{literal} {/literal} {if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'} {else} {/if} {if $result != ""} {/if}
{t}Manage Email Accounts{/t}
{if $smarty.post.cat == "new"} {if $result == -1} {t}An error occurred while trying to add the new account.{/t} {elseif $result == 1} {t}Thank you, the email account was added successfully.{/t} {/if} {elseif $smarty.post.cat == "update"} {if $result == -1} {t}An error occurred while trying to update the account information.{/t} {elseif $result == 1} {t}Thank you, the account was updated successfully.{/t} {/if} {/if}
{t}Associated Project:{/t} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="project"}
{t}Hostname{/t}: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="hostname"}
{t}Port{/t}: {t}(Tip: port defaults are 110 for POP3 servers and 143 for IMAP ones){/t} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="port"}
{t}IMAP Folder{/t}:/b> {t}(default folder is INBOX){/t} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="folder"}
{t}Username{/t}: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="username"}
{t}Password{/t}: {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="password"}
{t}Advanced Options{/t}: {t}Only Download Unread Messages{/t}
{t}Leave Copy of Messages On Server{/t}
{t escape="none"}Use account for non-subject based email/note/draft routing.{/t}
{t}Note{/t}:: {t}If you check this, you cannot leave a copy of messages on the server.{/t}
{if $smarty.get.cat == 'edit'} {else} {/if}
{t}Existing Accounts:{/t}
{literal} {/literal} {section name="i" loop=$list} {cycle values=$cycle assign="row_color"} {sectionelse} {/section}
 {t}Associated Project{/t}  {t}Hostname{/t}  {t}Type{/t}  {t}Port{/t}  {t}Username{/t}  {t}Mailbox{/t}  {t}Auto-Creation of Issues{/t}
 {$list[i].prj_title}  {$list[i].ema_hostname|escape:"html"}  {$list[i].ema_type}  {$list[i].ema_port}  {$list[i].ema_username|escape:"html"}  {$list[i].ema_folder}  {$list[i].ema_issue_auto_creation|ucfirst}
{t}No email accounts could be found.{/t}
{literal} {/literal}