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" 5"?"!F"h"$"" ""ph#I#3#$'W$0$$0$ $$$$% % % %+% ;%H%]%m% }%0%0%0%*&$H&m&&'$(8*(1c(3(=(!)]))))?*wS****_ +_m+_+-,,%,5,D,-hq- --- ..-.=.!Y.{. . . . ..... /$'/L/ ^/k/o/5,?"Kbf=]RSXC$ >d_0ij1ZD3F8JTh()gWL/!a26H A4U[9&PcI<EYN +B:O %;.-MGe'#^\`7@Q *Vk To view more details of this issue, or to update it, please visit the following URL#%1$s - %2$s% Complete%1 Field%1$s Group%1$s or greater%1$s or less%1: %2 ago'Note Discussion', 'Email Discussion' and 'Telephone Discussion' categories are required by Eventum and cannot be deleted.(All Issues)(Alternate domains that point to 'Address Hostname')(GMT)(Open Issues)(This MUST contain a real email address, e.g. "%1" or "%2")(This will be included in the From address of all emails sent by Eventum)(This will be included in the From address of all notes sent by Eventum)(Tip: port defaults are 110 for POP3 servers and 143 for IMAP ones)(archived)(default %1)(default folder is INBOX)(e.g. %1)(hold 'ALT' key and press '3' one time) - to access the 'Search' box(hold 'ALT' key and press '4' one time) - to access the 'Go' box(in hours please)(literally)(requires %1 installed in your server)(separate multiple addresses with commas)(this color will be used in the issue listing page)(three letter abbreviation)-- Select One --NOTE: Email will NOT be sent to the notification list, if this option if chosen. This is useful as way to backload a set of emails into an existing issue.NOTE: Email will be broadcasted to the full notification list, including any customers, if this option is chosen.NOTE: Email will be saved as a note and broadcasted only to staff users.A new issue was just created and assigned to you.A new issue was just created in the system.A new user was just created for you in the system.ADDEDADVISORY: Your reply will be sent to the notification list.ALERT:ALLALT-3ALT-4AND / ORAbbreviationAbbreviation:Account CreationAccount ManagerAccount SignupAdd / Edit CategoriesAdd New FilesAdd New RequirementAll IssuesAn error occurred while trying to add the new account.An error occurred while trying to add the new action.An error occurred while trying to add the new category.An error occurred while trying to add the new status.The associated time tracking entry was also deleted.The command above will checkout and create the CVSROOT directory that you will need to work with. Next, open the loginfo file and add the following line:The default options for email notifications are used to pre-select the notification related fields when you report a new issue, or subscribe manually for changes in the issue details page.The description field should be used to describe the new issue. Good practices dictate that this field should have a description of what happened, steps to reproduce the problem/issue and what you expected to happen instead.The email address / password combination could not be found in the system.The first thing to do is to checkout the %1 module from your CVS repository:The following %1 reminder could not be sent out because no recipients could be foundThe following addresses could not be matched against the system user records:The following is a brief overview of the available user permission levels in Eventum:The following user is already assigned to this issueThe full history of changes related to the current issue is available by clickin on the 'History of Changes' link.The given email addressThe issue details screen can be accessed quickly by using the 'Go' input field in the top of your browser window. Just enter the issue number and it will take you to the appropriate screen.The issue was updated by %1The last step of this installation process is to login into the CVS server and copy the %1 script into the %2 directory. Make sure you give the appropriate permissions to the script.The new revision of the fileThe old revision of the fileThe original message headers followThe provided trial account email address could not be confirmed. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The provided trial account email address could not be found. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The provided trial account encrypted hash could not be authenticated. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.The quick search table in the top of the screen helps the users find the issues they want quickly. More advanced searches may be created using the Advanced Search tool.The specified note does not exist.The specified value already exists in the list of options.The two passwords do not match. Please review your information and try again.The uploaded file is already attached to the current issue. Please rename the file and try again.There seems to be a problem connecting to the database server specified in your configuration file. Please contact your local system administrator for further assistance.quick searchsort by datesort by recipientsort by sendersort by subjectsort by summarystandard user and above onlythis will determine the order in which actions are triggeredto access this page.un-assignedun-scheduledupdate entryupdate this entryview email detailsview issue detailsview note detailsview reminder action detailsview reminder detailsview the full history of changes on this issueview the history of sent emailsvisible to allweekyearProject-Id-Version: eventum Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-21 14:43+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-26 14:53+0000 Last-Translator: medalet Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-01-22 04:58+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build 12177) 请访问下面的 URL 就可以查看此问题的详情或者更新它。#%1$s - %2$s完成百分比%1 字段%1$s 组%1$s 或更高%1$s 或较低%1 %2 跳转'Note Discussion', 'Email Discussion' 及 'Telephone Discussion' 分类是 Eventum 所必需的,不能删除。(所有问题)通过 'Address Hostname' 来 改变域GMT开放问题必须包含一个有效的 email 地址,例如 "%1"或 "%2"这将包含在由Eventum发送的所有 Email 地址里面这将出现在由Eventum发出的所有备注的发信人地址里。提示: POP3 的默认端口是 110,IMAP的是 143已存档的默认为%1默认目录是收件箱例如:%1同时按下 'Alt' 和 3 以访问 搜索同时按下 'Alt' 和 4 以访问 前进在小时仿照要求您的机器上已安装 %1(多地址以逗号隔开)此颜色将用于问题列表页面三个字母的缩写词请选择注意:如果选择此项, 邮件将 不会 发送到提醒列表。这在要从已存在问题中删除指定邮件时非常有用。注意:如果选择此项,邮件会广播发送到所有提醒列表名单,包括所有的客户。注意:邮件会被存为备注,且仅对员工广播发送。一个新的问题刚刚被创建并分配给你。系统中刚创建了一条新问题。您刚刚在系统中创建了一个新用户。新增提示:您的回复将被发往通知列表。警告:所有ALT-3ALT-4与/或简称简称:创建用户项目管理员账户注册添加/编辑 分类添加新文件添加新需求所有问题当试图添加新账户时产生一个错误。当试图添加新动作时产生一个错误。当试图添加新分类时产生一个错误。添加新状态时产生了一个错误。相关的跟踪项也已被删除。以上命令将检出并创建你需要用到的CVSROOT目录。下一步,打开loginfo文件,并添加以下几行:邮件提醒的默认选项用于在你提交一个新问题,或者手动更改问题详细信息的时候,预先选择提醒相关的字段。描述字段应该用于描述新的问题。建议描述发生了什么,重现问题的步骤,以及你期望发生什么。无法找到邮箱地址或密码。首先要做的是从您的CVS 仓库检出 %1 模块:找不到收件人,以下 %1 提醒无法发出无法在系统用户记录中找到以下地址:以下是在Eventum中可用的用户权限等级的概览。该问题已分配给以下用户关于当前问题的完整更改记录可以通过点击“更改历史”链接来查看。给定的邮件地址问题详细信息页面可以通过使用浏览器窗口顶部的“Go”输入域快速访问。只要输入问题单号,你就会访问到对应的页面。问题由 %1 更新安装过程的最后一步是登陆CVS服务器并拷贝 %1 脚本到目录 %2 中。请确保脚本有权限执行。此文件的新版本此文件的旧版本原始消息头如下无法确认您所提供的试用邮件账号.请联系当地技术支持以获取更多帮助.无法找到您所提供的试用邮件账号.请联系当地技术支持以获取更多帮助.您所提供的试用邮件账号鉴权失败.请联系当地技术支持以获取更多帮助.屏幕上方的快速搜索表可以帮助用户快色找到他们关心的问题.可以试用高级搜索工具来进行更详细搜索.指定的备注不存在选项列表中已存在指定的值.两次密码不一致.请检查输入信息并重试.上传的文件已附加到当前问题.请修改文件名并重试.无法连接您在配置文件中指定的数据库服务器.请联系系统管理员获取更多帮助.快速查询按日期排序按收件人排序按发件人排序按主题排序按摘要排序仅限标准用户及以上这将决定触发动作的次序访问此页面未分派未调度更新项更新此项查看邮件细节查看问题细节查看备注细节查看提醒者活动信息查看提醒者详细信息查看此系列变更的完整历史已发历史Email全部可见周年