{include file="header.tpl.html"} {include file="navigation.tpl.html"} {if $error_msg == 1}
{t}There was an error creating your issue.{/t}

{/if} {if $new_issue_id != "" and $smarty.post.report_stays != "yes"}
{if $quarantine_status > 0} {/if}
{if $errors|@count == 0} {t}Thank you, the new issue was created successfully. Please choose from one of the options below{/t}: {else} {t}Thank you, the new issue was created successfully.{/t}
{t}However, the following errors were encountered:{/t}
    {foreach from=$errors name=errors item=error}
  • {$error}
  • {/foreach}
{t}Please choose from one of the options below:{/t} {/if} {t}Otherwise, you will be automatically redirected to the Issue Details Page in 5 seconds.{/t}

{t}Warning: your issue is currently quarantined.{/t}
{t 1="faq.php" escape=no}Please see the FAQ for information regarding quarantined issues.{/t}

{literal} {/literal} {else} {literal} {/literal} {if $message != ''}

{if $current_role < $field_display_settings.assignment} {/if} {if $releases|@count < 1 || $current_role < $field_display_settings.release} {* Hidden field if there are no scheduled releases *} {/if} {if $cats|@count < 1 || $current_role < $field_display_settings.category} {/if} {if $current_role < $field_display_settings.priority} {/if} {if $current_role < $field_display_settings.estimated_dev_time} {/if} {if $current_role < $field_display_settings.private} {/if} {assign var="tabindex" value=1}
{if $cats|@count > 0 && $current_role >= $field_display_settings.category} {/if} {if $current_role >= $field_display_settings.priority} {/if} {if $current_role >= $field_display_settings.assignment} {/if} {if $groups|@count > 0 && $current_role >= $field_display_settings.group} {/if} {if $releases|@count > 0 && $current_role >= $field_display_settings.release} {/if} {if $current_role >= $field_display_settings.estimated_dev_time} {/if} {if $current_role >= $field_display_settings.private} {/if} {include file="edit_custom_fields.tpl.html" custom_fields=$custom_fields form_type='report'} {assign var=tabindex value=$tabindex+50} {if $has_customer_integration} {include file="customer/$customer_backend_name/report_form_fields.tpl.html"} {* set tab index very high now to account for inputs in customer file *} {assign var="tabindex" value=$tabindex+30} {/if} {if $current_role >= $field_display_settings.file} {/if}
{t}Create New Issue{/t} ({t}Current Project{/t}: {$current_project_name})
{t}Category{/t}: * {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="report_category"} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="category"}
{t}Priority{/t}: * {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="report_priority"} {* Figure out default priority *} {if $smarty.post.priority != '' && $new_issue_id == ''} {assign var="priority" value=$smarty.post.priority} {else} {assign var="priority" value=3} {/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="priority"}
{t}Assignment{/t}: {if $allow_unassigned_issues != 'yes'}*{/if} {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="report_assignment"} {if $new_issue_id == ''} {assign var='selected_users' value=$smarty.post.users} {/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="users[]"}
{t}Group{/t}: {if $new_issue_id == ''} {assign var='selected_group' value=$smarty.post.group} {/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="group"}
{t}Scheduled Release{/t}: {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="report_release"} {if $new_issue_id == ''} {assign var='selected_release' value=$smarty.post.release} {/if}
{t}Summary{/t}: * {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="report_summary"} {if $new_issue_id != ''} {assign var='issue_summary' value=''} {elseif $issue_summary == ''} {assign var='issue_summary' value=$smarty.request.summary} {/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="summary"}
{t}Initial Description{/t}: * {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="report_description"} {if $new_issue_id != ''} {assign var='issue_description' value=''} {elseif $issue_description == ''} {assign var='issue_description' value=$smarty.post.description} {/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="description"}
{t}Estimated Dev. Time{/t}: {include file="help_link.tpl.html" topic="report_estimated_dev_time"}  {if $new_issue_id == ''} {assign var='estimated_dev_time' value=$smarty.post.estimated_dev_time} {/if} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="estimated_dev_time"} ({t}in hours{/t})
{t}Private{/t}:   {t}Yes{/t} {t}No{/t} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="private"}
{t}Add Files{/t}
{t 1=$max_attachment_size}Note: The current maximum allowed upload file size is %1{/t}
{t}Keep form open to report another issue{/t}     
* {t}Required fields{/t}
{if $emails != ""} {include file="attached_emails.tpl.html"} {/if}
{literal} {/literal} {/if} {include file="app_info.tpl.html"} {include file="footer.tpl.html"}