{include file="header.tpl.html" application_title="Eventum Installation"} {literal} {/literal} {if $result != '' and $result != 'success'}
{t}An Error Was Found{/t}

{t}Details{/t}: {$result}

{/if} {if $result == 'success'}

{t}Thank You, Eventum is now properly setup and ready to be used. Open the following URL to login on it for the first time:{/t}
{if $smarty.post.is_ssl == 'yes'}https://{else}http://{/if}{$smarty.post.hostname}{$smarty.post.relative_url}

{t}Email Address{/t}: admin@example.com {t}(literally){/t}
{t}Password{/t}: admin

{t}NOTE: For security reasons it is highly recommended that the default password be changed as soon as possible.{/t}

{t 1="setup"}Remember to protect your '%1' directory (like changing its permissions) to prevent anyone else from changing your existing Eventum configuration.{/t}

{t}In order to check if your permissions are setup correctly visit the{/t} {t}Check Permissions{/t} {t}page{/t}. {if not $is_imap_enabled}

{t}WARNING: If you want to use the email integration features to download messages saved on a IMAP/POP3 server, you will need to enable the IMAP extension in your PHP.INI configuration file. See the PHP manual for more details.{/t} {/if}


{t}Eventum Installation{/t}

{t}Server Hostname{/t}: * {assign var="tabindex" value="1"} {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="hostname"} {t}SSL Server{/t}
{t}Eventum Relative URL{/t}: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="relative_url"}
 {t}MySQL Server Hostname{/t}: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="db_hostname"}
{t}MySQL Database{/t}: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="db_name"} Create Database
{t}MySQL Table Prefix{/t}:
{t}Drop Tables If They Already Exist{/t}
{t}MySQL Username{/t}: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="db_username"}
({t}Note{/t}: {t}This user requires permission to create and drop tables in the specified database.{/t}
{t}This value is used only for these installation procedures, and is not saved if you provide a separate user below.{/t})
{t}MySQL Password:{/t}
{t}Use a Separate MySQL User for Normal Eventum Use{/t}
{t}Enter the details below:{/t}
 {t}Username{/t}: *    {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="eventum_user"}
{t}Create User and Permissions{/t}


{include file="lookup_field.tpl.html" lookup_field_name="search" lookup_field_target="default_timezone"}
{t}Week starts on:{/t}   

{t}SMTP Configuration{/t}

{t}Note:{/t} {t}The SMTP (outgoing mail) configuration is needed to make sure emails are properly sent when creating new users/projects.{/t}  
{t}Sender{/t}: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="setup[smtp][from]"} ({t}must be a valid email address{/t})
{t}Hostname{/t}: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="setup[smtp][host]"}
{t}Port{/t}: * {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="setup[smtp][port]"}
{t}Requires Authentication?{/t}  {t}Yes{/t}   {t}No{/t}
{t}Username{/t}:  {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="setup[smtp][username]"}
{t}Password{/t}:  {include file="error_icon.tpl.html" field="setup[smtp][password]"}
* {t}Required Fields{/t}
{literal} {/literal} {/if} {include file="footer.tpl.html"}