAssigned Projects:Assigned Role:Assigned SupportAssigned:AssigneeAssignee:AssignmentAssignment FieldAssignment ListAssignment:AssociateAssociate Email Message to Issue #%1Associate EmailsAssociatedAssociated EmailsAssociated IssuesAssociated Issues:Associated ProjectAssociated Project:Associated with IssueAttach FilesAttached EmailsAttached FilesAttachment originated from a noteAttachment originated from an emailAttachmentsAttachments:Authorized RepliersAuthorized Repliers:Authorized to Send EmailsAuto-Creation of IssuesAutomated IssueAutomated Issue #%1 Reminder AlertAutomatically append email signature when composing internal notesAutomatically append email signature when composing web based emailsAutomatically close confirmation popup windows?Available - Users may use this releaseAvailable Help TopicsAvailable LanguagesAvailable Related TopicsAvailable ReportsAverage and median counts do not include customers who have never opened an issue.AvgAvg Workload per Customer by Support LevelAvg and Median Time to Close by Support LevelAvg and Median Time to First Response by Support LevelAvg/Med/Max Issues/EmailsBLOCKEDBackBack to Login FormBack to Reminder Action ListBack to Reminder ListBack to TopBackup Technical Account ManagerBased on all issues recorded in Eventum since start to present.Based on all open issue in Eventum for %1.Before Sender NameBetweenBlackout Time Range:Blocked Message Raw HeadersBlue values indicate value is lower than the aggregate one.Boilerplate:Bulk UpdateBulk Update ToolBy CustomerBy Issue IDBy Support LevelCLOCKED INCLOCKED OUTCall FromCall ToCall TypeCancelCancel UpdateCanned ResponsesCategories and StatusesCategoryCategory FieldCategory:CcChange Assignments:Change PasswordChange Status ToChanged FieldsChanging field types can result in loss of data.Check PermissionsCheck SpellingCheckout Page:Choose Custom Field BackendChoose a misspelled wordChora CVS viewerClearClear DateClear Duplicate StatusClear FiltersClear SelectionsClick to expand.Clock InClock OutCloseClose FormClose IssueClose WindowClosedClosed Context ?Closed DateClosed MessageCollapse all expanded cellsCollapse expanded cellColorColor:Column NameCombo BoxComments:Commit MessageComplete DetailsConfigurationConfiguration ParametersConfirm New PasswordContinueConvert Note To EmailConvert to Draft and Save For Later EditingConvert to Email and Send NowCookies support seem to be disabled in your browser. Please enable this feature and try again.CountCreate AccountCreate Account ManagerCreate CategoryCreate Custom FieldCreate CustomizationCreate DraftCreate Email ResponseCreate FAQ EntryCreate GroupCreate IssueCreate Link FilterCreate New IssueCreate News EntryCreate NoteCreate PriorityCreate ProjectCreate ReleaseCreate ReminderCreate ResolutionCreate Round Robin EntryCreate StatusCreate UserCreate User and PermissionsCreatedCreated DateCreating New ReminderCurrent ProjectCurrent Project:Current Selections:Current filters:Custom FieldCustom FieldsCustom Fields ReportCustom Fields Weekly ReportCustom field updated (%1$s) by %2$sCustomerCustomer ContractCustomer CountsCustomer Identity (e.g. "Example Inc.", "johndoe@example.com", 12345)Customer Integration BackendCustomer Phone NumberCustomer Profile StatsCustomer Stats ReportCustomer:CustomersCustomize Issue Listing ScreenDaily Tips:Database ErrorDateDate FieldDate Field:Date RangeDate TriggeredDate issue was opened - Date issue was closed for all closed issues.Date of CallDate of WorkDayDay of MonthDay of WeekDaysDays and Hours SinceDearDefault Category:Default Options for Notifications:Default Priority:DefaultsDeleteDelete AliasDescendingDescriptionDescription FieldDescription is currently collapsedDescription:DetailsDeveloperDevelopersDid you Know?Diff Page:DisabledDisassociate SelectedDisplay on List Issues PageDisplays average number of issues, developer emails and customer emails per issue by support levelDisplays time statsDo you want to continue?Download Raw EmailDraft Address Prefix:Draft routed fromDraftsDrop Tables If They Already ExistDuplicate ofDuplicated Issue:Duplicated byDuplicatesE-mail about issue update was sent toERROR: Could not find IRC bot pid from process list.ERROR: Directory could not be found (path: %1$s)ERROR: Directory permission mismatch (path: %1$s; current perm: %2$s; correct perm: %3$s)ERROR: File group mismatch (path: %1$s; current group: %2$s; correct group: %3$s)ERROR: File owner mismatch (path: %1$s; current owner: %2$s; correct owner: %3$s)ERROR: File permission mismatch (path: %1$s; current perm: %2$s; correct perm: %3$s)ERROR: File size mismatch (path: %1$s; current filesize: %2$s)ERROR: The system doesn't have the appropriate permissions to create the configuration file in the setup directoryERROR: The system doesn't have the appropriate permissions to update the configuration file in the setup directoryEdit Authorized Replier ListEdit CategoriesEdit Columns to DisplayEdit Fields to DisplayEdit Incident RedemptionEdit Notification ListEdit OptionEdit Phone Support CategoriesEdit PrioritiesEdit ReleasesEdit SignatureEmailEmail #%1$s: %2$sEmail (subject: '%1$s') associated by %2$sEmail (subject: '%1$s') disassociated by %2$sEmail Account:Email AddressEmail Address Prefix:Email Address to Send Saved Messages:Email Address:Email Addresses To Send Errors To:Email Addresses To Send Information To:Email AliasEmail BlockingEmail CountsEmail Draft Interface:Email Error Logging System:Email Integration Feature:Email List:Email NotificationsEmail Recipient Type Flag:Email Reminder System Status Information:Email Routing Interface:Email SignatureEmail Spell Checker:Email Time SpentEmail Workload by Time of dayEmail by Time PeriodEmail by time periodEmail from '%1$s' blockedEmail message draft updated by %1$sEmail message saved as a draft by %1$sEmail routed from %1$sEmail will be re-sent from original sender, including any attachments.Email will be re-sent from your name, NOT original sender's, and without any attachments.EmailsEmails are AssociatedEmails are Received or SentEmails are associated to existing issuesEmails by CustomersEmails by StaffEmpty Subject HeaderEnabledEndEnd dateEnd time in the future.End:Enter Impact AnalysisEnter the details below:Entered ByEqualsErrorError: An error occurred while trying to run your query.Error: No user account was found matching the entered email address.Error: Please configure the email address domain.Error: Please configure the email address prefix.Error: Please provide the email account ID.Error: Please provide your email address.Error: The associated user for the email routing interface needs to be set.Error: The email address specified is already associated with an user in the system.Error: The email draft interface is disabled.Error: The email message was emptyError: The email message was empty.Error: The email routing interface is disabled.Error: The internal note routing interface is disabled.Error: The issue #%1 could not be foundError: The issue #%1 could not be found.Error: The issue could not be found.Error: The routed email had no associated Eventum issue ID or had an invalid recipient address.Error: The routed note had no associated Eventum issue ID or had an invalid recipient address.Error: You are not allowed to view the requested FAQ entry.Error: Your user status is currently set as inactive. Please contact your local system administrator for further information.Error: the given email address is not allowed to be added to the notification list.Error: the issue is already unassigned.Error: you are already authorized to send emails in this issue.Est Dev TimeEstimated Dev. TimeEstimated Dev. Time (only numbers)Estimated Dev. Time:Estimated Development TimeEstimated Development Time FieldEstimated Development Time by CategoryEstimated time (Hours)Eventum EmailsEventum InstallationEventum Issues searchEventum Relative URLEventum was unable to route your emailExisting Accounts:Existing Actions:Existing Authorized Repliers for this IssueExisting Canned Email Responses:Existing Categories:Existing Conditions:Existing Custom FieldsExisting Customer Account Managers:Existing Customer Quick NotesExisting Customizations:Existing GroupsExisting Internal FAQ Entries:Existing IssueExisting Issue RemindersExisting Link FiltersExisting News EntriesExisting Phone Support CategoriesExisting PrioritiesExisting ProjectsExisting Releases:Existing Resolutions:Existing Round Robin Entries:Existing Statuses:Existing Subscribers for this IssueExisting UsersExpand all collapsed cellsExpand collapsed cellExpected Resolution DateExpected Resolution Date:Export Data:Export to ExcelExtra Note Recipients:FieldField OptionsField TypeField to GraphField:FileFilenamesFilesFiles are AttachedFiles are attached to existing issuesFilter by Arrival Date:First Response By StaffFirst Response DateFirst Response by StaffFix SpellingFor exampleFor example, you could use this page so that only users of the role "standard user" (and higher ranking roles) are able to set the category or release fields when reporting a new issue.FromFrom:Full NameFull Name:Further RequirementsGeneral SetupGenerateGet a Notification WhenGlobal SearchGoGo BackGraphical StatsGreater ThanGreater or EqualGreater than %1$sGroupGroup ByGroup:HandlerHello, We just received a request to create a new account in %1 For security reasons we need you to confirm this request so we can finish the account creation process. If this is not a real request from you, or you are not interested in creating a new account anymore, please disregard this email. In a week the request will be erased automatically. However, if you would like to confirm the new account, please do so by visiting the URL below: Hello, We just received a request to create a new random password for your account in %1. For security reasons we need you to confirm this request so we can finish the password creation process. If this is not a real request from you, or if you don't need a new password anymore, please disregard this email. However, if you would like to confirm this request, please do so by visiting the URL below: HelpHelp TopicsHide Associated EmailsHide Closed IssuesHistory of ChangesHistory of Changes to IssueHistory of Reminders Triggered for IssueHomeHost Alias:HostnameHostname:HoursHowever, the following errors were encountered:I Forgot My PasswordIDIMAPIMAP FolderIMAP over SSLIMAP over SSL (self-signed)IMAP, no TLSIMAP, with TLSIMAP, with TLS (self-signed)IRC Notifications:If enabled, Eventum will look in the subject line of incoming notes/emails to determine which issue they should be associated with.If no canned email responses are available through the Email window, please contact an user with the appropriate permissions (administrator or manager) to add some for you.If this option is enabled, users with a role of Reporter will only be able to see issues they reported.If yes, this reminder will not activate on weekends and time will not accumulate on the weekends.If you close this window, you will lose your messageIf you don't know who should be the assigned person for this new issue, assign it to your Project Lead.Ignore Issue Status ChangesImpact
AnalysisImpact AnalysisImpact analysis removed by %1$sImpact analysis submitted by %1$sImportant NoticesIn Notification ListIn PastIn Past %1$s hoursIn order for %1 to work properly, you must enable cookie support in your browser. Please login again and accept all cookies coming from it.In order to check if your permissions are setup correctly visit theIn order to do that, however, the administrator of the system needs to configure email accounts to make the software download the email messages from the appropriate POP3/IMAP server.InactiveIncident Types to RedeemInclude expired contractsIncludes issue count, Developer email Count, Customer Email Count, Customers count by Support LevelIncomingInitial DescriptionInitial Impact AnalysisInitial Status for New IssuesInstallation InstructionsIntegerInternal FAQInternal Note Routing Interface:Internal NotesInternal UsersIntervalIs NULLIs NullIs between %1$s-%2$s-%3$s AND %4$s-%5$s-%6$sIs greater than %1$s-%2$s-%3$sIs less than %1$s-%2$s-%3$sIssueIssue #Issue #%1$s DetailsIssue CountIssue CountsIssue DetailsIssue IDIssue ID:Issue OverviewIssue PrioritiesIssue details are updatedIssue is ClosedIssuesIssues ClosedIssues Created BetweenIssues are ClosedIssues are UpdatedIssues by AssignmentIssues by CategoryIssues by PriorityIssues by ReleaseIssues by StatusIssues by UserIssues in CSCIssues with only status changedIssues/Customers matching criteriaIt could have been converted to an email.It will remove all of its associated entries as well (issues, notes, attachments,netc), so please click OK to confirm.Keep Current Assignments:Keep form open to report another issueKeyword(s)Keyword(s):LabelLabel:Last Action DateLast Outgoing MsgLast ResponseLast Response DateLast Response by StaffLast UpdateLast UpdatedLast Updated DateLast updatedLeave Copy of Messages On ServerLeftLess ThanLess or EqualLess than %1$sLevels:LineLink FiltersLink filters are used to replace text such as '%1' with an automatic link to some external resource. It uses regular expressions to replace the text. Specify the search pattern in the pattern field without delimiters. Specify the entire string you would like to use as a replacement with $x to insert the matched text.List IssuesList Removed EmailsListing / Searching for IssuesLog Page:LoginLogin Time SpentLogoutMail Queue LogMail Queue for Issue #%1MailboxManage Canned Email ResponsesManage CategoriesManage Columns to DisplayManage Custom FieldsManage Customer Account ManagersManage Customer Quick NotesManage Email AccountsManage GroupsManage Internal FAQManage Issue RemindersManage Issue ResolutionsManage Link FiltersManage NewsManage Phone Support CategoriesManage PrioritiesManage ProjectsManage ReleasesManage Reminder ActionsManage Reminder ConditionsManage Round Robin AssignmentsManage StatusesManage Time Tracking CategoriesManage UsersManagerManager:Mark Issue as DuplicateMark as DuplicateMaxMedMembersMessageMessage:MinMin. RoleMinimum RoleMinimum User RoleMisspelled Words:MobileModule / DirectoryMondayMonthMost of the time users will want to run common used queries against the issue database, and this is a feature perfect for such situations, just create a custom query in this screen and run it from the Issue Listing page.MoveMove Message ToMultiple Combo BoxMy AssignmentsMySQL DatabaseMySQL Password:MySQL Server HostnameMySQL Table PrefixMySQL UsernameNOTE: For security reasons it is highly recommended that the default password be changed as soon as possible.NOTE: If you need to send new information regarding this issue, please use the EMAIL related buttons available at the bottom of the screen.NOTE: You may report issues without the need to login by using the following URL:NameName:New AliasNew AttachmentNew IssueNew Issues AssignedNew PasswordNew Status for IssueNew User informationNew requirement submitted by %1$sNews and AnnouncementsNextNext IssueNext MessageNext NoteNoNo Customer IntegrationNo Drafts FoundNo Emails FoundNo FAQ entries could be found.No Notes FoundNo Phone Calls FoundNo Reminder Entries FoundNo Time Entries FoundNo Workflow ManagementNo account managers could be found.No actions could be found.No aliases could be found.No associated emails could be found.No attachments could be found.No authorized repliers could be found.No canned email responses could be found.No categories could be found.No changes could be found.No checkins could be found.No conditions could be found.No custom fields could be found.No custom fields for this projectNo custom searches could be found.No customizations could be found.No data foundNo email accounts could be found.No email drafts could be found.No emails could be found.No entries could be found.No group associated with issue %1$sNo groups could be found.No internal notes could be found.No issues associatedNo issues closed this time periodNo issues could be found.No issues touched this time periodNo issues with only status changed this time periodNo link filters could be found.No mail queue could be found.No news entries could be found.No notes could be found.No phone calls recorded yet.No phone support categories could be found.No priorities could be found.No projects could be found.No releases could be found.No reminders could be found.No resolution date givenNo resolutions could be found.No round robin entries could be found.No spelling mistakes could be found.No statuses could be found.No subscribers could be found.No time tracking categories could be found.No time tracking entries could be found.No users could be found.NoneNoteNote Address Prefix:Note Recipient Type Flag:Note routed from %1$sNote:Note: Please enter your email address below and a new random password will be created and assigned to your account. For security purposes a confirmation message will be sent to your email address and after confirming it the new password will be then activated and sent to you.Note: The current maximum allowed upload file size is %1Note: The values in this field can be changed by going in the administration section of this application and editing the appropriate atributes of a project. If you do not have the needed permissions to do so, please contact your local Eventum administrator.NotesNotes are added to existing issuesNotification ListNotification List:Notification list entry (%1$s) added by %2$sNotification list entry (%1$s) removed by %2$sNotification list entry ('%1$s') added by %2$sNotification list entry ('%1$s') updated by %2$sNotify Sender?Number of DaysOfficeOne of the optimal uses of this feature is to create a separate 'issues' or 'support' POP3/IMAP account and ask your customers or end-users to send support questions, issues or suggestions to that mailbox. Eventum will then download the emails and provide them to the users of the system.Only Download Unread MessagesOnly for Known Customers?Only staff members listed in the assignment or authorized replier fields can send emails.Open Account Signup:Open Issues By AssigneeOpen Issues By ReporterOpen the Emails Listing PageOpen the Issue Details PageOpen the Issue Listing PageOperatorOperator:OptionsOptions to GraphOptions:OrderOtherOther EmailsOther:Otherwise, you will be automatically redirected to the Issue Details Page in 5 seconds.OutgoingOutgoing Email Sender AddressOutgoing Email Sender NameOutgoing email sent by %1$sOverall StatsOverview or Details are ChangedOwnerPOP3POP3 over SSLPOP3 over SSL (self-signed)POP3, no TLSPOP3, with TLSPOP3, with TLS (self-signed)PasswordPassword ConfirmationPassword Confirmation SuccessPassword:PatternPattern: "%1"PendingPercentage CompletePercentage Complete:Percentage complete should be between 0 and 100Percentages may not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding.Performing action %1$s for issue # %2$sPermanently RemovePhone CallsPhone NumberPhone Support entry removed by %1$sPhone Support entry submitted by %1$sPhone Time SpentPlease Note: If you do not wish to receive any future email notifications from %1, please change your account preferences by visiting the URL belowPlease Note: If you do not wish to receive any future email notifications from %1, please change your account preferences by visiting the URL belowPlease assign the appropriate projects for this custom field.Please assign the appropriate projects for this group.Please assign the appropriate projects for this news entry.Please assign the appropriate projects for this status.Please assign the appropriate projects for this user.Please assign the appropriate support levels for this FAQ entry.Please assign the appropriate users for this group.Please assign the appropriate users for this round robin entry.Please assign the manager of this group.Please assign the statuses for this project.Please assign the users for this project.Please choosePlease choose a categoryPlease choose a customerPlease choose a fieldPlease choose a priorityPlease choose a projectPlease choose a project that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose a statusPlease choose an optionPlease choose an userPlease choose at least one person to assign the new issues created remotely.Please choose from one of the options belowPlease choose from one of the options below:Please choose new values for the selected issuesPlease choose one of the following actions to take in regards to the selected email messagePlease choose the category for this new phone support entry.Please choose the customer for this new note.Please choose the customers that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose the default category for remote invocations.Please choose the default category.Please choose the default priority for remote invocations.Please choose the default priority.Please choose the incident types to redeem for this issue.Please choose the initial status from one of the assigned statuses of this project.Please choose the priorities that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose the project for this FAQ entry.Please choose the project that this new issue will apply toPlease choose the project that you wish to customize.Please choose the project to be associated with this email account.Please choose the project.Please choose the reporter for remote invocations.Please choose the support levels that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose the time tracking category for this new entry.Please choose the type of email server to be associated with this email account.Please choose whether the SCM integration feature should be enabled or not.Please choose whether the anonymous posting feature should be allowed or not for this projectPlease choose whether the daily tips feature should be enabled or not.Please choose whether the email integration feature should be enabled or not.Please choose whether the issue auto creation feature should be allowed or not for this email accountPlease choose whether the system should allow visitors to signup for new accounts or not.Please choose whether to show custom fields for remote invocations or not.Please choose which aliases need to be removed.Please choose which emails need to be associated.Please choose which emails need to be marked as deleted.Please choose which emails need to be permanently removed.Please choose which emails need to be restored.Please choose which entries need to be disassociated with the current issue.Please choose which entries need to be removed.Please choose which issues to update.Please click OK to confirm.Please contact the administrator of this application for assistance.Please contact the administrator of this application for further assistance.Please contact your local system administrator and ask for write privileges on the provided filename.Please contact your local system administrator and ask for write privileges on the provided path.Please enter a comma separated list of valid mail address aliases for this projectPlease enter a number for the rank of this FAQ entry.Please enter a password of at least 6 characters.Please enter a pattern.Please enter a replacement value.Please enter a valid email address for the sender address.Please enter a valid email address.Please enter a valid issue ID.Please enter a valid outgoing sender address for this project.Please enter a valid port number for this email account.Please enter an issue to associate these emails with.Please enter integers (or floating point numbers) on the time spent field.Please enter the ID of the duplicated issue.Please enter the IMAP folder for this email account.Please enter the SMTP server hostname.Please enter the SMTP server password.Please enter the SMTP server port number.Please enter the SMTP server username.Please enter the abbreviation of this status.Please enter the alternate username for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the analysis for the changes required by this issue.Please enter the checkout page URL for your SCM integration tool.Please enter the color of this status.Please enter the database hostname for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the database name for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the database username for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the description for this issue.Please enter the description for this new phone support entry.Please enter the diff page URL for your SCM integration tool.Please enter the email address hostname for the email routing interface.Please enter the email address of where copies of outgoing emails should be sent to.Please enter the email address prefix for the email routing interface.Please enter the email of this user.Please enter the estimated development time for this task.Please enter the full name of this user.Please enter the hostname for the server of this installation of Eventum.Please enter the hostname for this email account.Please enter the impact analysis for this new requirement.Please enter the issue IDs that will be associated with this reminder.Please enter the log page URL for your SCM integration tool.Please enter the message body of this email.Please enter the message body of this note.Please enter the message for this FAQ entry.Please enter the message for this news entry.Please enter the message for this round robin entry.Please enter the name of this group.Please enter the new requirement for this issue.Please enter the new value for the combo box.Please enter the note text on the input box below.Please enter the password for this email account.Please enter the port number for this email account.Please enter the rank for this reminder.Please enter the rank of this FAQ entry.Please enter the rank of this priorityPlease enter the rank of this status.Please enter the recipient of this email.Please enter the relative URL of this installation of Eventum.Please enter the sender address that will be used for all outgoing notification emails.Please enter the subject of this email.Please enter the summary for this issue.Please enter the summary for this new time tracking entry.Please enter the title for this FAQ entry.Please enter the title for this action.Please enter the title for this category.Please enter the title for this condition.Please enter the title for this customization.Please enter the title for this email response.Please enter the title for this issue resolution.Please enter the title for this new action.Please enter the title for this new category.Please enter the title for this new condition.Please enter the title for this new customization.Please enter the title for this new email response.Please enter the title for this new issue resolution.Please enter the title for this new priority.Please enter the title for this new project.Please enter the title for this new release.Please enter the title for this new reminder.Please enter the title for this new status.Please enter the title for this new time tracking category.Please enter the title for this news entry.Please enter the title for this priority.Please enter the title for this project.Please enter the title for this release.Please enter the title for this reminder.Please enter the title for this round robin entry.Please enter the title for this saved search.Please enter the title for this status.Please enter the title for this time tracking category.Please enter the title of this FAQ entry.Please enter the title of this categoryPlease enter the title of this custom field.Please enter the title of this email response.Please enter the title of this news entry.Please enter the title of this note.Please enter the title of this priorityPlease enter the title of this project.Please enter the title of this release.Please enter the title of this resolution.Please enter the title of this status.Please enter the title of this time tracking categoryPlease enter the updated value.Please enter the username for this email account.Please enter your account email address.Please enter your email address.Please enter your full name.Please enter your new password with at least 6 characters.Please enter your password.Please indicate whether the SMTP server requires authentication or not.Please make sure you have selected the correct email messages to associate.Please note that some columns may be hidden even if you specify they should be shown. For example, if no releases are defined in the system the 'Release' column will be hidden.Please provide your email address.Please provide your password.Please refer to the following help sections for more information on specific parts of the application:Please see the FAQ for information regarding quarantined issues.Please see the FAQ for information regarding quarantined issues.Please select a backendPlease select a valid date for when the phone call took place.Please select a valid date of work.Please select an assignment for this issuePlease select an option from the list.Please select at least one link filter.Please select at least one of the FAQ entries.Please select at least one of the account managers.Please select at least one of the accounts.Please select at least one of the actions.Please select at least one of the authorized repliers.Please select at least one of the categories.Please select at least one of the conditions.Please select at least one of the custom fields.Please select at least one of the customizations.Please select at least one of the email responses.Please select at least one of the groups.Please select at least one of the news entries.Please select at least one of the notes.Please select at least one of the priorities.Please select at least one of the projects.Please select at least one of the releases.Please select at least one of the reminders.Please select at least one of the resolutions.Please select at least one of the round robin entries.Please select at least one of the statuses.Please select at least one of the subscribers.Please select at least one of the time tracking categories.Please select at least one of the users.Please select projects this link filter should be active for.Please select the assigned projects for users that create their own accounts.Please select the custom field that you would like to generate a report against.Please select the custom filter to search against.Please select the minimum user role that should be able to see this link filter.Please select the new status for this issue.Please use only floating point numbers (or integers) on the estimated development time field.Please use only floating point numbers on the estimated development time field.PortPost Internal NotePost New Internal NotePosted DatePosted Date:Postmaster notify: see transcript for detailsPreferencesPreviousPrevious IssuePrevious MessagePrevious NotePrimary Technical Account ManagerPriorityPriority FieldPriority:PrivatePrivate:Processing Group Leader notificationProjectProject LeadProject automatically switched to '%1' from '%2'.Project mail aliasesProject:ProjectsProjects:PublicQuarantine expires in %1Queued DateQuick SearchREMOVEDRSS feed for this custom searchRankRank:Raw HeadersRe-directing the parent window to the issue report page. This window will be closed automatically.Read All NoticesReasonReason for closing issueReason to closeReceive emails when all issues are created?Receive emails when new issues are assigned to you?ReceivedRecentRecent ActivityRecent Activity ReportRecent DraftsRecent EmailsRecent NotesRecent Phone CallsRecent Reminder ActionsRecent Time EntriesRecipientRecipient Type Flag:RecipientsRecipients:Record Phone CallRecord Time WorkedRecorded DateRed values indicate value is higher than the aggregate one.Redeem IncidentsRedeemed Incident TypesRefers to the number of emails sent by customers in eventum per issue. Does not include emails sent to general support mailbox.Refers to the number of emails sent by developers in eventum per issue. Does not include emails sent to general support mailbox.Refers to the number of issues in eventum for the given support level or customer.Refresh Rate for Email Listing PageRefresh Rate for Issue Listing PageRegisterReleaseRemember SelectionRemember to protect your '%1' directory (like changing its permissions) to prevent anyone else from changing your existing Eventum configuration.ReminderReminder AlertReminder Not TriggeredReminder TypeRemote InvocationRemoveRemove QuarantineRemove SelectedRemove Selected EmailsRemove?RemovedRemoved EmailsReplace %1 by the appropriate absolute path in your CVS server, such as /home/username/repository for instance. Also make sure to put the appropriate path to your PHP binary.Replace current assignee with Myself.ReplacementReplacement: "%1"ReplyReportReport FormReport New IssueReport TypeReport Type:Report a New IssueReported ByReporterReporter:Reporting IssuesReporting New IssuesReportsRequest a PasswordRequired FieldRequired FieldsRequired fieldsRequirementRequires Authentication?Requires support for cookies and javascript in your browserResetResolutionResponse Body:Restore EmailsReturn to Issue #%1 Details PageReview SQL QueryRoleRows Per PageRows per Page:Run SearchSCM
Integration:SCM Checkins associated by SCM user 'SCM Checkins removed by %1$sSCM IntegrationSCM Integration - CheckinsSMS Email AddressSMTP (Outgoing Email) Settings:SMTP ConfigurationSSL ServerSaveSave Draft ChangesSave MessageSave Message as Reference EmailSave Message as an Internal NoteSave Phone CallSave SearchSave a Copy of Every Outgoing Issue Notification EmailSave as DraftSaved SearchesScheduled ReleaseScheduled Release FieldScheduled Release:SearchSearch Eventum IssuesSearch TitleSearch TypeSections to DisplaySegregate ReporterSegregate ReportersSelect ProjectSelect closed status to close issueSend EmailSend New PasswordSend Notification About Issue Being Closed?Send Notification ToSenderSender EmailSender:Separate Closed IssuesSeparate Only Status ChangesServer HostnameSetSet Close MessageSet Display PreferencesSet MessageSet available optionsShort DescriptionShorten the fieldShow All DraftsShow Custom Fields ?Show CustomersShow Issues in Which I AmShow Issues with no Response BetweenShow PriorityShow StatusShow Times spent on issueShow additional fields to search byShow date fields to search byShowing all open issues older than Signup as Authorized ReplierSignup for an AccountSimilar in every way to the above permission level, but this extra level allows you to segregate users who will deal with issues, and overall normal staff users who do not handle issues themselves.Since the list of statuses available per project is dynamic and database driven, this manual process is needed to associate a status to a date field coming from the database.Skip WeekendsSo to examplify its use, whenever the users are ready to commit the changes to the CVS repository, they will add a special string to specify which issue this is related to. The following would be a good example of its use:Sorry, an error happened while trying to run your querySorry, an error happened while trying to run your query.Sorry, but the email could not be queued. This might be related to problems with your SMTP account settings.Sorry, but the email could not be sent. This might be related to problems with your SMTP account settings.Sorry, but there are no projects currently setup as allowing anonymous posting.Sorry, but this feature has been disabled by the administrator.Sorry, but you do not have access to this page.Sorry, but you do not have the required permission level to access this screen.Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.Sorry, you do not have permission to view this pageSorry, you do not have the required privileges to update this issue.Sorry, you do not have the required privileges to view this issue.Sort BySort OrderSpell CheckStaffStaff:Stalled IssuesStalled Issues ReportStandard UserStartStart InstallationStart time in the future.StatsStatusStatus Change DateStatus ClosedStatus:StatusesSubjectSubject Based Routing:Subject/Body:SubmitSubmittedSubmitted DateSubmitted Date:Suggestions:SummarySummary FieldSummary:SundaySupport LevelSupport LevelsSupport OptionsSwitchSystem users may subscribe to the actions above for specific issues when they report new issues or by visiting the issue details screen and subscribing manually by using the 'Edit Notification List' link.Target FormsTemp NumberTentative DateTentative Date:Test SettingsText InputTextareaThank You, Eventum is now properly setup and ready to be used. Open the following URL to login on it for the first time:Thank you, a confirmation message was just emailed to you. Please follow the instructions available in this message to confirm your password creation request.Thank you, columns to display was saved successfully.Thank you, field display settings were updated successfully.Thank you, issue #%1 was updated successfully.Thank you, the FAQ entry was added successfully.Thank you, the FAQ entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the account manager was added successfully.Thank you, the account manager was updated successfully.Thank you, the account was updated successfully.Thank you, the action was added successfully.Thank you, the action was updated successfully.Thank you, the association to the selected emails were removed successfully.Thank you, the attachment was removed successfully.Thank you, the authorized replier was inserted successfully.Thank you, the category was added successfully.Thank you, the category was updated successfully.Thank you, the condition was added successfully.Thank you, the condition was updated successfully.Thank you, the current issue is no longer marked as a duplicate.Thank you, the custom field values were updated successfully.Thank you, the custom field was added successfully.Thank you, the custom field was updated successfully.Thank you, the custom filter was saved successfully.Thank you, the customization was added successfully.Thank you, the customization was updated successfully.Thank you, the email account was added successfully.Thank you, the email aliases were removed successfullyThank you, the email message was saved as a draft successfully.Thank you, the email response was added successfully.Thank you, the email response was updated successfully.Thank you, the email was queued to be sent successfully.Thank you, the email was sent successfully.Thank you, the email was successfully moved.Thank you, the emails were marked as removed successfully.Thank you, the file was removed successfully.Thank you, the group was added successfully.Thank you, the group was updated successfully.Thank you, the impact analysis was set successfully.Thank you, the impact analysis was updated successfully.Thank you, the information was updated successfully.Thank you, the inital impact analysis was set successfully.Thank you, the internal note was posted successfully.Thank you, the issue resolution was added successfully.Thank you, the issue resolution was updated successfully.Thank you, the issue was closed successfullyThank you, the issue was marked as a duplicate successfully. Please choose from one of the options below:Thank you, the issue was successfully marked.Thank you, the issue was unassigned successfully.Thank you, the issue was updated successfully.Thank you, the link filter was added successfully.Thank you, the link filter was deleted successfully.Thank you, the link filter was updated successfully.Thank you, the new issue was created successfully.Thank you, the new issue was created successfully. For your records, the new issue ID is %1Thank you, the new issue was created successfully. Please choose from one of the options belowThank you, the new note was created and associated with the issue below.Thank you, the new requirement was added successfully.Thank you, the news entry was added successfully.Thank you, the news entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the note was added successfully.Thank you, the note was converted successfully.Thank you, the note was deleted successfully.Thank you, the note was removed successfully.Thank you, the note was updated successfully.Thank you, the notification entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the phone entry was added successfully.Thank you, the phone support entry was removed successfully.Thank you, the priority was added successfully.Thank you, the priority was updated successfully.Thank you, the project was added successfully.Thank you, the project was updated successfully.Thank you, the release was added successfully.Thank you, the release was updated successfully.Thank you, the reminder was added successfully.Thank you, the reminder was updated successfully.Thank you, the round robin entry was added successfully.Thank you, the round robin entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the selected checkin information entries were removed successfully.Thank you, the selected custom filters were removed successfully.Thank you, the selected email message was associated successfully.Thank you, the selected issues were updated successfully.Thank you, the selected requirements were removed successfully.Thank you, the setup information was saved successfully.Thank you, the status was added successfully.Thank you, the status was updated successfully.Thank you, the time tracking category was added successfully.Thank you, the time tracking category was updated successfully.Thank you, the time tracking entry was added successfully.Thank you, the time tracking entry was removed successfully.Thank you, the uploaded file was associated with the issue below.Thank you, the user was added successfully.Thank you, the user was updated successfully.Thank you, this issue was removed from quarantine.Thank you, you are now assigned to the issueThank you, you are now authorized to send emails in this issue.Thank you, you are now logged out of %1Thank you, your account clocked-in status was changed successfully.Thank you, your account creation request was processed successfully. For security reasons a confirmation email was sent to the provided email address with instructions on how to confirm your request and activate your account.Thank you, your account is now active and ready to be used. Use the form below to login.Thank you, your account preferences were updated successfully.Thank you, your current selected project was changed successfully.Thank you, your email address was updated successfully.Thank you, your full name was updated successfully.Thank you, your password was updated successfully.Thank you, your request for a new password was confirmed successfully. You should receive an email with your new password shortly.The %1 script, which is available in the %2 sub-directory in your Eventum installation directory, will need to be installed in your CVSROOT CVS module by following the procedure below:The CVS module nameThe Issue Details page will also show '<< Previous Issue' and 'Next Issue >>' links that are related to the previous and next issues for the current active filter, if appropriate.The Issue Listing page uses a grid layout to simplify the manual search for issues in a project. You may sort for (almost) any column in this grid form, and users with the appropriate permissions may also assign selected issues to another user.The SMTP (outgoing mail) configuration is needed to make sure emails are properly sent when creating new users/projects.The associated time tracking entry was also deleted.The command above will checkout and create the CVSROOT directory that you will need to work with. Next, open the loginfo file and add the following line:The current project does not have customer integration so this report can not be viewed.The default options for email notifications are used to pre-select the notification related fields when you report a new issue, or subscribe manually for changes in the issue details page.The description field should be used to describe the new issue. Good practices dictate that this field should have a description of what happened, steps to reproduce the problem/issue and what you expected to happen instead.The email address / password combination could not be found in the system.The filename that was committedThe first thing to do is to checkout the %1 module from your CVS repository:The following %1 reminder could not be sent out because no recipients could be foundThe following addresses could not be matched against the system user records:The following is a brief overview of the available user permission levels in Eventum:The following user is already assigned to this issueThe full history of changes related to the current issue is available by clickin on the 'History of Changes' link.The given email addressThe integration is implemented in such a way that it will be forward compatible with pretty much any SCM system, such as CVS. When entering the required information for the checkout page and diff page input fields, use the following placeholders:The issue details screen can be accessed quickly by using the 'Go' input field in the top of your browser window. Just enter the issue number and it will take you to the appropriate screen.The issue was updated by %1The last step of this installation process is to login into the CVS server and copy the %1 script into the %2 directory. Make sure you give the appropriate permissions to the script.The new revision of the fileThe old revision of the fileThe original message headers followThe provided trial account email address could not be confirmed. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The provided trial account email address could not be found. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The provided trial account encrypted hash could not be authenticated. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The quick search table in the top of the screen helps the users find the issues they want quickly. More advanced searches may be created using the Advanced Search tool.The specified note does not exist.The specified value already exists in the list of options.The two passwords do not match. Please review your information and try again.The uploaded file is already attached to the current issue. Please rename the file and try again.There seems to be a problem connecting to the database server specified in your configuration file. Please contact your local system administrator for further assistance.There seems to be a problem finding the required database tables in the database server specified in your configuration file. Please contact your local system administrator for further assistance.There was an error creating your issue.There was an error marking this issue as redeemedThese are the current issue detailsThis Issue is Currently QuarantinedThis action will change the status of the selected users.This action will mark the selected email messages as deleted.This action will permanently delete the selected attachment.This action will permanently delete the selected entries.This action will permanently delete the selected file.This action will permanently delete the specified note.This action will permanently delete the specified phone support entry.This action will permanently delete the specified time tracking entry.This action will permanently remove the selected FAQ entries.This action will permanently remove the selected custom fields.This action will permanently remove the selected entries.This action will permanently remove the selected news entries.This action will permanently remove the selected round robin entries.This action will remove the association of the selected entries to the current issue.This action will remove the selected account managers.This action will remove the selected entries.This action will remove the selected entries. This will also update any issues currently set to this status to a new status 'undefined'.This column is useful to display the amount of time since the last change in status for each issue. For example, if issue #1234 is set to status 'Closed', you could configure Eventum to display the difference in time between "now" and the date value stored in the closed date field.This command will be parsed by the CVS integration script (provided to you and available in %1) and it will notify Eventum that these changes are to be associated with issue #13.This customer has a per incident contract. You have chosen not to redeem any incidents. Press 'OK' to confirm or 'Cancel' to revise.This feature allows system users to subscribe to email notifications when changes are done to specific issues. The current actions that trigger email notifications are:This feature allows your software development teams to integrate your Source Control Management system with your Issue Tracking System.This field can also be used as a way to check the estimation abilities of project managers against the impact analysis given by the developers themselves. That is, the value entered by a project manager here can be compared against the impact analysis / estimated development time entered by the developers, and this way get more experience estimating the required time for new projects.This field is used as a simple and descriptive title to this new issue. As a suggestion, it should be descriptive and short enough to be used by other users to remember quickly what the issue was all about.This field is used by the reporters of new issues to estimate the total development time for the issue. It is especially important as a metrics tool to get a simple estimate of how much time each issue will take from discovery, going through implementation and testing up until release time.This field is used to categorize issues by a common denominator, such as 'Feature Request', 'Bug' or 'Support Inquiry'.This field is used to determine what the deadline should be for when this new issue should be completed and resolved. If you don't know what the deadline should be for this new issue, leave the field as 'un-scheduled', and a project manager will set it appropriately.This field is used to determine who should be assigned to this new issue. You are be able to assign a new issue to several persons at the same time.This field is used to prioritize issues, as to make project management a little easier. If you are not sure, or don't know what the appropriate priority should be for new issues, choose 'not prioritized' as the option and leave the issue to be prioritized by a project manager.This is a SMS reminder alert regarding issue # %1. Certain conditions triggered this action, and this issue may require immediate action in your part.This is a special permission level reserved for the Customer Integration API, which allows you to integrate Eventum with your CRM database. When this feature is enabled, this type of user can only access issues associated with their own customer. Allowed to create new issues, update and send emails to existing issues.This is an automated message sent at your request fromThis is an automated message sent at your request from %1This is an automated message sent at your request from %1.This is an automated message sent from %1This issue already has been marked as redeemedThis issue is marked private. Only Managers, the reporter and users assigned to the issue can view it.This issue was just closed by %1 with the message: %2.This issue was just closed by %1.This message already belongs to that accountThis note will be deleted & converted to an email, one either sent immediately or saved as a draft.This page allows you to create and modify saved custom searches, which will save searches that can be executed from the Issue Listing screen.This page allows you to dynamically configure the values displayed in the "Status Change Date" column in the issue listing screen, for a particular project.This page allows you to dynamically control which columns are displayed on the list issues page.This page allows you to dynamically control which fields are displayed to users of a certain minimum role.This page can only be accessed in relation to a project. Please go to the project page and chooseThis screen allows users to change their appropriate full name, account password and email address. This address will be used by the system to send email notifications whenever details about issues you are subscribed to changes.This screen allows users with the appropriate permissions to associate emails with existing issues, or create new issues and associate emails with them.This type of user has full access to Eventum, including the low level configuration parameters available through the administration interface.This user requires permission to create and drop tables in the specified database.This value is used only for these installation procedures, and is not saved if you provide a separate user below.Time CategoryTime PeriodTime SpentTime Spent:Time StatisticsTime To CloseTime To First ResponseTime TrackingTime entry inserted from phone call.Time spent as minutesTime spent per userTime tracking categoryTime tracking entry removed by %1$sTime tracking entry submitted by %1$sTime tracking entry submitted remotely by %1$sTimezoneTitleTitle:ToTo prevent inappropriate emails reaching the notification list, only users that are assigned to the issue are allowed to email through Eventum. If an un-authorized user sends an email to %1 it is converted into a note and stored for later use. This note can be converted into an email at a later date.To report new issues, click in the 'Create Issue' link in the top of your browser window.To start using the system, please load the URL belowTo view more details of this issue, or to update it, please visit the following URLTo:Tool Caption:TotTotalTotal Estimated Dev. TimeTotal IssuesTotal NotesTotal Phone CallsTotal Time SpentTotal Workload by Support LevelTrigger Reminders:Triggered ActionTriggered ReminderTypeType:URLUnassign IssueUnavailable - Users may NOT use this releaseUntitled.%sUpdateUpdate AccountUpdate Account ManagerUpdate ActionUpdate CategoryUpdate ConditionUpdate Custom FieldUpdate CustomizationUpdate Date:Update Email AddressUpdate Email ResponseUpdate FAQ EntryUpdate Full NameUpdate GroupUpdate IssueUpdate Issue #%1Update Issue #%1$sUpdate Issue DetailsUpdate Issue OverviewUpdate Link FilterUpdate News EntryUpdate NoteUpdate PasswordUpdate PreferencesUpdate PriorityUpdate ProjectUpdate ReleaseUpdate ReminderUpdate ResolutionUpdate Round Robin EntryUpdate SetupUpdate StatusUpdate SubscriptionUpdate UserUpdate ValueUpdate ValuesUpdatedUpdated DateUpdating ReminderUpload FileUpload New SignatureUsage ExamplesUse Canned ResponseUse a Separate MySQL User for Normal Eventum UseUse account for non-subject based email/note/draft routing.Use the following shortcutsUserUser DetailsUser Permission LevelsUser account information updatedUser account password changedUsernameUsersUsers with a role of "customer" or below are not allowed to be added to the authorized repliers list.Users:Using CSCValueValue:View Email DetailsView Email Raw HeadersView Note DetailsViewerViewing Emails (%1 email found)Viewing IssuesWARNINGWARNING: By converting this blocked message to a draft any attachments this message may have will be lost.WARNING: Converting this note to an email will send the email to all users listed in this issue's notification list.WARNING: Converting this note to an email will send the email to any customers that may be listed in this issue's notification list.WARNING: If replying, add yourself to Authorized Repliers list first.WARNING: If you want to use the email integration features to download messages saved on a IMAP/POP3 server, you will need to enable the IMAP extension in your PHP.INI configuration file. See the PHP manual for more details.WARNING: This action will permanently remove the selected email aliases from your email account.WARNING: This action will permanently remove the selected emails from your email account.WARNING: This action will remove the selected groups permanently.WARNING: This action will remove the selected link filters permanently.WARNING: This action will remove the selected projects permanently.WARNING: This email will be sent to all names on this issue's Notification List, including CUSTOMERS. If you want the CUSTOMER to receive your message now, press OK. Otherwise, to return to your editing window, press CANCEL.WARNING: This email will be sent to all names on this issue's Notification List. If you want all users to receive your message now, press OK. Otherwise, to return to your editing window, press CANCEL.WARNING: This message was blocked because the sender was not allowed to send emails to the associated issue.WARNING: You are not assigned to this issue so your email will be blocked. Your blocked email will be converted to a note that can be recovered later. For more information, please see the topic 'email blocking' in help.WARNING: You have removed project(s)Warn Users Whether They Can Send Emails to Issue:WarningWarning: All changes to this issue will be lost if you continue and close this issue.Warning: If you continue, you will change the Warning: Some type and interval options, combined with large
date ranges can produce extremely large graphs.Warning: This draft has already been edited. You cannot send or edit it.Warning: This draft has already been sent. You cannot resend it.Warning: Unknown Contacts FoundWarning: Unknown contacts were found in the selected email messages. Please make sure you have selected the correct email messages to associate.Warning: your issue is currently quarantined.We received a message from you and for your convenience, we created an issue that will be used by our staff to handle your message.WeekWeek starts on:WeeklyWeekly ReportWiden the fieldWill save as a noteWill save as emailWith that information in mind, the appropriate value to be entered in the 'Checkout page' input field is:Work endedWork startedWorkflow BackendWorkload By Date RangeWorkload by Date Range ReportWorkload by Time PeriodWorkload by Time of dayWorkload by time periodYesYou are not allowed to use the selected project.You can create as many custom queries as you want through the Advanced Search interface. There is also the ability to save and modify custom queries and load them quickly from the Issue Listing screen.You can create canned email responses and use them when sending emails from the system. That is an useful feature when dealing with lots of issues that relate to the same problem.You can set the minimum role required to view a column. For example, if you set the mimimum role for 'Category' to be 'Manager' anyone with a role lower then 'Manager' will not be able to see that column. To hide a column from all users, select 'Never Display'.You can switch to the 'Search' or 'Go' boxes quickly by using a special shortcut keystroke in your keyboard.You cannot change the status of the only active user left in the system.You cannot inactivate all of the users in the system.You cannot remove all of the projects in the system.You do not have permission to delete this note.You do not have permission to remove this phone support entry.You do not have the correct role to access this pageYou do not have the permission to remove this attachment.You do not have the permission to remove this file.You may submit another issue if you so wish.You may also set the appropriate timezone where you live in this screen, and all of the software will adjust the dates displayed in the system accordingly.You may also turn the parsing of commit messages for just a single CVS module by substituting the 'ALL' in the line above to the appropriate CVS module name, as in:You may also use 'bug' to specify the issue ID - whichever you are more comfortable with.Your User Account DetailsYour account information as it now exists appears below.Your full account information is available below.Your session has expired. Please login again to continue.Your user account has been updated in %1Your user account password has been updated in %1Your user status is currently set as inactive. Please contact your local system administrator for further information.Your user status is currently set as pending. This means that you still need to confirm your account creation request. Please contact your local system administrator for further information.[highly recommended] from the Horde project you would usually have the following URL as the diff page:[prompt]$ cvs -q commit -m "Adding form validation as requested (issue: 13)" form.phpactionsadvanced searchananyasascendingassociatedbulk update toolchange your account clocked-in statusclick to editconvert notecreate a new issuecreate advanced searchescurrent filtersdaydaysdeletedelete attachmentdelete filedescendingdiff to %1display in fixed width fontdomdowdownload fileedit the authorized repliers list for this issueedit the notification list for this issueedit this custom searchemailsenter a new option aboveerror condition detectedfirstfirst namefixed width fontfor all selected issues. Are you sure you want to continue?from the listfull news entrygeneral statisticsgenerate excel-friendly reportget access to advanced search parametersget context sensitive helpglobal filterhelp documentationhide / show the advanced search formhide / show the quick search formhide/showhoursin hoursin minutesinternal faqis neither a known staff member or customer technical contact.issueissues worked onit will show up by the side of the fieldkeywordslast nameleave empty to keep the current passwordlist all email aliaseslist all issues assigned to youlist all removed emailslist available emailslist the issues stored in the systemlogout frommanage aliasmanage the application settings, users, projects, etcmodify your account details and preferencesmonmonthmove field downmove field upmust be a valid email addressmyself and my groupmyself and un-assignedmyself, un-assigned and my groupnext issue on your current active filterof associated projects. This will remove all data for this field from the selected project(s).only used for automatic issue remindersorpagepaste or start typing herependingprevious issue on your current active filterquick searchquick search barread faq entryreply to this emailreply to this notereporting systemsee the diff to revision %1see the log of of %1see the source of revision %1 of %2send email tosent to notification listsort bysort by customersort by datesort by recipientsort by sendersort by statussort by subjectsort by summarystandard user and above onlythis will determine the order in which actions are triggeredthis will show up on the bottom of the reminder messagesto access this page.un-assignedun-scheduledupdate entryupdate this entryview email detailsview issue detailsview note detailsview reminder action detailsview reminder detailsview the full history of changes on this issueview the history of sent emailsvisible to allweekyearProject-Id-Version: eventum Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-21 14:43+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-08 12:22+0000 Last-Translator: Elan Ruusamäe Language-Team: English (Canada) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1; X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-01-22 04:58+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build 12177) To view more details of this issue, or to update it, please visit the following URL#%1$s - %2$s% Complete%1 Field%1$s Group%1$s or greater%1$s or less%1: %2 ago'Note Discussion', 'Email Discussion' and 'Telephone Discussion' categories are required by Eventum and cannot be deleted.(All Issues)(Alternate domains that point to 'Address Hostname')(GMT)(Open Issues)(This MUST contain a real e-mail address, e.g. "%1" or "%2")(This will be included in the From address of all e-mails sent by Eventum)(This will be included in the From address of all notes sent by Eventum)(Tip: port defaults are 110 for POP3 servers and 143 for IMAP ones)(archived)(default folder is INBOX)(e.g. %1)(hold 'ALT' key and press '3' one time) - to access the 'Search' box(hold 'ALT' key and press '4' one time) - to access the 'Go' box(in hours please)(literally)(requires %1 installed in your server)(separate multiple addresses with commas)(this colour will be used in the issue listing page)(three letter abbreviation)-- Select One --NOTE: E-mail will NOT be sent to the notification list, if this option if chosen. This is useful as way to backload a set of e-mails into an existing issue.NOTE: E-mail will be broadcasted to the full notification list, including any customers, if this option is chosen.NOTE: E-mail will be saved as a note and broadcasted only to staff users.A new issue was just created and assigned to you.A new issue was just created in the system.A new user was just created for you in the system.ADDEDADVISORY: Your reply will be sent to the notification list.ALERT:ALLALT-3ALT-4AND / ORAbbreviationAbbreviation:Account CreationAccount ManagerAccount Manager:Account PreferencesAccount SignupActionAction TypeAction Type:ActionsActions are any event that shows up in the history of an issue, such as a user or a developer updating an issue, uploading a file, sending an e-mail, etc.ActiveActivity TypeActivity in PastAddAdd / Edit CategoriesAdd / Edit Phone Support CategoriesAdd / Edit PrioritiesAdd / Edit ReleasesAdd ActionAdd Authorized ReplierAdd ConditionAdd E-mail SignatureAdd Extra Recipients To Notification List?Add FilesAdd Myself to list of assignees.Add New FilesAdd New RequirementAdd Phone CallAdd Phone EntryAdd SubscriptionAdd Time EntryAdd Unknown Recipients to Issue Notification ListAdd sender to authorized repliers list?Address Hostname:AdministrationAdministratorAdvanced OptionsAdvanced SearchAdvanced Search / Creating Custom QueriesAfter Sender NameAggregateAlert Group Leader:Alert IRC:Alert QueryAlert ReasonAllAll IssuesAll Text (e-mails, notes, etc)All time tracking information for the given support level or customer. Issues without any time tracking data do not affect the average or median.Allow Un-Assigned Issues?Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; Allowed to create new issues and to send e-mails on existing issues.Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; Allowed to create new issues, update existing issues, and to send e-mails and notes to existing issues.Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; Allowed to create new issues, update existing issues, and to send e-mails and notes to existing issues. Also, this type of user is also allowed on the special administration section of Eventum to tweak most project-level features and options.Allowed to view all issues on the projects associated to this user; cannot create new issues or edit existing issues.Also Filter By Issue PrioritiesAlso, all issues that are marked as duplicates from this one were updated as well.An Error Was FoundAn error occurred while trying to add the FAQ entry.An error occurred while trying to add the new account manager.An error occurred while trying to add the new account.An error occurred while trying to add the new action.An error occurred while trying to add the new category.An error occurred while trying to add the new condition.An error occurred while trying to add the new custom field.An error occurred while trying to add the new customisation.An error occurred while trying to add the new e-mail response.An error occurred while trying to add the new group.An error occurred while trying to add the new issue resolution.An error occurred while trying to add the new link filter.An error occurred while trying to add the new note.An error occurred while trying to add the new priority.An error occurred while trying to add the new project.An error occurred while trying to add the new release.An error occurred while trying to add the new reminder.An error occurred while trying to add the new status.An error occurred while trying to add the new time tracking category.An error occurred while trying to add the new user.An error occurred while trying to add the news entry.An error occurred while trying to add the round robin entry.An error occurred while trying to associate the selected e-mail messageAn error occurred while trying to convert the selected note.An error occurred while trying to delete the link filter.An error occurred while trying to delete the note.An error occurred while trying to insert the authorized replier.An error occurred while trying to process the uploaded file.An error occurred while trying to run your queryAn error occurred while trying to run your query.An error occurred while trying to save columns to display.An error occurred while trying to update field display settings.An error occurred while trying to update the FAQ entry information.An error occurred while trying to update the account information.An error occurred while trying to update the account manager information.An error occurred while trying to update the action information.An error occurred while trying to update the category information.An error occurred while trying to update the condition information.An error occurred while trying to update the custom field information.An error occurred while trying to update the customisation information.An error occurred while trying to update the e-mail response information.An error occurred while trying to update the group information.An error occurred while trying to update the information.An error occurred while trying to update the issue resolution information.An error occurred while trying to update the link filter.An error occurred while trying to update the news entry information.An error occurred while trying to update the note.An error occurred while trying to update the notification entry.An error occurred while trying to update the priority information.An error occurred while trying to update the project information.An error occurred while trying to update the release information.An error occurred while trying to update the reminder information.An error occurred while trying to update the round robin entry information.An error occurred while trying to update the status information.An error occurred while trying to update the time tracking category information.An error occurred while trying to update the user information.An error was found while trying to change your account clocked-in status.An integration script will need to be installed in your CVS root repository in order to send a message to Eventum whenever changes are committed to the repository. This message will then be processed by Eventum and the changes to the appropriate files will be associated with existing issue mentioned in your commit message.An issue was assigned to you by %1Anonymous FormAnonymous ReportingAnonymous Reporting OptionsAnonymous Reporting of New IssuesAnonymous Reporting:AnyArchivedAre you sure you want to add this address to the notification list?AreasArrival Date:Article EntriesAs an example, using theAscendingAssign Issue To MyselfAssignable UsersAssignable Users:AssignedAssigned IssuesAssigned ProjectsAssigned Projects and RolesAssigned Projects:Assigned Role:Assigned SupportAssigned:AssigneeAssignee:AssignmentAssignment FieldAssignment ListAssignment:AssociateAssociate E-mail Message to Issue #%1Associate E-mailsAssociatedAssociated E-mailsAssociated IssuesAssociated Issues:Associated ProjectAssociated Project:Associated with IssueAttach FilesAttached E-mailsAttached FilesAttachment originated from a noteAttachment originated from an e-mailAttachmentsAttachments:Authorized RepliersAuthorized Repliers:Authorized to Send E-mailsAuto-Creation of IssuesAutomated IssueAutomated Issue #%1 Reminder AlertAutomatically append e-mail signature when composing internal notesAutomatically append e-mail signature when composing web based e-mailsAutomatically close confirmation popup windows?Available - Users may use this releaseAvailable Help TopicsAvailable LanguagesAvailable Related TopicsAvailable ReportsAverage and median counts do not include customers who have never opened an issue.AvgAvg Workload per Customer by Support LevelAvg and Median Time to Close by Support LevelAvg and Median Time to First Response by Support LevelAvg/Med/Max Issues/E-mailsBLOCKEDBackBack to Login FormBack to Reminder Action ListBack to Reminder ListBack to TopBackup Technical Account ManagerBased on all issues recorded in Eventum since start to present.Based on all open issue in Eventum for %1.Before Sender NameBetweenBlackout Time Range:Blocked Message Raw HeadersBlue values indicate value is lower than the aggregate one.Boilerplate:Bulk UpdateBulk Update ToolBy CustomerBy Issue IDBy Support LevelCLOCKED INCLOCKED OUTCall FromCall ToCall TypeCancelCancel UpdateCanned ResponsesCategories and StatusesCategoryCategory FieldCategory:CcChange Assignments:Change PasswordChange Status ToChanged FieldsChanging field types can result in loss of data.Check PermissionsCheck SpellingCheckout Page:Choose Custom Field BackendChoose a misspelt wordChora CVS viewerClearClear DateClear Duplicate StatusClear FiltersClear SelectionsClick to expand.Clock InClock OutCloseClose FormClose IssueClose WindowClosedClosed Context ?Closed DateClosed MessageCollapse all expanded cellsCollapse expanded cellColourColour:Column NameCombo BoxComments:Commit MessageComplete DetailsConfigurationConfiguration ParametersConfirm New PasswordContinueConvert Note To E-mailConvert to Draft and Save For Later EditingConvert to E-mail and Send NowCookies support seem to be disabled in your browser. Please enable this feature and try again.CountCreate AccountCreate Account ManagerCreate CategoryCreate Custom FieldCreate CustomisationCreate DraftCreate E-mail ResponseCreate FAQ EntryCreate GroupCreate IssueCreate Link FilterCreate New IssueCreate News EntryCreate NoteCreate PriorityCreate ProjectCreate ReleaseCreate ReminderCreate ResolutionCreate Round Robin EntryCreate StatusCreate UserCreate User and PermissionsCreatedCreated DateCreating New ReminderCurrent ProjectCurrent Project:Current Selections:Current filters:Custom FieldCustom FieldsCustom Fields ReportCustom Fields Weekly ReportCustom field updated (%1$s) by %2$sCustomerCustomer ContractCustomer CountsCustomer Identity (e.g. "Example Inc.", "johndoe@example.com", 12345)Customer Integration BackendCustomer Phone NumberCustomer Profile StatsCustomer Stats ReportCustomer:CustomersCustomize Issue Listing ScreenDaily Tips:Database ErrorDateDate FieldDate Field:Date RangeDate TriggeredDate issue was opened - Date issue was closed for all closed issues.Date of CallDate of WorkDayDay of MonthDay of WeekDaysDays and Hours SinceDearDefault Category:Default Options for Notifications:Default Priority:DefaultsDeleteDelete AliasDescendingDescriptionDescription FieldDescription is currently collapsedDescription:DetailsDeveloperDevelopersDid you Know?Diff Page:DisabledDisassociate SelectedDisplay on List Issues PageDisplays average number of issues, developer e-mails and customer e-mails per issue by support levelDisplays time statsDo you want to continue?Download Raw E-mailDraft Address Prefix:Draft routed fromDraftsDrop Tables If They Already ExistDuplicate ofDuplicated Issue:Duplicated byDuplicatesE-mail about issue update was sent toERROR: Could not find IRC bot pid from process list.ERROR: Directory could not be found (path: %1$s)ERROR: Directory permission mismatch (path: %1$s; current perm: %2$s; correct perm: %3$s)ERROR: File group mismatch (path: %1$s; current group: %2$s; correct group: %3$s)ERROR: File owner mismatch (path: %1$s; current owner: %2$s; correct owner: %3$s)ERROR: File permission mismatch (path: %1$s; current perm: %2$s; correct perm: %3$s)ERROR: File size mismatch (path: %1$s; current filesize: %2$s)ERROR: The system doesn't have the appropriate permissions to create the configuration file in the setup directoryERROR: The system doesn't have the appropriate permissions to update the configuration file in the setup directoryEdit Authorized Replier ListEdit CategoriesEdit Columns to DisplayEdit Fields to DisplayEdit Incident RedemptionEdit Notification ListEdit OptionEdit Phone Support CategoriesEdit PrioritiesEdit ReleasesEdit SignatureE-mailEmail #%1$s: %2$sE-mail (subject: '%1$s') associated by %2$sE-mail (subject: '%1$s') disassociated by %2$sE-mail Account:E-mail AddressE-mail Address Prefix:E-mail Address to Send Saved Messages:E-mail Address:E-mail Addresses To Send Errors To:E-mail Addresses To Send Information To:E-mail AliasE-mail BlockingE-mail CountsE-mail Draft Interface:E-mail Error Logging System:E-mail Integration Feature:E-mail List:E-mail NotificationsE-mail Recipient Type Flag:E-mail Reminder System Status Information:E-mail Routing Interface:E-mail SignatureE-mail Spell Checker:E-mail Time SpentE-mail Workload by Time of dayE-mail by Time PeriodE-mail by time periodE-mail from '%1$s' blockedE-mail message draft updated by %1$sE-mail message saved as a draft by %1$sE-mail routed from %1$sE-mail will be re-sent from original sender, including any attachments.E-mail will be re-sent from your name, NOT original sender's, and without any attachments.E-mailsE-mails are AssociatedE-mails are Received or SentE-mails are associated to existing issuesE-mails by CustomersE-mails by StaffEmpty Subject HeaderEnabledEndEnd dateEnd time in the future.End:Enter Impact AnalysisEnter the details below:Entered ByEqualsErrorError: An error occurred while trying to run your query.Error: No user account was found matching the entered e-mail address.Error: Please configure the e-mail address domain.Error: Please configure the e-mail address prefix.Error: Please provide the e-mail account ID.Error: Please provide your e-mail address.Error: The associated user for the e-mail routing interface needs to be set.Error: The e-mail address specified is already associated with an user in the system.Error: The e-mail draft interface is disabled.Error: The e-mail message was emptyError: The e-mail message was empty.Error: The e-mail routing interface is disabled.Error: The internal note routing interface is disabled.Error: The issue #%1 could not be foundError: The issue #%1 could not be found.Error: The issue could not be found.Error: The routed e-mail had no associated Eventum issue ID or had an invalid recipient address.Error: The routed note had no associated Eventum issue ID or had an invalid recipient address.Error: You are not allowed to view the requested FAQ entry.Error: Your user status is currently set as inactive. Please contact your local system administrator for further information.Error: the given e-mail address is not allowed to be added to the notification list.Error: the issue is already unassigned.Error: you are already authorized to send e-mails in this issue.Est Dev TimeEstimated Dev. TimeEstimated Dev. Time (only numbers)Estimated Dev. Time:Estimated Development TimeEstimated Development Time FieldEstimated Development Time by CategoryEstimated time (Hours)Eventum E-mailsEventum InstallationEventum Issues searchEventum Relative URLEventum was unable to route your e-mailExisting Accounts:Existing Actions:Existing Authorized Repliers for this IssueExisting Canned E-mail Responses:Existing Categories:Existing Conditions:Existing Custom FieldsExisting Customer Account Managers:Existing Customer Quick NotesExisting Customisations:Existing GroupsExisting Internal FAQ Entries:Existing IssueExisting Issue RemindersExisting Link FiltersExisting News EntriesExisting Phone Support CategoriesExisting PrioritiesExisting ProjectsExisting Releases:Existing Resolutions:Existing Round Robin Entries:Existing Statuses:Existing Subscribers for this IssueExisting UsersExpand all collapsed cellsExpand collapsed cellExpected Resolution DateExpected Resolution Date:Export Data:Export to ExcelExtra Note Recipients:FieldField OptionsField TypeField to GraphField:FileFilenamesFilesFiles are AttachedFiles are attached to existing issuesFilter by Arrival Date:First Response By StaffFirst Response DateFirst Response by StaffFix SpellingFor exampleFor example, you could use this page so that only users of the role "standard user" (and higher ranking roles) are able to set the category or release fields when reporting a new issue.FromFrom:Full NameFull Name:Further RequirementsGeneral SetupGenerateGet a Notification WhenGlobal SearchGoGo BackGraphical StatsGreater ThanGreater or EqualGreater than %1$sGroupGroup ByGroup:HandlerHello, We just received a request to create a new account in %1 For security reasons we need you to confirm this request so we can finish the account creation process. If this is not a real request from you, or you are not interested in creating a new account anymore, please disregard this e-mail. In a week the request will be erased automatically. However, if you would like to confirm the new account, please do so by visiting the URL below: Hello, We just received a request to create a new random password for your account in %1. For security reasons we need you to confirm this request so we can finish the password creation process. If this is not a real request from you, or if you don't need a new password anymore, please disregard this e-mail. However, if you would like to confirm this request, please do so by visiting the URL below: HelpHelp TopicsHide Associated E-mailsHide Closed IssuesHistory of ChangesHistory of Changes to IssueHistory of Reminders Triggered for IssueHomeHost Alias:HostnameHostname:HoursHowever, the following errors were encountered:I Forgot My PasswordIDIMAPIMAP FolderIMAP over SSLIMAP over SSL (self-signed)IMAP, no TLSIMAP, with TLSIMAP, with TLS (self-signed)IRC Notifications:If enabled, Eventum will look in the subject line of incoming notes/e-mails to determine which issue they should be associated with.If no canned e-mail responses are available through the E-mail window, please contact an user with the appropriate permissions (administrator or manager) to add some for you.If this option is enabled, users with a role of Reporter will only be able to see issues they reported.If yes, this reminder will not activate on weekends and time will not accumulate on the weekends.If you close this window, you will lose your messageIf you don't know who should be the assigned person for this new issue, assign it to your Project Lead.Ignore Issue Status ChangesImpact
AnalysisImpact AnalysisImpact analysis removed by %1$sImpact analysis submitted by %1$sImportant NoticesIn Notification ListIn PastIn Past %1$s hoursIn order for %1 to work properly, you must enable cookie support in your browser. Please login again and accept all cookies coming from it.In order to check if your permissions are setup correctly visit theIn order to do that, however, the administrator of the system needs to configure e-mail accounts to make the software download the e-mail messages from the appropriate POP3/IMAP server.InactiveIncident Types to RedeemInclude expired contractsIncludes issue count, Developer e-mail Count, Customer E-mail Count, Customers count by Support LevelIncomingInitial DescriptionInitial Impact AnalysisInitial Status for New IssuesInstallation InstructionsIntegerInternal FAQInternal Note Routing Interface:Internal NotesInternal UsersIntervalIs NULLIs NullIs between %1$s-%2$s-%3$s AND %4$s-%5$s-%6$sIs greater than %1$s-%2$s-%3$sIs less than %1$s-%2$s-%3$sIssueIssue #Issue #%1$s DetailsIssue CountIssue CountsIssue DetailsIssue IDIssue ID:Issue OverviewIssue PrioritiesIssue details are updatedIssue is ClosedIssuesIssues ClosedIssues Created BetweenIssues are ClosedIssues are UpdatedIssues by AssignmentIssues by CategoryIssues by PriorityIssues by ReleaseIssues by StatusIssues by UserIssues in CSCIssues with only status changedIssues/Customers matching criteriaIt could have been converted to an e-mail.It will remove all of its associated entries as well (issues, notes, attachments,netc), so please click OK to confirm.Keep Current Assignments:Keep form open to report another issueKeyword(s)Keyword(s):LabelLabel:Last Action DateLast Outgoing MsgLast ResponseLast Response DateLast Response by StaffLast UpdateLast UpdatedLast Updated DateLast updatedLeave Copy of Messages On ServerLeftLess ThanLess or EqualLess than %1$sLevels:LineLink FiltersLink filters are used to replace text such as '%1' with an automatic link to some external resource. It uses regular expressions to replace the text. Specify the search pattern in the pattern field without delimiters. Specify the entire string you would like to use as a replacement with $x to insert the matched text.List IssuesList Removed E-mailsListing / Searching for IssuesLog Page:LoginLogin Time SpentLogoutMail Queue LogMail Queue for Issue #%1MailboxManage Canned E-mail ResponsesManage CategoriesManage Columns to DisplayManage Custom FieldsManage Customer Account ManagersManage Customer Quick NotesManage E-mail AccountsManage GroupsManage Internal FAQManage Issue RemindersManage Issue ResolutionsManage Link FiltersManage NewsManage Phone Support CategoriesManage PrioritiesManage ProjectsManage ReleasesManage Reminder ActionsManage Reminder ConditionsManage Round Robin AssignmentsManage StatusesManage Time Tracking CategoriesManage UsersManagerManager:Mark Issue as DuplicateMark as DuplicateMaxMedMembersMessageMessage:MinMin. RoleMinimum RoleMinimum User RoleMisspelt Words:MobileModule / DirectoryMondayMonthMost of the time users will want to run common used queries against the issue database, and this is a feature perfect for such situations, just create a custom query in this screen and run it from the Issue Listing page.MoveMove Message ToMultiple Combo BoxMy AssignmentsMySQL DatabaseMySQL Password:MySQL Server HostnameMySQL Table PrefixMySQL UsernameNOTE: For security reasons it is highly recommended that the default password be changed as soon as possible.NOTE: If you need to send new information regarding this issue, please use the EMAIL related buttons available at the bottom of the screen.NOTE: You may report issues without the need to login by using the following URL:NameName:New AliasNew AttachmentNew IssueNew Issues AssignedNew PasswordNew Status for IssueNew User informationNew requirement submitted by %1$sNews and AnnouncementsNextNext IssueNext MessageNext NoteNoNo Customer IntegrationNo Drafts FoundNo E-mails FoundNo FAQ entries could be found.No Notes FoundNo Phone Calls FoundNo Reminder Entries FoundNo Time Entries FoundNo Workflow ManagementNo account managers could be found.No actions could be found.No aliases could be found.No associated e-mails could be found.No attachments could be found.No authorized repliers could be found.No canned e-mail responses could be found.No categories could be found.No changes could be found.No checkins could be found.No conditions could be found.No custom fields could be found.No custom fields for this projectNo custom searches could be found.No customisations could be found.No data foundNo e-mail accounts could be found.No e-mail drafts could be found.No e-mails could be found.No entries could be found.No group associated with issue %1$sNo groups could be found.No internal notes could be found.No issues associatedNo issues closed this time periodNo issues could be found.No issues touched this time periodNo issues with only status changed this time periodNo link filters could be found.No mail queue could be found.No news entries could be found.No notes could be found.No phone calls recorded yet.No phone support categories could be found.No priorities could be found.No projects could be found.No releases could be found.No reminders could be found.No resolution date givenNo resolutions could be found.No round robin entries could be found.No spelling mistakes could be found.No statuses could be found.No subscribers could be found.No time tracking categories could be found.No time tracking entries could be found.No users could be found.NoneNoteNote Address Prefix:Note Recipient Type Flag:Note routed from %1$sNote:Note: Please enter your e-mail address below and a new random password will be created and assigned to your account. For security purposes a confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address and after confirming it the new password will be then activated and sent to you.Note: The current maximum allowed upload file size is %1Note: The values in this field can be changed by going in the administration section of this application and editing the appropriate atributes of a project. If you do not have the needed permissions to do so, please contact your local Eventum administrator.NotesNotes are added to existing issuesNotification ListNotification List:Notification list entry (%1$s) added by %2$sNotification list entry (%1$s) removed by %2$sNotification list entry ('%1$s') added by %2$sNotification list entry ('%1$s') updated by %2$sNotify Sender?Number of DaysOfficeOne of the optimal uses of this feature is to create a separate 'issues' or 'support' POP3/IMAP account and ask your customers or end-users to send support questions, issues or suggestions to that mailbox. Eventum will then download the e-mails and provide them to the users of the system.Only Download Unread MessagesOnly for Known Customers?Only staff members listed in the assignment or authorized replier fields can send e-mails.Open Account Signup:Open Issues By AssigneeOpen Issues By ReporterOpen the E-mails Listing PageOpen the Issue Details PageOpen the Issue Listing PageOperatorOperator:OptionsOptions to GraphOptions:OrderOtherOther E-mailsOther:Otherwise, you will be automatically redirected to the Issue Details Page in 5 seconds.OutgoingOutgoing E-mail Sender AddressOutgoing E-mail Sender NameOutgoing e-mail sent by %1$sOverall StatsOverview or Details are ChangedOwnerPOP3POP3 over SSLPOP3 over SSL (self-signed)POP3, no TLSPOP3, with TLSPOP3, with TLS (self-signed)PasswordPassword ConfirmationPassword Confirmation SuccessPassword:PatternPattern: "%1"PendingPercentage CompletePercentage Complete:Percentage complete should be between 0 and 100Percentages may not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding.Performing action %1$s for issue # %2$sPermanently RemovePhone CallsPhone NumberPhone Support entry removed by %1$sPhone Support entry submitted by %1$sPhone Time SpentPlease Note: If you do not wish to receive any future e-mail notifications from %1, please change your account preferences by visiting the URL belowPlease Note: If you do not wish to receive any future e-mail notifications from %1, please change your account preferences by visiting the URL belowPlease assign the appropriate projects for this custom field.Please assign the appropriate projects for this group.Please assign the appropriate projects for this news entry.Please assign the appropriate projects for this status.Please assign the appropriate projects for this user.Please assign the appropriate support levels for this FAQ entry.Please assign the appropriate users for this group.Please assign the appropriate users for this round robin entry.Please assign the manager of this group.Please assign the statuses for this project.Please assign the users for this project.Please choosePlease choose a categoryPlease choose a customerPlease choose a fieldPlease choose a priorityPlease choose a projectPlease choose a project that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose a statusPlease choose an optionPlease choose an userPlease choose at least one person to assign the new issues created remotely.Please choose from one of the options belowPlease choose from one of the options below:Please choose new values for the selected issuesPlease choose one of the following actions to take in regards to the selected e-mail messagePlease choose the category for this new phone support entry.Please choose the customer for this new note.Please choose the customers that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose the default category for remote invocations.Please choose the default category.Please choose the default priority for remote invocations.Please choose the default priority.Please choose the incident types to redeem for this issue.Please choose the initial status from one of the assigned statuses of this project.Please choose the priorities that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose the project for this FAQ entry.Please choose the project that this new issue will apply toPlease choose the project that you wish to customize.Please choose the project to be associated with this e-mail account.Please choose the project.Please choose the reporter for remote invocations.Please choose the support levels that will be associated with this reminder.Please choose the time tracking category for this new entry.Please choose the type of e-mail server to be associated with this e-mail account.Please choose whether the SCM integration feature should be enabled or not.Please choose whether the anonymous posting feature should be allowed or not for this projectPlease choose whether the daily tips feature should be enabled or not.Please choose whether the e-mail integration feature should be enabled or not.Please choose whether the issue auto creation feature should be allowed or not for this e-mail accountPlease choose whether the system should allow visitors to signup for new accounts or not.Please choose whether to show custom fields for remote invocations or not.Please choose which aliases need to be removed.Please choose which e-mails need to be associated.Please choose which e-mails need to be marked as deleted.Please choose which e-mails need to be permanently removed.Please choose which e-mails need to be restored.Please choose which entries need to be disassociated with the current issue.Please choose which entries need to be removed.Please choose which issues to update.Please click OK to confirm.Please contact the administrator of this application for assistance.Please contact the administrator of this application for further assistance.Please contact your local system administrator and ask for write privileges on the provided filename.Please contact your local system administrator and ask for write privileges on the provided path.Please enter a comma separated list of valid mail address aliases for this projectPlease enter a number for the rank of this FAQ entry.Please enter a password of at least 6 characters.Please enter a pattern.Please enter a replacement value.Please enter a valid e-mail address for the sender address.Please enter a valid e-mail address.Please enter a valid issue ID.Please enter a valid outgoing sender address for this project.Please enter a valid port number for this e-mail account.Please enter an issue to associate these e-mails with.Please enter integers (or floating point numbers) on the time spent field.Please enter the ID of the duplicated issue.Please enter the IMAP folder for this e-mail account.Please enter the SMTP server hostname.Please enter the SMTP server password.Please enter the SMTP server port number.Please enter the SMTP server username.Please enter the abbreviation of this status.Please enter the alternate username for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the analysis for the changes required by this issue.Please enter the checkout page URL for your SCM integration tool.Please enter the colour of this status.Please enter the database hostname for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the database name for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the database username for this installation of Eventum.Please enter the description for this issue.Please enter the description for this new phone support entry.Please enter the diff page URL for your SCM integration tool.Please enter the e-mail address hostname for the e-mail routing interface.Please enter the e-mail address of where copies of outgoing e-mails should be sent to.Please enter the e-mail address prefix for the e-mail routing interface.Please enter the e-mail of this user.Please enter the estimated development time for this task.Please enter the full name of this user.Please enter the hostname for the server of this installation of Eventum.Please enter the hostname for this e-mail account.Please enter the impact analysis for this new requirement.Please enter the issue IDs that will be associated with this reminder.Please enter the log page URL for your SCM integration tool.Please enter the message body of this e-mail.Please enter the message body of this note.Please enter the message for this FAQ entry.Please enter the message for this news entry.Please enter the message for this round robin entry.Please enter the name of this group.Please enter the new requirement for this issue.Please enter the new value for the combo box.Please enter the note text on the input box below.Please enter the password for this e-mail account.Please enter the port number for this e-mail account.Please enter the rank for this reminder.Please enter the rank of this FAQ entry.Please enter the rank of this priorityPlease enter the rank of this status.Please enter the recipient of this e-mail.Please enter the relative URL of this installation of Eventum.Please enter the sender address that will be used for all outgoing notification e-mails.Please enter the subject of this e-mail.Please enter the summary for this issue.Please enter the summary for this new time tracking entry.Please enter the title for this FAQ entry.Please enter the title for this action.Please enter the title for this category.Please enter the title for this condition.Please enter the title for this customisation.Please enter the title for this e-mail response.Please enter the title for this issue resolution.Please enter the title for this new action.Please enter the title for this new category.Please enter the title for this new condition.Please enter the title for this new customisation.Please enter the title for this new e-mail response.Please enter the title for this new issue resolution.Please enter the title for this new priority.Please enter the title for this new project.Please enter the title for this new release.Please enter the title for this new reminder.Please enter the title for this new status.Please enter the title for this new time tracking category.Please enter the title for this news entry.Please enter the title for this priority.Please enter the title for this project.Please enter the title for this release.Please enter the title for this reminder.Please enter the title for this round robin entry.Please enter the title for this saved search.Please enter the title for this status.Please enter the title for this time tracking category.Please enter the title of this FAQ entry.Please enter the title of this categoryPlease enter the title of this custom field.Please enter the title of this e-mail response.Please enter the title of this news entry.Please enter the title of this note.Please enter the title of this priorityPlease enter the title of this project.Please enter the title of this release.Please enter the title of this resolution.Please enter the title of this status.Please enter the title of this time tracking categoryPlease enter the updated value.Please enter the username for this e-mail account.Please enter your account e-mail address.Please enter your e-mail address.Please enter your full name.Please enter your new password with at least 6 characters.Please enter your password.Please indicate whether the SMTP server requires authentication or not.Please make sure you have selected the correct e-mail messages to associate.Please note that some columns may be hidden even if you specify they should be shown. For example, if no releases are defined in the system the 'Release' column will be hidden.Please provide your e-mail address.Please provide your password.Please refer to the following help sections for more information on specific parts of the application:Please see the FAQ for information regarding quarantined issues.Please see the FAQ for information regarding quarantined issues.Please select a backendPlease select a valid date for when the phone call took place.Please select a valid date of work.Please select an assignment for this issuePlease select an option from the list.Please select at least one link filter.Please select at least one of the FAQ entries.Please select at least one of the account managers.Please select at least one of the accounts.Please select at least one of the actions.Please select at least one of the authorized repliers.Please select at least one of the categories.Please select at least one of the conditions.Please select at least one of the custom fields.Please select at least one of the customisations.Please select at least one of the e-mail responses.Please select at least one of the groups.Please select at least one of the news entries.Please select at least one of the notes.Please select at least one of the priorities.Please select at least one of the projects.Please select at least one of the releases.Please select at least one of the reminders.Please select at least one of the resolutions.Please select at least one of the round robin entries.Please select at least one of the statuses.Please select at least one of the subscribers.Please select at least one of the time tracking categories.Please select at least one of the users.Please select projects this link filter should be active for.Please select the assigned projects for users that create their own accounts.Please select the custom field that you would like to generate a report against.Please select the custom filter to search against.Please select the minimum user role that should be able to see this link filter.Please select the new status for this issue.Please use only floating point numbers (or integers) on the estimated development time field.Please use only floating point numbers on the estimated development time field.PortPost Internal NotePost New Internal NotePosted DatePosted Date:Postmaster notify: see transcript for detailsPreferencesPreviousPrevious IssuePrevious MessagePrevious NotePrimary Technical Account ManagerPriorityPriority FieldPriority:PrivatePrivate:Processing Group Leader notificationProjectProject LeadProject automatically switched to '%1' from '%2'.Project mail aliasesProject:ProjectsProjects:PublicQuarantine expires in %1Queued DateQuick SearchREMOVEDRSS feed for this custom searchRankRank:Raw HeadersRe-directing the parent window to the issue report page. This window will be closed automatically.Read All NoticesReasonReason for closing issueReason to closeReceive e-mails when all issues are created?Receive e-mails when new issues are assigned to you?ReceivedRecentRecent ActivityRecent Activity ReportRecent DraftsRecent E-mailsRecent NotesRecent Phone CallsRecent Reminder ActionsRecent Time EntriesRecipientRecipient Type Flag:RecipientsRecipients:Record Phone CallRecord Time WorkedRecorded DateRed values indicate value is higher than the aggregate one.Redeem IncidentsRedeemed Incident TypesRefers to the number of e-mails sent by customers in eventum per issue. Does not include e-mails sent to general support mailbox.Refers to the number of e-mails sent by developers in eventum per issue. Does not include e-mails sent to general support mailbox.Refers to the number of issues in eventum for the given support level or customer.Refresh Rate for E-mail Listing PageRefresh Rate for Issue Listing PageRegisterReleaseRemember SelectionRemember to protect your '%1' directory (like changing its permissions) to prevent anyone else from changing your existing Eventum configuration.ReminderReminder AlertReminder Not TriggeredReminder TypeRemote InvocationRemoveRemove QuarantineRemove SelectedRemove Selected E-mailsRemove?RemovedRemoved E-mailsReplace %1 by the appropriate absolute path in your CVS server, such as /home/username/repository for instance. Also make sure to put the appropriate path to your PHP binary.Replace current assignee with Myself.ReplacementReplacement: "%1"ReplyReportReport FormReport New IssueReport TypeReport Type:Report a New IssueReported ByReporterReporter:Reporting IssuesReporting New IssuesReportsRequest a PasswordRequired FieldRequired FieldsRequired fieldsRequirementRequires Authentication?Requires support for cookies and javascript in your browserResetResolutionResponse Body:Restore E-mailsReturn to Issue #%1 Details PageReview SQL QueryRoleRows Per PageRows per Page:Run SearchSCM
Integration:SCM Checkins associated by SCM user 'SCM Checkins removed by %1$sSCM IntegrationSCM Integration - CheckinsSMS E-mail AddressSMTP (Outgoing E-mail) Settings:SMTP ConfigurationSSL ServerSaveSave Draft ChangesSave MessageSave Message as Reference E-mailSave Message as an Internal NoteSave Phone CallSave SearchSave a Copy of Every Outgoing Issue Notification E-mailSave as DraftSaved SearchesScheduled ReleaseScheduled Release FieldScheduled Release:SearchSearch Eventum IssuesSearch TitleSearch TypeSections to DisplaySegregate ReporterSegregate ReportersSelect ProjectSelect closed status to close issueSend E-mailSend New PasswordSend Notification About Issue Being Closed?Send Notification ToSenderSender E-mailSender:Separate Closed IssuesSeparate Only Status ChangesServer HostnameSetSet Close MessageSet Display PreferencesSet MessageSet available optionsShort DescriptionShorten the fieldShow All DraftsShow Custom Fields ?Show CustomersShow Issues in Which I AmShow Issues with no Response BetweenShow PriorityShow StatusShow Times spent on issueShow additional fields to search byShow date fields to search byShowing all open issues older than Signup as Authorized ReplierSignup for an AccountSimilar in every way to the above permission level, but this extra level allows you to segregate users who will deal with issues, and overall normal staff users who do not handle issues themselves.Since the list of statuses available per project is dynamic and database driven, this manual process is needed to associate a status to a date field coming from the database.Skip WeekendsSo to examplify its use, whenever the users are ready to commit the changes to the CVS repository, they will add a special string to specify which issue this is related to. The following would be a good example of its use:Sorry, an error happened while trying to run your querySorry, an error happened while trying to run your query.Sorry, but the e-mail could not be queued. This might be related to problems with your SMTP account settings.Sorry, but the e-mail could not be sent. This might be related to problems with your SMTP account settings.Sorry, but there are no projects currently setup as allowing anonymous posting.Sorry, but this feature has been disabled by the administrator.Sorry, but you do not have access to this page.Sorry, but you do not have the required permission level to access this screen.Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.Sorry, you do not have permission to view this pageSorry, you do not have the required privileges to update this issue.Sorry, you do not have the required privileges to view this issue.Sort BySort OrderSpell CheckStaffStaff:Stalled IssuesStalled Issues ReportStandard UserStartStart InstallationStart time in the future.StatsStatusStatus Change DateStatus ClosedStatus:StatusesSubjectSubject Based Routing:Subject/Body:SubmitSubmittedSubmitted DateSubmitted Date:Suggestions:SummarySummary FieldSummary:SundaySupport LevelSupport LevelsSupport OptionsSwitchSystem users may subscribe to the actions above for specific issues when they report new issues or by visiting the issue details screen and subscribing manually by using the 'Edit Notification List' link.Target FormsTemp NumberTentative DateTentative Date:Test SettingsText InputTextareaThank You, Eventum is now properly setup and ready to be used. Open the following URL to login on it for the first time:Thank you, a confirmation message was just e-mailed to you. Please follow the instructions available in this message to confirm your password creation request.Thank you, columns to display was saved successfully.Thank you, field display settings were updated successfully.Thank you, issue #%1 was updated successfully.Thank you, the FAQ entry was added successfully.Thank you, the FAQ entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the account manager was added successfully.Thank you, the account manager was updated successfully.Thank you, the account was updated successfully.Thank you, the action was added successfully.Thank you, the action was updated successfully.Thank you, the association to the selected e-mails were removed successfully.Thank you, the attachment was removed successfully.Thank you, the authorized replier was inserted successfully.Thank you, the category was added successfully.Thank you, the category was updated successfully.Thank you, the condition was added successfully.Thank you, the condition was updated successfully.Thank you, the current issue is no longer marked as a duplicate.Thank you, the custom field values were updated successfully.Thank you, the custom field was added successfully.Thank you, the custom field was updated successfully.Thank you, the custom filter was saved successfully.Thank you, the customisation was added successfully.Thank you, the customisation was updated successfully.Thank you, the e-mail account was added successfully.Thank you, the e-mail aliases were removed successfullyThank you, the e-mail message was saved as a draft successfully.Thank you, the e-mail response was added successfully.Thank you, the e-mail response was updated successfully.Thank you, the e-mail was queued to be sent successfully.Thank you, the e-mail was sent successfully.Thank you, the e-mail was successfully moved.Thank you, the e-mails were marked as removed successfully.Thank you, the file was removed successfully.Thank you, the group was added successfully.Thank you, the group was updated successfully.Thank you, the impact analysis was set successfully.Thank you, the impact analysis was updated successfully.Thank you, the information was updated successfully.Thank you, the inital impact analysis was set successfully.Thank you, the internal note was posted successfully.Thank you, the issue resolution was added successfully.Thank you, the issue resolution was updated successfully.Thank you, the issue was closed successfullyThank you, the issue was marked as a duplicate successfully. Please choose from one of the options below:Thank you, the issue was successfully marked.Thank you, the issue was unassigned successfully.Thank you, the issue was updated successfully.Thank you, the link filter was added successfully.Thank you, the link filter was deleted successfully.Thank you, the link filter was updated successfully.Thank you, the new issue was created successfully.Thank you, the new issue was created successfully. For your records, the new issue ID is %1Thank you, the new issue was created successfully. Please choose from one of the options belowThank you, the new note was created and associated with the issue below.Thank you, the new requirement was added successfully.Thank you, the news entry was added successfully.Thank you, the news entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the note was added successfully.Thank you, the note was converted successfully.Thank you, the note was deleted successfully.Thank you, the note was removed successfully.Thank you, the note was updated successfully.Thank you, the notification entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the phone entry was added successfully.Thank you, the phone support entry was removed successfully.Thank you, the priority was added successfully.Thank you, the priority was updated successfully.Thank you, the project was added successfully.Thank you, the project was updated successfully.Thank you, the release was added successfully.Thank you, the release was updated successfully.Thank you, the reminder was added successfully.Thank you, the reminder was updated successfully.Thank you, the round robin entry was added successfully.Thank you, the round robin entry was updated successfully.Thank you, the selected checkin information entries were removed successfully.Thank you, the selected custom filters were removed successfully.Thank you, the selected e-mail message was associated successfully.Thank you, the selected issues were updated successfully.Thank you, the selected requirements were removed successfully.Thank you, the setup information was saved successfully.Thank you, the status was added successfully.Thank you, the status was updated successfully.Thank you, the time tracking category was added successfully.Thank you, the time tracking category was updated successfully.Thank you, the time tracking entry was added successfully.Thank you, the time tracking entry was removed successfully.Thank you, the uploaded file was associated with the issue below.Thank you, the user was added successfully.Thank you, the user was updated successfully.Thank you, this issue was removed from quarantine.Thank you, you are now assigned to the issueThank you, you are now authorized to send e-mails in this issue.Thank you, you are now logged out of %1Thank you, your account clocked-in status was changed successfully.Thank you, your account creation request was processed successfully. For security reasons a confirmation e-mail was sent to the provided e-mail address with instructions on how to confirm your request and activate your account.Thank you, your account is now active and ready to be used. Use the form below to login.Thank you, your account preferences were updated successfully.Thank you, your current selected project was changed successfully.Thank you, your e-mail address was updated successfully.Thank you, your full name was updated successfully.Thank you, your password was updated successfully.Thank you, your request for a new password was confirmed successfully. You should receive an e-mail with your new password shortly.The %1 script, which is available in the %2 sub-directory in your Eventum installation directory, will need to be installed in your CVSROOT CVS module by following the procedure below:The CVS module nameThe Issue Details page will also show '<< Previous Issue' and 'Next Issue >>' links that are related to the previous and next issues for the current active filter, if appropriate.The Issue Listing page uses a grid layout to simplify the manual search for issues in a project. You may sort for (almost) any column in this grid form, and users with the appropriate permissions may also assign selected issues to another user.The SMTP (outgoing mail) configuration is needed to make sure e-mails are properly sent when creating new users/projects.The associated time tracking entry was also deleted.The command above will checkout and create the CVSROOT directory that you will need to work with. Next, open the loginfo file and add the following line:The current project does not have customer integration so this report cannot be viewed.The default options for e-mail notifications are used to pre-select the notification related fields when you report a new issue, or subscribe manually for changes in the issue details page.The description field should be used to describe the new issue. Good practices dictate that this field should have a description of what happened, steps to reproduce the problem/issue and what you expected to happen instead.The e-mail address / password combination could not be found in the system.The filename that was committedThe first thing to do is to checkout the %1 module from your CVS repository:The following %1 reminder could not be sent out because no recipients could be foundThe following addresses could not be matched against the system user records:The following is a brief overview of the available user permission levels in Eventum:The following user is already assigned to this issueThe full history of changes related to the current issue is available by clickin on the 'History of Changes' link.The given e-mail addressThe integration is implemented in such a way that it will be forward compatible with pretty much any SCM system, such as CVS. When entering the required information for the checkout page and diff page input fields, use the following placeholders:The issue details screen can be accessed quickly by using the 'Go' input field in the top of your browser window. Just enter the issue number and it will take you to the appropriate screen.The issue was updated by %1The last step of this installation process is to login into the CVS server and copy the %1 script into the %2 directory. Make sure you give the appropriate permissions to the script.The new revision of the fileThe old revision of the fileThe original message headers followThe provided trial account e-mail address could not be confirmed. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The provided trial account e-mail address could not be found. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The provided trial account encrypted hash could not be authenticated. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The quick search table in the top of the screen helps the users find the issues they want quickly. More advanced searches may be created using the Advanced Search tool.The specified note does not exist.The specified value already exists in the list of options.The two passwords do not match. Please review your information and try again.The uploaded file is already attached to the current issue. Please rename the file and try again.There seems to be a problem connecting to the database server specified in your configuration file. Please contact your local system administrator for further assistance.There seems to be a problem finding the required database tables in the database server specified in your configuration file. Please contact your local system administrator for further assistance.There was an error creating your issue.There was an error marking this issue as redeemedThese are the current issue detailsThis Issue is Currently QuarantinedThis action will change the status of the selected users.This action will mark the selected e-mail messages as deleted.This action will permanently delete the selected attachment.This action will permanently delete the selected entries.This action will permanently delete the selected file.This action will permanently delete the specified note.This action will permanently delete the specified phone support entry.This action will permanently delete the specified time tracking entry.This action will permanently remove the selected FAQ entries.This action will permanently remove the selected custom fields.This action will permanently remove the selected entries.This action will permanently remove the selected news entries.This action will permanently remove the selected round robin entries.This action will remove the association of the selected entries to the current issue.This action will remove the selected account managers.This action will remove the selected entries.This action will remove the selected entries. This will also update any issues currently set to this status to a new status 'undefined'.This column is useful to display the amount of time since the last change in status for each issue. For example, if issue #1234 is set to status 'Closed', you could configure Eventum to display the difference in time between "now" and the date value stored in the closed date field.This command will be parsed by the CVS integration script (provided to you and available in %1) and it will notify Eventum that these changes are to be associated with issue #13.This customer has a per incident contract. You have chosen not to redeem any incidents. Press 'OK' to confirm or 'Cancel' to revise.This feature allows system users to subscribe to e-mail notifications when changes are done to specific issues. The current actions that trigger e-mail notifications are:This feature allows your software development teams to integrate your Source Control Management system with your Issue Tracking System.This field can also be used as a way to check the estimation abilities of project managers against the impact analysis given by the developers themselves. That is, the value entered by a project manager here can be compared against the impact analysis / estimated development time entered by the developers, and this way get more experience estimating the required time for new projects.This field is used as a simple and descriptive title to this new issue. As a suggestion, it should be descriptive and short enough to be used by other users to remember quickly what the issue was all about.This field is used by the reporters of new issues to estimate the total development time for the issue. It is especially important as a metrics tool to get a simple estimate of how much time each issue will take from discovery, going through implementation and testing up until release time.This field is used to categorize issues by a common denominator, such as 'Feature Request', 'Bug' or 'Support Inquiry'.This field is used to determine what the deadline should be for when this new issue should be completed and resolved. If you don't know what the deadline should be for this new issue, leave the field as 'un-scheduled', and a project manager will set it appropriately.This field is used to determine who should be assigned to this new issue. You are be able to assign a new issue to several persons at the same time.This field is used to prioritize issues, as to make project management a little easier. If you are not sure, or don't know what the appropriate priority should be for new issues, choose 'not prioritized' as the option and leave the issue to be prioritized by a project manager.This is a SMS reminder alert regarding issue # %1. Certain conditions triggered this action, and this issue may require immediate action in your part.This is a special permission level reserved for the Customer Integration API, which allows you to integrate Eventum with your CRM database. When this feature is enabled, this type of user can only access issues associated with their own customer. Allowed to create new issues, update and send e-mails to existing issues.This is an automated message sent at your request fromThis is an automated message sent at your request from %1This is an automated message sent at your request from %1.This is an automated message sent from %1This issue already has been marked as redeemedThis issue is marked private. Only Managers, the reporter and users assigned to the issue can view it.This issue was just closed by %1 with the message: %2.This issue was just closed by %1.This message already belongs to that accountThis note will be deleted & converted to an e-mail, one either sent immediately or saved as a draft.This page allows you to create and modify saved custom searches, which will save searches that can be executed from the Issue Listing screen.This page allows you to dynamically configure the values displayed in the "Status Change Date" column in the issue listing screen, for a particular project.This page allows you to dynamically control which columns are displayed on the list issues page.This page allows you to dynamically control which fields are displayed to users of a certain minimum role.This page can only be accessed in relation to a project. Please go to the project page and chooseThis screen allows users to change their appropriate full name, account password and e-mail address. This address will be used by the system to send e-mail notifications whenever details about issues you are subscribed to changes.This screen allows users with the appropriate permissions to associate e-mails with existing issues, or create new issues and associate e-mails with them.This type of user has full access to Eventum, including the low level configuration parameters available through the administration interface.This user requires permission to create and drop tables in the specified database.This value is used only for these installation procedures, and is not saved if you provide a separate user below.Time CategoryTime PeriodTime SpentTime Spent:Time StatisticsTime To CloseTime To First ResponseTime TrackingTime entry inserted from phone call.Time spent as minutesTime spent per userTime tracking categoryTime tracking entry removed by %1$sTime tracking entry submitted by %1$sTime tracking entry submitted remotely by %1$sTimezoneTitleTitle:ToTo prevent inappropriate e-mails reaching the notification list, only users that are assigned to the issue are allowed to e-mail through Eventum. If an un-authorized user sends an e-mail to %1 it is converted into a note and stored for later use. This note can be converted into an e-mail at a later date.To report new issues, click in the 'Create Issue' link in the top of your browser window.To start using the system, please load the URL belowTo view more details of this issue, or to update it, please visit the following URLTo:Tool Caption:TotTotalTotal Estimated Dev. TimeTotal IssuesTotal NotesTotal Phone CallsTotal Time SpentTotal Workload by Support LevelTrigger Reminders:Triggered ActionTriggered ReminderTypeType:URLUnassign IssueUnavailable - Users may NOT use this releaseUntitled.%sUpdateUpdate AccountUpdate Account ManagerUpdate ActionUpdate CategoryUpdate ConditionUpdate Custom FieldUpdate CustomisationUpdate Date:Update E-mail AddressUpdate E-mail ResponseUpdate FAQ EntryUpdate Full NameUpdate GroupUpdate IssueUpdate Issue #%1Update Issue #%1$sUpdate Issue DetailsUpdate Issue OverviewUpdate Link FilterUpdate News EntryUpdate NoteUpdate PasswordUpdate PreferencesUpdate PriorityUpdate ProjectUpdate ReleaseUpdate ReminderUpdate ResolutionUpdate Round Robin EntryUpdate SetupUpdate StatusUpdate SubscriptionUpdate UserUpdate ValueUpdate ValuesUpdatedUpdated DateUpdating ReminderUpload FileUpload New SignatureUsage ExamplesUse Canned ResponseUse a Separate MySQL User for Normal Eventum UseUse account for non-subject based e-mail/note/draft routing.Use the following shortcutsUserUser DetailsUser Permission LevelsUser account information updatedUser account password changedUsernameUsersUsers with a role of "customer" or below are not allowed to be added to the authorized repliers list.Users:Using CSCValueValue:View E-mail DetailsView E-mail Raw HeadersView Note DetailsViewerViewing E-mails (%1 e-mail found)Viewing IssuesWARNINGWARNING: By converting this blocked message to a draft any attachments this message may have will be lost.WARNING: Converting this note to an e-mail will send the e-mail to all users listed in this issue's notification list.WARNING: Converting this note to an e-mail will send the e-mail to any customers that may be listed in this issue's notification list.WARNING: If replying, add yourself to Authorized Repliers list first.WARNING: If you want to use the e-mail integration features to download messages saved on a IMAP/POP3 server, you will need to enable the IMAP extension in your PHP.INI configuration file. See the PHP manual for more details.WARNING: This action will permanently remove the selected e-mail aliases from your e-mail account.WARNING: This action will permanently remove the selected e-mails from your e-mail account.WARNING: This action will remove the selected groups permanently.WARNING: This action will remove the selected link filters permanently.WARNING: This action will remove the selected projects permanently.WARNING: This e-mail will be sent to all names on this issue's Notification List, including CUSTOMERS. If you want the CUSTOMER to receive your message now, press OK. Otherwise, to return to your editing window, press CANCEL.WARNING: This e-mail will be sent to all names on this issue's Notification List. If you want all users to receive your message now, press OK. Otherwise, to return to your editing window, press CANCEL.WARNING: This message was blocked because the sender was not allowed to send e-mails to the associated issue.WARNING: You are not assigned to this issue so your e-mail will be blocked. Your blocked e-mail will be converted to a note that can be recovered later. For more information, please see the topic 'e-mail blocking' in help.WARNING: You have removed project(s)Warn Users Whether They Can Send E-mails to Issue:WarningWarning: All changes to this issue will be lost if you continue and close this issue.Warning: If you continue, you will change the Warning: Some type and interval options, combined with large
date ranges can produce extremely large graphs.Warning: This draft has already been edited. You cannot send or edit it.Warning: This draft has already been sent. You cannot resend it.Warning: Unknown Contacts FoundWarning: Unknown contacts were found in the selected e-mail messages. Please make sure you have selected the correct e-mail messages to associate.Warning: your issue is currently quarantined.We received a message from you and for your convenience, we created an issue that will be used by our staff to handle your message.WeekWeek starts on:WeeklyWeekly ReportWiden the fieldWill save as a noteWill save as e-mailWith that information in mind, the appropriate value to be entered in the 'Checkout page' input field is:Work endedWork startedWorkflow BackendWorkload By Date RangeWorkload by Date Range ReportWorkload by Time PeriodWorkload by Time of dayWorkload by time periodYesYou are not allowed to use the selected project.You can create as many custom queries as you want through the Advanced Search interface. There is also the ability to save and modify custom queries and load them quickly from the Issue Listing screen.You can create canned e-mail responses and use them when sending e-mails from the system. That is an useful feature when dealing with lots of issues that relate to the same problem.You can set the minimum role required to view a column. For example, if you set the mimimum role for 'Category' to be 'Manager' anyone with a role lower then 'Manager' will not be able to see that column. To hide a column from all users, select 'Never Display'.You can switch to the 'Search' or 'Go' boxes quickly by using a special shortcut keystroke in your keyboard.You cannot change the status of the only active user left in the system.You cannot inactivate all of the users in the system.You cannot remove all of the projects in the system.You do not have permission to delete this note.You do not have permission to remove this phone support entry.You do not have the correct role to access this pageYou do not have the permission to remove this attachment.You do not have the permission to remove this file.You may submit another issue if you so wish.You may also set the appropriate timezone where you live in this screen, and all of the software will adjust the dates displayed in the system accordingly.You may also turn the parsing of commit messages for just a single CVS module by substituting the 'ALL' in the line above to the appropriate CVS module name, as in:You may also use 'bug' to specify the issue ID - whichever you are more comfortable with.Your User Account DetailsYour account information as it now exists appears below.Your full account information is available below.Your session has expired. Please login again to continue.Your user account has been updated in %1Your user account password has been updated in %1Your user status is currently set as inactive. Please contact your local system administrator for further information.Your user status is currently set as pending. This means that you still need to confirm your account creation request. Please contact your local system administrator for further information.[highly recommended] from the Horde project you would usually have the following URL as the diff page:[prompt]$ cvs -q commit -m "Adding form validation as requested (issue: 13)" form.phpactionsadvanced searchananyasascendingassociatedbulk update toolchange your account clocked-in statusclick to editconvert notecreate a new issuecreate advanced searchescurrent filtersdaydaysdeletedelete attachmentdelete filedescendingdiff to %1display in fixed width fontdomdowdownload fileedit the authorized repliers list for this issueedit the notification list for this issueedit this custom searche-mailsenter a new option aboveerror condition detectedfirstfirst namefixed width fontfor all selected issues. Are you sure you want to continue?from the listfull news entrygeneral statisticsgenerate excel-friendly reportget access to advanced search parametersget context sensitive helpglobal filterhelp documentationhide / show the advanced search formhide / show the quick search formhide/showhoursin hoursin minutesinternal faqis neither a known staff member or customer technical contact.issueissues worked onit will show up by the side of the fieldkeywordslast nameleave empty to keep the current passwordlist all e-mail aliaseslist all issues assigned to youlist all removed e-mailslist available e-mailslist the issues stored in the systemlogout frommanage aliasmanage the application settings, users, projects, etcmodify your account details and preferencesmonmonthmove field downmove field upmust be a valid e-mail addressmyself and my groupmyself and un-assignedmyself, un-assigned and my groupnext issue on your current active filterof associated projects. This will remove all data for this field from the selected project(s).only used for automatic issue remindersorpagepaste or start typing herependingprevious issue on your current active filterquick searchquick search barread faq entryreply to this e-mailreply to this notereporting systemsee the diff to revision %1see the log of of %1see the source of revision %1 of %2send e-mail tosent to notification listsort bysort by customersort by datesort by recipientsort by sendersort by statussort by subjectsort by summarystandard user and above onlythis will determine the order in which actions are triggeredthis will show up on the bottom of the reminder messagesto access this page.un-assignedun-scheduledupdate entryupdate this entryview e-mail detailsview issue detailsview note detailsview reminder action detailsview reminder detailsview the full history of changes on this issueview the history of sent e-mailsvisible to allweekyear