{include file="header.tpl.html"}

{if $confirm_result != 1} {else} {/if}
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'password'}{t}Password Confirmation{/t}{else}{t}Account Creation{/t}{/if} {t}Error{/t}:
{t}Password Confirmation Success{/t}!

{if $confirm_result == -1} {t}The provided trial account email address could not be confirmed. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.{/t} {elseif $confirm_result == -2} {t}The provided trial account email address could not be found. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.{/t} {elseif $confirm_result == -3} {t}The provided trial account encrypted hash could not be authenticated. Please contact the local Technical Support staff for further assistance.{/t} {elseif $confirm_result == 1} {t}Thank you, your request for a new password was confirmed successfully. You should receive an email with your new password shortly.{/t}

{t}Back to Login Form{/t}

{include file="footer.tpl.html"}